A Step You Can't Take Back || c.h.

Start from the beginning

You ignored him, he wasn't doing any harm in walking you out.

You watched the elevator doors close again, this time without interruption, despite your small glimmer of hope that Calum might make an effort.

Quickly the elevator jolted and your eyes immediately grew wide when you saw Luke had pressed the 'emergency stop' button.

"What are you doing?" You questioned, eyeing up the way Luke seemed to drag himself over to you.

"We need to talk about Calum." He slouched himself against the elevator walls beside you.

"You didn't need to stop the damn elevator in a hospital, to talk about him!" You replied hastily before edging away from him and pressing the stop button once more, causing the elevator to start up again. "We'll talk all you want when we get out of this elevator."

The rest of the short ride down stayed in radio silence, silently you were thankful when the elevator doors finally opened.

"Y/N," Your eyes widened once more when Calum was stood in front of you, blocking the elevator doors.

You grabbed onto his shirt and pushed him backwards, annoyed with both boys being so inconsiderate, you were in a hospital, people needed those elevators they weren't toys.

"What do you want?" You spat at him, angered that he had actually ran after you. You thought you'd be happy that he madd an effort but now you realised that you would have to talk about things. You had buried a lot of your feelings, not wanting to talk about them.

"I'm sorry, it took me until three times to figure you wanted to chased," He said, his chest rising and falling quickly, obviously out of breath.

You rolled your eyes at his attempt and shook your head. "I'm sorry, I can't listen to this." You turned away from him, only to walk straight into Luke. "Move." You mumbled, trying to push passed him before you could get any more upset than you already were.

He grabbed your shoulders and turned you round, facing Calum again, who'd managed to slightly catch his breath.

"I know when I broke up with you it was dumb, I feel bad enough about giving you such a feeble excuse, but it was the truth. And I don't want to lie anymore." He was pleading but you shook you head.

"I don't want to listen to this, Cal-"

"Well I do!" He snapped. "I screwed up. I didn't follow you. You reached out and I didn't follow you. You tried to help me and it took the convincing of a bystander for me to follow after you."

"Calum just stop-"

"I'm not good at saying what I mean, Y/N. I'm not good at big romantic gestures. I'm god awful at trying to show you that I do love you and I want you." You shook your head and shrugged Luke's hands from your shoulders.

"Calum, you're too late I'm sorry." Your eyes were welling up but you were determined not to cry this time. Doing this was good for you.

"No, if I was too late you wouldn't have came if you thought I was hurt." His eyes were bigger and browner than you remember, but you hadn't seen him in a while. You didn't fall for it.

"Because I care about you!" You snapped quickly. "I don't love you anymore, Calum! Don't you understand that I've wasted almost a year of my life over you? And you didn't even care enough to look for me." The welling of your eyes passed because you no longer felt sad. You were letting out the feelings you'd contained for so long now, and it made you feel better. "So don't you dare stand here and try to tell me you love me because you would have spoken sooner to have saved me from everything that inevitably happened."

Calum stood quietly as he watched you intently. You were now the one out of breath.

"I'm sorry, Calum, but nothing can be made of us after this. Its just been too long, I can't wait around for you forever. I have to do my own thing, be my own person, and not have to worry about what you're doing or thinking. Its a nice feeling to feel free of whatever we had or whatever we were." You smiled, taking a final deep breath. "And I want you to feel that relief too. I do care about you, I just don't love you anymore."

Calum merely nodded. "Okay."


what a god awful ending

but yas to Y/N for not taking no shit and mot settling and doing her own thing ! not all imagines need a happy ending in terms of relationships bro you is happy & that's important bc u don't want to be tied up on someone who doesn't think twice about u! u do u boo ok?

lmao ok forreal i'm hungry as fuck man someone get me some food thanks

I didn't read this over soz mate

Oh and

remember! reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! byeeee!

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