"How did ya get out?" I asked.

      She gestured to the car behind her with a warm grin, "I had some help..."

     A second wave of surprise nearly knocked me over. The dusty, stern form of Max opened the driver's side door and stood up. He gave me a little smile, dipping his head.

     "Bloodbag!" I squeaked, forgetting completely to use his real name, "B-but...How?"

     "He was captured too. He tried to stop Gastown during the first attack." Capable stated brightly. "But we also got help from Drayko." She turned towards the car and nodded towards the last person sitting in the back seat.

     I furrowed my brows, "Drayko? Who's that?"

     A tall, skinny boy slipped out of the car, eyes lowered with shyness. He had skin the color of wet sand, and black hair that stuck up in every direction. Everything about him screamed of neglect, the way he held himself, his clothes, and the bruises splotching his arms.

     "A gastown boy?" I hissed at Capable, anger beginning to boil in my chest, "You brought a gastown boy with you?"

   She gave me a hard look, "He was being held there against his will, just like Max and I. He was a slave to the Mayor. Without him, we wouldn't be here." she retorted.

     I cast Drayko a narrowed-eye glance, but nodded once, "If you trust him, so do I."

      "Whats going on?" Furiosa's melodic voice barked.

     The crowd split, allowing their leader to approach us. When she saw Capable, Max, and Drayko, she froze. Her eyes flicked to each of them, as if checking to make sure they were real.

     "You're back." Was all she said.

     Max grunted out a yes, looking pleased to see her alive and well. After all, the last time he saw Furiosa was when she was covered in her own blood and hardly able to stand. 

     Drayko perked up all of the sudden, his demeanor changing from timid to frightened. He whirled around and peered out through the opening to the elevator. I followed his gaze and spotted a group of headlights flickering in the distance.

    "They're coming." Drayko croaked, backing away slowly.

     "WEAPONS READY!" Furiosa ordered, whipping out a gun from her holster attached to her belt.

     Like a well oiled machine, each war boy and girl scooped up thundersticks and guns, aiming them outside. Some even climbed onto the elevator for a closer shot. Femur tossed a thunderstick to me without a word, the barrel of his shotgun trained in the cars approaching.

     We all waited in silence, watching the vehicles as they began to take on shapes. I could see a massive man standing in a convertible car, dreadlocks flying out behind him like snakes. there were three pursuit vehicles, lined up and rigged with machine guns. They slowed to a stop in front of us, killing their engines. We didn't lower our guard.

     "Furiosa!" The large man said with mock friendliness.

     She stepped forward, nearly teetering at the edge of the platform, "Why are you on my land, Mayor?" She snarled, flesh hand fingering the trigger of her gun.

    "Well you see," the Mayor began, "You seem to have stolen my treasure and one of my prized workers. I have come to retrieve them." he explained as if that made all the sense in the world. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Drayko shrink away from the opening in fear. 

    "People aren't property." Furiosa growled, "If they came here, it was of their own free will."

     I could practically see The Mayor's face darken, though the blanket of night concealed his face. "Either you hand them over to me, or we shoot." he roared.

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