You Probs Don't Care What I Have To Say But Just Read It Pls

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Geez how do I start this?

I guess I'll first of all apologize for the lack of updates. Again.

I'm going through a tough time right now, still, and I honestly can't focus on anything anymore because, well, it's hard. Simple as that.

All I'm trying to say is that I'm kind of going on a hiatus for the time being, so it gives me more time to clear things up and get my focus on things that I need to figure out. 

So yeah, I'm trying to change myself for the better so that things can go smoothly once school starts again in a few weeks time so I can concentrate on getting good grades, finishing my last year of high school and getting into the college that I aspire to be in.

As for writing however, I'm taking a break. Kind of.

I will still be writing stories but just not publishing them on wattpad until they are completed and edited and I'm happy with them, so that if I come back, there will be plenty of updates to go around -- maybe even once or twice a week depending on how long they are. I will also still be wandering around wattpad, reading books, replying to comments etc. because reading is a passion of mine and it's something I'm probably never going to stop doing.

If any of you have any questions to ask me or anything to say, don't be afraid to write a comment or pm me because I'll try to reply as soon as I can.

So yeah, this is pretty much it.

Thank you all for reading so far, and I hope you all understand my reasons for doing this, as well as giving me so much support for getting over 1K reads. 


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