Chapter 1

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"I don't want to marry mommy not with him". - I said - "At least even i know him a lot but it doesn't".

"But" - She said to me - "he's the son of a very closer friend of mine; Diana's son. He's so cute, handsome, a gentleman and his so smart!! No more than smarter he's a genius like you my dear Sophia".

"I know mom, i know"- I replied - "but we were closer in the childhood, not now".

My memories went back when i was a child, we were so competitive only us knew the answers to the questions in the classroom, the teachers were so proud with us. But two years later i moved with my family to the state of Ohio in Yorkshire 2345 then i lost touch with him.

He has an eidetic memory and an IQ 187 and he can read 20.000 words per minute. I have an eidetic memory too an IQ 220 and i can read 45.000 words per minute.

Only i knew about where he worked, on the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) in the headquarters of the FBI (Federal Bureau Investigation). He was the most younger member on his team, he was a Dr. and an Agent too and his name Spencer Reid.

The voice of my mom backed me to the present "And now his mother's was ill cause she's squizophrenic and his father left them when he was a child, he wasn't has a family".

"But i should know the members of his team were his family. He doesn't need another family mom".

"Yeah but they aren't his real family, we're his family now. For that reason your father and i invite him for a meeting tomorrow; we need more than anything to bring forward your wedding. Just decide that with your dad and that's all".

"Ok mom, ok". - I said.

Then an unkwon number rang to my cellphone.

"Mom i don't know this number; who's calling me?".

"Aaaah he must be Spencer Reid, i gave him the number of your cellphone. Answer him dear".

"I don't want" - I replied and cut the call.

"Sweetie answer him please?". - My mom asked to me.

"Ok mom, i'll do it". Then the number of Spencer rang me again.

I hung on my cellphone when i hear a family male voice.


"Yeah is Sophia Carter who's calling me?".

And then i told my mom to leave me alone to answered the phone.

"I'm going to the second floor if you need me i'll be on my bedroom." She told me.

"Dr. Spencer Reid". - He answered the phone.

"Speeencer Reiiid, Speeencer Reiiid...mmm...aah Spencer how are you?"

"Fine Sophia, i'm calling to you for the tomorrow meeting, tell your mamma i'll go".

"Ok Spence i'm going to tell her".

"Your mother told me all about you, you have and eidetic memory too. Your IQ is most than mine 220 and you can read 45.000 words per minute that's awesome you're a genius like me. She showed me photos of you and y-y- you're so p-p-pretty like a b-b-brunette d-d-doll and your h-h-hazel eyes have the color of the h-h-honey. I call you cause i'm c-c-crush on y-y-you and i need to know you much c-c-closer until the meeting of tomorrow. What do you think? Can we meet now? I w-w-want you n-n-now". - He said.

"I'm not a thing, i'm a human being like you Spencer". - I told him.

"Oh sorry Sophia, excuse me please". - Said Reid.

"Ok don't worry"- And then i listened laughs to the other side of the phone, that made me angry. - "This is a kind of joke Spencer?".

"No, no is not a joke Sophia this must be serious to me. Well the persons you listen laugh there are my co-workers Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia and Jennifer Jareau JJ, please don't pay attention them.

My Arranged Marriage to Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu