Let me love you

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I laid there on my bed smiling while texting Britt. It's been a month and we are back on track. We had days that she would feel down but I always made sure I picked her back up.

* Brittana text *

Britt: I'm finally back at my dorm babe!

San: Okay baby! How was work?

Britt: It was okay. Some guy was drunk and grabbed us but Puck took care of it.

San: Wait! Some guy touched my girl? Who is he! I will go all Lima Heights on his sorry little ass!

Britt: San.... Be nice xP Puck handled it baby.

San: Fine! Snix will be put away

Britt: Lol dick head

San: Douche cock

Britt: Haha I'm your Douche Cock!

San: And I am your Dick Head <3

Britt: I love you baby

San: I love you more

Britt: I love you more than unicorns

San: I love you more than I love my food

Britt: I love you to the end of the Galaxy and back!


Britt: XD you love me!

San: Hmmm.... I love you to infinity and beyond! That seems the same :*

Britt: aww I feel the love!

San: you are my infinity Britt Britt

Britt: and you are my infinity too Sanny

San: You busy?

Britt: Nope! Quinn left with Rachel to breadstix

San: Meet me in the music room in 30 min?

Britt: Okay baby! See you soon

San: See you soon gorgeous


I quickly rinse my body and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a white tank top, and threw my black leather jacket on that had a hoodie. Slipped on my dark blue converse and tied my hair in a high pony.

I made my way down the halls and stopped at the door. Attached to the side was a beautiful red rose and a mini teddy bear. I picked it up and slowly opened the door. There sat Santana with her beautiful raven hair flowing down. She wore a grey loose top and her short shorts on with some combat boots. She smiled at me and motioned me to sit next to her by the piano.

I took a seat next to her and placed my lips on hers. She pulled me into her lap and I instantly wrapped my arms around her neck. Pulling her close and feeling her soft lips on mine. Her kiss was so soft and passionate. We pulled apart and I placed my forehead against hers. She softly places her hands on my cheek and smiled at me.

Santana: So I wanted you here cause I wanted to play you a song.

Brittany: What is it?

I sat next to her as she picked up a guitar and started playing.

I don't know what it is that you've done to me
But it's caused me to act in such a crazy way
Whatever it is that you do when you do what you're doing
It's a feeling that I don't understand

'Cause my heart starts beating triple time
With thoughts of loving you on my mind
I can't figure out just what to do
When the cause and cure is you

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