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Everyone at school is so terrible. Thank you for making me hate myself.


@CalPal We all know you are an emo bîtch. There is no need to put it on Twitter. No. One. Cares.

I quickly wipe my tears away and walk into my house. I enter my room and see a note that my dad left me. It reads:


I had to go to my mom's house for 3 days. I bought some food for you. Take care of yourself.

I love you.


Fan-fücking-tastic. Now I'm left home with my mom. Well, it's not like I'll see her. She hates me and my dad, so she hides away in her room. She's basically using my dad for the money he doesn't have.

I go on Twitter again and see that Luke tweeted and followed a few fans. I click on our messages and start typing.


I'm sorry to bother you, but I need someone to talk to.

I wait about 10 minutes, until I hear the familiar ding.


You're not bothering me. Is there anything specific you want to talk about?


Uhh. Yeah, actually. I need some advice about what to do if I get bullied at school. Then, cyber bullied.


What did those asšholes do? Are you alright?


Yeah, I'll be fine. What do I do though? They put a bunch of little notes in my locker with terrible names on them. They weren't even from a small group of people. They were from almost the whole school.


Have you told anyone?


My dad called the school, but they didn't believe him. I just wish my life was better. Like yours. You have the perfect life....


My life is no where near perfect. This is not what I expected from being famous. There are so many rumors of me dating models.


What's so bad about that?


I'll tell you a secret, but you can't tell ANYONE.


Okay, I promise.


I'm gay. I'm sorry.


I'm confused? Why are you sorry? That's nothing to be sorry about. I'm gay too.


Uhm, yeah, I have to go. Bye

And just like that, he was gone. No 'xx.' No 'Stay Strong.' Nothing.

Everyone keeps leaving me.

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