The Maiden And The Wolf Prologue (Improved)

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Hey Everyone!

That's right I'm back and raring to pick up from where I left off!

Here is the improved prologue of TMATW (the maiden and the wolf) I have basically rewritten the story and it's better then every! Some of it u will have read before. I Hope you guys like it. Please PLEASE leave me a comment below u have no idea how much I have missed Reading what u guys think of my work! Please also become a FAN if u aren't already! Thanks. Love you lot. Xxxx ENJOY!!!

The Maiden And The Wolf (Improved)


The story of the maiden and the wolf is hard to tell as it hasn't yet finished, the tale is still unfolding. It is a story of dark sorcery and destined love, of vengeful alliances and bloodthirsty war. ​

It happened and still is happening in the land of Altas that was already unstable by continuous fighting between the two sovereigns, the Torhan and the Eltarn, that ruled the land and was unready for the war that consumed it so quickly and unexpectedly. ​​​​​​​​

The land of Altas was split in half between the two ruling kingdoms that struggled against one another for land, never satisfied with the amount they had.​

The kingdom of Eltarn incorporated most of the mountainous north range and the eastern pine forest, moorland and the coastline that later curved around then downwards into the south and crossed the invisible borderline into the neighbouring enemy kingdom. Eltarn was rich from the silver and gold mines that littered the rocky mountain range but also weakened by the lack of suitable living space and farming land that the dense pine forests and unstable unpredictable swampy moorlands brought them. The damp sodden was almost impossible to plant crops in and the forests were harder still to clear for villages being protected by ancient forest spirits and powerful creatures that once were worshipped but now feared and even hunted for money and fame. The world was changing and less and less magic and ancient spirits were called upon at times of need. The Eltarn were ruled by a determined king and a warm-hearted queen, and had three heirs to the throne, one daughter and two sons.​​​​​

The south and west belonged to the Torhan kingdom, wealthy from the plentiful grassy rolling hill sides perfect for farming and the small less protected forests that were almost entirely cut down, the growing community demanding more living space. However their portion of the coastline was much rockier, too dangerous for fishing boats and often plagued with the unwanted attention of pirates from other kingdoms across the ocean that neither the Torhan nor the Eltarn had managed to voyage to. Unlike the Eltarns the Torhan still honoured the spirits of the land and many thought that was why they seemed to have greater luck with the agricultural aspects of everyday life. The Torhan were ruled by a fiercely loyal king and a sly keen-eyed queen. Only one son was left to rise to take the throne after the death of his father.​​​​​​

There was however, an unusual gap in the Torhan's royal bloodline, Prince Dakota had been the heir to the throne three hundred years ago. What had happened to him had become a legend that everyone knew of no matter what kingdom they belonged to.​​​​​​​​

The Legend had been passed down through the generations of men and women, details have been forgotten or changed over the years but the main story remains as true as the first time it was heard and told; ​​​​​

It is said that Prince Dakota was selfish and spiteful; he lusted for power and the devotion of his people. He had everything anyone could ever have wished for but it was never enough. Prince Dakota welcomed war and violence, stories tell of him sending men hundreds of miles in ever direction to find dangerous beasts and to bring them back to him. He would cage the exotic animals, starve them, provoke them and finally make them fight against one another to the death. It was his idea of entertainment. He declared war with the Eltarn when ever he could. He would butcher an entire helpless village if they fell behind with the harvest or paying their taxes. Disloyalty was punishable by death in his eyes. ​

The Prince lived like this until his twentieth birthday. On the eve of his adulthood a beautiful woman appeared at his castle door. She entranced him through dance and song, her beauty unmatched by any of the maids that he often slept with. But it was her boldness and spirit that fascinated the Prince so much. The woman held herself with the strength of a warrior but moved with the grace of a goddess and spoke with freedom dancing in her eyes. He had never met a woman like her before. ​​​​​​​​​

Prince Dakota himself was known throughout the kingdoms for his handsomeness. His black hair, mismatched eyes, tall lean frame and muscled body; he looked the type of man any girl dreamed of loving. ​​​​

It was when the clock tower struck ten that they were alone and the beautiful woman revealed herself for what she really was. She was a sorceress and a powerful ancient one at that. ​​​​​​​

The legend says that she released the many beasts that Prince Dakota had imprisoned and the vengeful creatures had encircled their once master. The sorceress wanted to make the Prince suffer for his crimes, to hear him plead for her mercy, to see his handsome face turn to pain and fear as death waited to spring. But he didn't, the Prince didn't plead, beg, cry or even raise his voice as the beasts surrounded him. And it was because of his bravery before death that the sorceress spared his life but cursed him for all eternity by transforming the Prince into a wolf but not just any wolf a black wolf, the symbol of darkness and malevolence. The only way for Prince Dakota's curse to be lifted was for a girl of pure heart to love him for what he truly was; a spiteful narcissistic murderer.​​

Though the Torhan and the Eltarn had their differences there was something that both the kingdoms had in common, they both hated and feared these wolves. Black wolves prowled the two kingdoms bringing death to any that crossed their path but it was the dark magic that was said to flow in his veins that set him apart from other normal wolves.​​​​ ​​

And so the legend ends with Prince Dakota incarcerated within the body of a lone black wolf prowling between worlds of humans and animals; his sentence for his wicked deeds given no liberation. He did the only thing he could do, he ran for his life, no one knew where he went and the only witness to his true fate was the sorceress who was the single reason the legend even began. ​​​

The Torhan declared war on the Eltarn as they believed the rival kingdom had kidnapped the prince but it soon became clear that something much more sinister and dark had happened to the young prince. ​​​​​

Even after three hundred years there had been no news about from the lost Prince and most had lost hope and forgotten about him. Prince Dakota had become a myth by his own right and the story was often told to children to keep them faithful to their superiors, parents would say if a child dishonoured their family then the demons would come and curse and transform them into a monster and they would never been seen or heard from ever again. ​​​

It is said now after three hundred years that if you listen closely at night when the moon is full you can hear Prince Dakota's distant mournful howl on the wind calling to his undiscovered love to find and release him from his curse.

PLEASE tell me what u think, leave a comment below! Xxxx

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