Chapter 7 part 2: Sleep talk

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Linnea POV

Daniel looked so beautiful and peaceful in his sleep that I couldn't get my eyes off him. I laid there and stared him for a long time almost like half an hour. I wanted to run my fingers through his jaw line and his chest and more below, deep deep deep in the valley, he looked so sexy without his shirt. Half naked. What will he look like when he is fully naked.

Geez, did you just think that?
I desperately wanted to touch his tanned biceps . My hands were around 1/3th of his I guess, I looked so small in front of him. But definitely any girl would be lucky to be his gf, she would feel safe. But this bastard is such a dog. How could he think of fucking me.. Ewww... I don't even know his full name.

Stacy said his father had some San Francisco based business, and she wasn't sure but he was involved in criminal activities . Idk what it is, but I better stay away from him. Well does it even matter to me what he does or his mom or his cousin, this Monday I'll start new, away from him, his friends and everything.

But I so felt good when he touched me, but he was fucking drunk. He was high, and wanted to use me, that is why he brought me here. Who does he think I am? Anastasia Steele? I mean does anyone believe in love & fuck at first sight? Oh yes wait. I get it, this is why he brought me to his house to show that he is fucking wealthy. But I don't want someone's money. I want to earn my own. I m not like other bitches who gets manipulated easily with money and then will be ready to have sex with him, because boys like him are advanced in bedroom, but finally the girl gets dumped she will be thrown like a chewing gum ,used ,ruined and wasted. Poor her.
And if I m not forgetting he has a girlfriend, Stacy told me. She must be some Victoria secret model. He is a flirt, he must be fucking every girl around him. Fucking animal. I hate him.

I felt my eyes getting glossy, it was not because I was jealous ,it was because I felt cheap, because he thinks I m easy. Well okay okay, relax guys, I don't know what he thinks but whatever it is, this person has a gf, and he was drunk, and he was thinking of having sex with me.

I can't judge him, I dont know about his life, I.don't know him. He hardly said anything rude to you since day one, in fact he saved me eveytime. Remember when his friend Rick shouted at you, Daniel nearly kicked his ass, anyways later he showed that even he was no less than a dick like his friends.

He was rude to me first day but his first sight almost sent me off track of what I have been promising to myself since six months. Last night he was boyfriend material type, not when he locked me in the the room, ofcourse I m not talking about that. He bought me burger, he-- was there when I cried, I can't forget that feeling, I felt so safe, so safe, and secure, even in my enemy's hand. I know I didn't cry out for real, I was just messing around, trying to make fun of myself. Okay so let's fall into a final decision and cut this crap. I hate him, full stop, alright? And especially what he did now was beyond boundaries, , how could he touch me without my permission, and if I remember properly, he have been doing that since day one. He humiliated me today, does he think I m easy to get, just because I don't fight back or maybe because I look dumb? It can't be like he likes me or something,I have decent sized body, but i m not very good looking. So basically he thinks I m very easy, yeah I ll consider that as an answer for now.

No that doesn't mean I m going to make him sit and answer my questions after he wakes up. I don't do useless things, and after what he has done, I'll simply strangle him to death with his own silky strands falling on his eyes now, making him look adorable in his sleep. So fuck off Daniel. This might be your last peaceful sleep.

I poked him in his shoulder to check if he was awake. He didn't answer. I pushed him this time, trying to wake him up because if he doesn't wake up, how am I supposed to return? It was around 4pm. There is still time maybe I should let him sleep. He was drunk, and tired probably. I'll wake him up at six, till then I'll take the pleasure of roaming in his luxurious house. I got up and pushed his gorilla sized body in his bed. Pushing him in bed and adding a pillow for comfort burned all my fat. I pulled a blanket and grazed it over his shoulder and he grabbed onto my arm tight enough to leave it numb.

"What the hell? Are you awake?" I asked

"dad, she is hurt"


His grip in my hand tightened, like if I let him hold it for more than a sec , it would probably break.

"Now wtf? Seriously? Do you boys always talk in sleep about your past when you are drunk? Who the hell is hurt, please elaborate." He didn't reply. Well since I'm a curious, I'll give him a little push. "Baby.. Answer me who's hurt?"

"I can't kill you please" he mumbled, it was hard to understand, but my super brain can make out the words.

"Wow, there you go, am I writing a story over here?"

"Please" he sounded as if he would break down any moment. And it hurt me a lot.


"Okay this is getting serious, Daniel get up, you are having a noon-mare, get up Daniel. Dan--"
His body tensed up all of a suddenly, he was sweating. I nearly fell out of the bed when he sat up all of a sudden. His face was pale, he looked terrified....still holding my hand.

"Its okay Daniel you were dreaming, nothing has happened, please relax"

He turned towards me , still breathing heavily. I got up and tried to pull him down back to sleep, but as you know blah blah. I don't like talking about his muscles a lot.

"I'll get water for you" I said

"No I m fine" he was not, he looked furious and deadly. TBH I was really scared of him right now. I was trying not to freak out and jump out of the window.

"I don't think you are, please lay down and drink some water, you need to sober up"

"I M FINE DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT" he yelled at my face as if he was going to eat me. This time I really freaked out. So I just nodded and sat beside him on the floor like a loyal dog. On a serious note, I really wanted to run shouting but since he was holding my hand I thought it would be better for me to sit.

I saw anger in his eyes change into pain. I couldn't believe, I could see his eyes watering up. My heart almost sunk. Why was he feeling this way? Was his dream a true? What he said was true? Did he --

Really kill someone?

Whatever it was, right now he needed support or maybe he needed to be alone . so I guess I should leave. Plus seeing him cry was already making things awkward. I suck at comforting people, but at least I should stay with him.

No, I don't think he'll like the idea of me watching him cry. You know boy's ego. His eyes looked gloomy. I stood up and kept my free hand on top his shoulder and squeezed it slightly. I tried to release my other hand from his grip in attempt to leave, but he wouldn't let me. He pulled me down instead and made me sit on the bed, he laid down his head on my lap , his face almost kissed my abdomen. my stomach in response turned into a butterfly garden while there down there my inner goddess tingled. I didn't know what to say or what to do, this was awkwardly awkward. But this time my fingers didn't stop, It ran through his silky hairs to his face and down to his jaw line. I kept stroking his hair until he fell asleep again. Wow but now basically I m a baby sitter. Seriously Daniel ?

But he looks so adorable.

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