Lopez Family

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I woke up in my empty bed with a sad face. Hoping to find my beautiful girlfriend next to me. I laid back down wanting to get comfy again until someone started to knock on my door. I got up and opened the door to find a guy standing in front of her.

Delivery guy: Are you Ms. Pierce?

Brittany: Yeeeees? And who are you?

Delivery: I have a delivery from a Ms.Lopez.

Brittany: Umm okay?

Delivery guy: *whistles for someone to bring them in*

My eyes shot up as beautiful roses were being brought in, a big teddy bear, and food which smelled amazing!

Brittany: How much do I owe you?

Delivery man: It's all paid Ms. Pierce! Enjoy your evening *leaves*

I sat down on my bed and took off the covers of the food. Fruit Salad with all my favorite fruits inside, bacon and eggs on one plate, and what made me excited was the lion king shaped chocolate chip pancakes! Along with a big glass of orange juice.

Before I dug in a found a note on the corner. I picked it up and smiled that it smelt like Santana's perfume. I quickly opened it and read.

"Morning my beautiful girlfriend! Hope you enjoyed the flowers and teddy bear. Wanted you to have a big breakfast so eat up! I will see you tonight. We are having a family barbecue and Quinn is taking you along with her. Te amo Brittany. I'll see you soon.
                   Xoxo Santana"


I left Rachel's dorm since she had to meet up with San to help with the party. I decided to get Brittany and maybe take her shopping for new outfits. I haven't seen my bestie in a while since we both been hanging out with our girlfriends and only see each other during lunch or glee club.

As I got closer to the door I opened up to a Brittany playing with her pancakes and making lion noises while eating their heads. She looked up with half the body in her mouth and I started to giggle.

Quinn: Come on Britt! Stop playing with-

Brittany: Simba!

Quinn: *giggles* Simba! Now go get ready so I can take you shopping!

Brittany: SHOPPING! *jumps off bed and runs to the bathroom*

I love her so much! She's like a little sister I never had. To see her happy made me smile. She has been through so much and finally found her happy ending.

I was already ready and decided to watch some tv. Teen Wolf was on so I decided to watch it.


I finally got ready and threw on some black sweats, a grey crop top, red converse, and kept my hair down and wavy. As I got out of the bathroom I found a crying Quinn.

Brittany: Quinn are you okay!? *worried*

Quinn: N-no I-I'm not!

Brittany: What's wrong?

Quinn: A-Alison dies! *points to screen*

Brittany: *looks up to see Teen Wolf* Okay, let's get you out before you cry again! *shuts off tv and drags her towards the door*

Quinn: NO! NO! ALISON!!

Few minutes in the car

Brittany: *smirks*

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