Chapter 4- The Truth

Start from the beginning

“Judith,” She corrected but like she ignores me, I ignored her and waved good bye. Max has so much energy I was practically running to school! He led me to his school where he gave me a farewell hug and then he ran off to his friends. According to my Aunts directions my school should just be a block ahead, I looked up and saw it. I put my headphone in one ear, if I was actually going to school then listening to KMK was necessary. I walked up and people started to stare but I used got used to the unneccessary stares. I opened the doors and walked inside. The school was way bigger than my old high school, it was kind of intimidating. I walked around untill I found the main office. I walked in and went up to the secretary.

“Hello, can I help you?” she peered at me through her rectanglar specticals.

“I’m new here and I came to get my information.”

“Okay one second, what's your name?”

“Jenny Malcom.”

“We have a Jennifer Malcom... I suppose that’s you?” her green orbs looked up at me for only a second before returning back to the computer screen.

“Yes,” I replied as she handed me my papers. Why couldn’t anybody here just call me Jenny! I walked away reading the paper that was just handed to me; my locker number is 215, I have English then Gym/parenting, science and lastly, Art. It wasn’t that bad schedule although it didn’t really matter since I'd be skipping most of the time. I only came today so I can meet some people to chill with and maybe make a good first impression on the teachers. I walked to my locker and just my luck, guess who I see? I saw Aiden standing with his locker which was two down from mine. He looks at me and started to walk towards me. I quickly threw my backpack into my locker and began to walk away but I turn around he's standing right behind me.

“You look nice today.” Oh my god, this kid never gives up.

“What do you want?”

“What makes you think I want anything?”

“Your being nice,” I folded my arms.

“Maybe that’s the real me,” He smirked. I stared at him, I knew he was lying and I gave him the 'for real' look.

“Okay maybe not, do you have anything on you?” Seriously that’s all he wanted? I knew what he was talking about but I was going to make him suffer. I put my hands in my pocket.

“I have... 3 dollars, a piece of gum and my iPod," I held out my hand to show him.

“I mean do you have anything on you?” I didn’t have anything on me or he should grow up and say the real word since knows that no one was around. It's not like I want him to scream it, just whisper is quietly. He didn’t even have to say the real word, I’d take dope, weed, grass, bud, kush , even blue berry yum-yum for fuck sakes! I looked at him confused, just to torment him. He sighed exhasperately. 

“You know what I’m talking about!” He hissed at me.

“I know,” I smiled.

“What are you going to make me beg for it? I got money for you!”

“Why should I?”


“I don’t actually have any on me,” I smiled and turned the corner. I didn’t know the jock type was into stuff like that. I should have guessed last night when he pointed out that I was high, like they say: it takes one to know one. I wish I had some on me because I could use the business, I didn't think people around here do it. But at least I’m going back to the East Side this weekend. I can meet up with Stan and chill with Michael. The bell rang and I went to my class. Apparently everyone was more lost then me cause I was the first one to class even though I purposely waited till after the second bell rang. I walked in there and the teacher smiled at me.

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