Chapter 1

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Have you ever heard of a town called Storybrooke? Yeah, I did not think so. It is a small town in Maine and not that many strangers can come in. You see, there is a town wall that keeps out people pretty well. It is like our little town does not even exist. Oh and did I mention it is filled with fairytale characters? Yeah you heard me, everyone from Snow White and prince Charming to Belle and even Rumpelstiltskin or as I like to call him Mr. Gold.

Belle is supposed to be my 'guardian' while sheriff Swan tries to find my parents. The mayor, Regina (also known as the evil queen in the Enchanted Forrest) and Emma Swan, the Savior, both share the same son Henry. Emma is Henry's real mom but she gave him up for adoption. There, Regina adopted him and ever since I can remember Henry and I have been best friends.

I looked down at my phone checking to see if Henry texted me. I was sitting at a booth in Granny's diner waiting for Henry. He told me to meet him in our usual booth so here I am. I pretty much just woke up, even if it was four in the afternoon, so I was wearing a large t-shirt, black shorts and crocs. "Hey Megan! What will it be?" Asked Ruby the waitress. Ruby is also known as Red Riding Hood.

"Hey Ruby, can I have two of Henry's usuals?" I asked while moving my long blonde hair out of my face.

"Of course! Would you also like some fries?" She asked reading my mind.

"Yes please." I said and she walked away. I continued to stare at my phone when someone put their hands on my eyes from behind. As if on instinct I reached up and grabbed one of the persons arms and twisted it behind the persons back. Everyone in the diner was staring at me.

"Hey, take it easy. Ow!" The person said when I moved his arm up higher. The stranger has a dark hood pulled over his head.

"Who is that?" A voice from behind me asked.

"Hi Henry nice to see you too." I said without looking behind me. "I have no idea, why don't you stop staring and come see who it is?" I said while everyone else resumed their everyday lives.

"How did you-? Never mind. Oh and nice outfit." Henry said while walking around to the person I was restraining. "Haha very funny I just woke up for your information." I said. I watched Henry stop in front of the stranger and saw his eyes get big.

"Uh Henry? Hello? Is anyone there?" I say but Henry's eyes were locked on the stranger. "Yo Henry get your head out of the clouds and tell me who it is!" I shouted at him getting annoyed.

"What?" Henry said looking up at me. "Oh sorry Megan, I do not know who it is but I feel like I have seen him somewhere before. Like in a dream." Oh yeah like that is very descriptive I thought and the boy laughed.

"As amused as I am I really must be going." The boy said.

"Hey wait a minut-" I said as he vanished and I started to fall over the side of the booth.

"Easy there Meg." Henry said catching me before I fell over the side of the booth. After making sure I was in my seat Henry came around the table and sat across from me just as Ruby came with our drinks and fries.

"Hot chocolate with cinnamon?" Henry asked and I nodded. After we finished our hot chocolate and fries, Henry and I left Granny's and started walking towards the forest. When we got to a small clearing I looked at Henry and smiled. I walked over to a big oak tree and started to climb. "Come on slowpoke!" I called down to Henry as he started to climb up. I sat on a thick branch towards the top of the oak waiting for Henry. After what seemed like forever Henry finally sat on the neighboring branch.

"Okay what do you want?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on you texted me telling me to meet you at Granny's so what happened?"

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