The Maiden And The Wolf --- Chapter 16 (Improved)

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*As it took me so long to upload Chapter 15, I thought I'd make it up to you guys with another chapter :) Thank you all for still reading <3 Please vote, fan and comment!*


The slide door slammed shut with an almightily crash that caused the delicate ornate wooden frame to crack and splinter and the paper to tear.           Spinning around Dakota saw no one there but he felt their presence on the edge of his consciousness. Out of now where Dakota's legs were knocked out from under him and he was sent landing heavily on his back. Before he could rise the cold sharp tip of a long knife was gabbed at his throat.                                                   

"Prince Dakota," a harsh icy male voice hissed from close above him, "you will die now."  

Chapter 16

Dakota forced himself to remain calm, his magic was in reach but he was still too weak to control it. Something twisted in his stomach and he felt his muscles clench and contract. With every second that pasted Dakota felt his wolf side growing stronger. His jaw ached like someone was trying to stretch it.               

The blade tip at his throat drew blood as the assassin pushed it harder against Dakota's skin.                                                                                                                        

"You sinful beast!" spat the assassin, "you will pay for your crimes with you retched life though it is one lower then swine!"                                                                        

"You do not know what you are up against, Assassin!" snarled Dakota.               

"Ha, I do know what I face, Dark Prince!" he hissed back, "maybe it is you who thinks so little of I!"                                                                                                       

Dakota spat at the Assassin's face, throwing him off guard, he tore the knife from his hand and kicked the man off him. Scrambling to his feet Dakota braced himself for the Assassin's next move but it never came. Agony cut through Dakota's body, he yelled out and fell to his knees. Red vines of black sorcery began to slowly snake their way around his body, changing it, manipulating it.       

The massive black wolf rose from if a deep slumber, his fury of being caged within Dakota made him wild, clawing at Dakota's mind. The agony was so intense that in momentarily blinded Dakota, he cradling his pulsating head in his hands.        

No. Dakota thought, mentally pushing back at the wolf within him. The wolf throw it's shoulder against the walls that Dakota were constructing around his mind. Howling with rage, causing Dakota's ears to throb and his muscles to quake, the wolf turned and dived back into the realms of thick black unconsciousness around Dakota's soul.                                                                                                                        

The pain subsiding and his body loosened, Dakota looked up and saw the Assassin pressed against the opposite wall. His eyes were wide with disbelieving horror and terror filled tears. His lean trained composed frame shaking and mouth opening and closing lost for words through dread.                                                       

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