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I decided to head to work early and not deal with anyone from school or stay in my dorm. I said hi to Puck and headed in the back to change into uniform. As I finished I headed out to see if Puck needed help before the show.

"Hey there good looking"

I turned to look at who it was and my heart started pounding. How did he find me. Why did he come here.

Brittany: S-Sam. How did you find me?

Sam: I know my ways. Why are you here! (Looks at her) and dressed like that!

Brittany: I-I work here.

I tried to walk away but he grabbed onto my wrist. I tried to struggle free but his grip got tighter. He pulled me on to his lap and whispered into my ear.

Quinn: GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER! (Shoves him off the chair and pulls Brittany back) LEAVE NOW OR I WILL HAVE YOU IN JAIL!

Puck: What's going on here?

Quinn: He is not to near Brittany at all!

Sam: It's a free county! I can be and do what ever the hell I want!

Puck: You need to leave. NOW!

Sam: I'll be back. (Walks off)

Quinn: (turns to look at Brittany but is gone) Where'd she go!

Kurt: She ran into the bathroom backstage in tears. Let's let her calm down and come out when she's ready.

Quinn: (walks to the back and stays next to the door)

I ran inside the bathroom terrified. I took a couple shots and my vision was getting a little blurry. So many memories ran through my mind and all I could do was cry.

I wanted to move away from him. From the others. I didn't want to hurt anymore. I can't have him hurt me again. I can't have him take me back.

I sat there for almost three hours. She continued to cry and what sounded like glass I could tell she was drinking.

Blaine: Excuse me? But you have to leave. The dancers are coming to the back and customers aren't aloud in the back.

Quinn: I'm here with Brittany.

Blaine: I know but show will be starting soon. You can wait for her by the bar.

Quinn: Can you please make sure she is okay?

Kurt: (comes from behind) I will make sure! (Stands by door) Britt you can go home today. Sugar can take your spot in tonight's show.

Brittany: N-No! I got it! I'm fine. Just give me a minute. I'll be out.

I walked into my brothers bar cause he needed a hand since one of his bartenders was ill. To be honest I didn't want to be there cause blondie. But he is my brother and I owe him.

Santana: (walks in) You know you have a trouty mouth waiting outside right?

Puck: (to the security guards) Get rid of him now!

Santana: What he do? (See's Quinn) What are you doing here?

Quinn: (rolls her eyes) I'm here to see Britt.

I didn't care instead I hopped behind the bar and started making drinks. Curtains went up and the dancers came out. I saw blondie and instantly felt hate. I continued working and don't bother to look up.

My head was spinning and I couldn't think straight. I couldn't even get the steps right and bumped into Sugar. Sugar looked at me and asked if I was alright. Instead I nodded my head and comminuted to dance.

I saw Quinn sitting at the bar and she was looking worried. Looked up and saw Santana there working. She didn't even look at me. I know I hurt her and I felt so bad. I did like her but let my insecurities get the gold of me. Now she won't even look or speak to me.

I was starting to feel light headed again. I slowly felt myself slipping and a sharp pain below my tummy. The pain was increasing and all I remember was blacking out.

I heard the crowd scream along with a loud thump on stage. I quickly looked up to see Brittany on the stage passed out. I instantly jumped over and passed Quinn to get on stage. I carried her into my arms and tried to help her up.

I felt a warm liquid and found blood on my hand. I looked to where I grabbed her and Brittany had blood stains on her skirt. I moved it a bit to find both fresh and old cut marks.

Quinn ran beside me but I pushed her out the way. I needed to rush her to the hospital quick. I picked her up and ran to my car. I laid her in the back and rushed to the front and sped off to the hospital.

I finally got there and carried her into the emergency room. The nurses came quickly and took her away from me. No matter how hard I tried to hate her here I am worried sick. She looked so sick and felt lighter than when I first carried her.

I waited in the waiting room for almost three hours. Quinn came as soon as they brought her in. The gang heard as well and all arrived waiting for the results.

Another hour passed and the gang was asleep. Quinn was on the phone with someone. While I was looking outside thinking. I shouldn't have yelled at her. I shouldn't have ignored her at all.

Doctor: (walks out) Who is here for Brittany Pierce?

I quickly got up and so did everyone else.

Doctor: She will be fine. But she needs to stay here another few nights.

Santana: Is she awake? Can I see her? What happened?

Quinn: Slow down San

Santana: NO! I NEED TO SEE HER!!!

Emily: San let her rest tonight

Santana: I'M NOT LEAVING HER!! (Tears)

Doctor: You can stay with her. She's down the hall fifth door to the left.

I quickly ran to her room to find a sleeping Brittany. I couldn't handle seeing her like this. She was sick and looked so weak. She didn't look like the cheerful Brittany that I love. I broke down in tears as I laid next to her. I cried into her shoulder as I fell asleep quickly. Holding her close to me not letting go.

I love you Brittany

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