Hospital Visits

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It's been about a week since I took Brittany from the hospital. She hasn't waken up yet and I've been here every single day. Doctors said they found Ecstasy in her blood system but don't know how many she has taken.

The gang has been in and out of the room but I continued to stay. I wanted to be by her side when she woke up. I wanted to make sure she was okay.

What am I talking about? What is it that she makes me feel this way? I can't understand why I care so much for a girl I pick on and hurt so much. I don't even know if she's even into girls? Or even into me? Wait did I just thought of this? Do I like her?

I watched as she continues to sleep. She looks so peaceful and cute while asleep. I held her hand and prayed she wake up soon.

Rachel: (walks in) San come on. You need to eat something and get some rest.

Santana: I'm fine.

Rachel: I promise you can come back once you eat something.

Santana: (stares at Brittany) promise?

Rachel: I promise! Emily will keep her company until you come back.

Santana: Okay, just for a little bit. (Waits for Rachel to leave and leaves a kiss on her forehead) I'll be back Britt.

I walked into the room once the girls left. I haven't seen Santana care so much for a girl like this. Not even to Dani before they broke up. It made me smile to see that someone was capable of taming this cold hearted snake.

Emily: (to Brittany) Hey Britt, I know you probably can't hear me or maybe you can? But, I wanted to thank you so much. You really change my sister. She hasn't even left your side since she took you here. I hope you wake up soon. We all miss you!

4 Days Later

Almost two weeks has passed and she hasn't waken up yet. I'm starting to get worried that she would never wake up. All of us are praying for her to wake before the doctors decide to pull the plug. I can't lose my best friend. Not yet. Not anytime soon.

I laid my head down crying into her arm begging for her to wake up.

Brittany: (groans) Quinn shut up! You are making my head hurt!

Quinn: (looks up quickly) Y-your awake! GUYS SHE'S AWAKE!!!!

Brittany: (opens eyes) Once again the yelling!

Quinn: (hugs her tight) You scared me you nutter!

Brittany: (smiles) I missed you too Q. Where am I?

Santana: (walks in with the gang) You scared me blondie! Don't you ever do that again!

Brittany: (smiles) Thank you Santana.

Santana: For what?

Brittany: I may have been asleep but I did hear almost everything. The doctor said you carried me here and demanded I get help right away

Santana: Nothing big. Just needed you off my back and didn't want to look like the bad guy for leaving you on the floor.

Brittany: (smiles)

Doctor: So you are awake! Do you remember anything Ms. Pierce?

Brittany: (thinks for a bit) All I remember was dancing. Then someone next to me gave me candy so I ate it. Then I started to feel dizzy and now I'm here.

Doctor: Do you remember how much you took?

Brittany: I think 3-4?

Doctor: Well we are keeping you in here for another two days to keep an eye on you. Then, you can go home with your friends. (Smiles and leaves)

Brittany: I don't like hospitals (pouting)

Quinn: (laughs) Well you have been here for almost two weeks B! New record!

Hanna: Wait why don't you like hospitals?

Brittany: N-nothing. Just don't like them.

Santana: (looks at her suspiciously)

Quinn: WELL! We better let you rest B! We should head home. But I promise to be back!

Brittany: Whaaaa! No stay! Please! Don't leave!!!

Emily: San why don't you keep her company?

Santana: Nope! Not my problem (heads out)

Emily and Hanna follows

Emily: (thinking) Hmmm Brittany is kind of cute.

Santana: What!?

Emily: Yeah, think I might ask her out.

Hanna: Seriously????

Emily: Actually yeah! Maybe I should stay back and keep an eye on her! (Turns around)

Santana: No me gusta! I'll watch her! I don't want you alone with her! (Pulls her back and walks to the room)

Hanna: Do you really like her?

Emily: No, I just know Santana is stubborn about her feelings so decided to mess with her (winks) Now come on! I'm starving!!!

Couple hours later

After a hour of talking with Quinn I started to hear noises coming from behind me. I turned to see Brittany playing with her nuggets that Quinn gave her and making dinosaur noises. Usually I would think its weird but it was actually cute.

She started to notice we were watching her and quickly stopped and started eating her food. It wasn't until she finally went back to sleep and Quinn decided to leave. I stayed back and laid sat next to her bed. I kept looking at her on how beautiful she was. She made me feel different and made me want to protect her.

Santana: I'm kind of hoping you are asleep. That you won't hear me when I say this. But Brittany I think I am-

(Heart monitor goes off)

A/N: Oh no! What's going to happen to Brittany? What did Santana have to say?

Let Me Be Your InfintyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora