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After a few hours of getting our dorms and unpacking I had a few minutes left before I head to my auditions. I was so nervous I felt like the magical unicorns in my tummy would explode rainbows! This was my first performance in a long time and didn't want to screw it up.

I got off of my bed and decided to take a quick shower. After that I threw on my red geek crop top, some black sweats, and my black and white converse. I looked in the mirror and tied my hair in a high pony and kept my makeup natural.

Quinn: (walks into the bathroom) You're going to kill that audition B!

Brittany: Thanks Q. Just really wish you were coming with me. It would help a lot and to know one face in that room.

Quinn: Hey, look at me! You will be fine! Actually talk to people okay? And who knows you might find a hot girl there. (Winks)

Brittany: (laughs) Really Q? I don't think I'll be looking for a relationship anytime soon. I mean I'm still not over what happened with hi-

Quinn: Don't even bring him up. We both agreed to leave it alone! Now hurry before you are late. (Gives a quick hug)

Brittany: Thank you Quinn. For everything (hugs back and heads out)

As I left the dorm I was now left to find the auditorium. The school was so huge it was easy for a girl like me to get lost. After a few minutes of looking a bumped into a short brunette girl. Her hair was wavy and let down with her bangs in the front. She wore black heels, black skirt that came up to her knees, and a grey long sleeve. She looked at me with a huge smile that sort of scared me a bit.

Girl: You must be new here!

Brittany: Is it that easy to tell? (Nervous)

Girl: Sort of! I'm Rachel Berry, where are you heading to?

Brittany: I'm Brittany Pierce, and I'm looking for the auditorium. But, I seem to be lost here.

Rachel Berry: Well it's your lucky day! I'm headed there as well!

She quickly pulled me towards the auditorium and continued to talk. I basically zoned out cause to be honest she was a bit annoying yet a nice person. We finally reached the auditorium just as I zoned back to a squealing Rachel.

Rachel: Here we are!!! Good luck Brittany! I am up so see you soon! (Getting on stage)

Brittany: Thanks? (Sits in the front)

I watched as she sang and wow she was amazing singing Defying Gravity!!! We all clapped as she ended and exited off the stage to sit by her friends.

Schuester: Brittany Pierce? You are up!

(On stage)
Brittany: Hello, I'm Brittany Pierce and I'll be dancing to Break Free by Ariana Grande.

Music began to start and moved my body to the beat. I imagined as if it were only me in the room and let my body flow to the music. As it came to an end I heard an applause and bowed to the audience.

Schuester: Well done! I will be posting up on the bored if you made it or not tomorrow morning! (Claps) Okay next up! Santana and Emily Lopez!

Rachel: They will be here soon!

Schuester: I'm sorry but if they are not here in a min-

Santana: Shut your pie hole I'm here!

Emily: San shut it! (Looks at him) are we up?

I quickly got off stage causing myself to accidentally run into the short Latina girl.

Santana: Watch where your going blondie!

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