Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Please, take a seat Serenity." He instructed, a glass of red wine lazily held in his hand, his eyes mischievously flashing gold.

Oh how I seriously wish I was outside now.

. . .





I swear to God if that clock does not shut up I will stab it with a knife. I thought angrily, clenching my hands into fists on my lap. 

Clearly Lykos found this amusing, considering that his eyes would glint luminously every so often and would slowly, almost tauntingly drink the red substance in the glass he held in his hand that both made my blood boil. 

I quickly glanced at the food laid out on the table, instantly regretting it as my stomach grumbled like a carnivorous unfed animal. 

"Hungry?" I could even hear the condescending amusement within his voice. Meeting his gaze, his eyes flashed with an emotion I had never suspected would be able to come forth. However it had vanished as quickly as it came, making me frown and narrow my eyes at him.

"Like you could even care." I rolled my eyes and slumped back in my seat.

"Is it such a problem if I do, princess?" Lykos mocked, now it was his turn to narrow his eyes. "Now I suggest you eat." He said lowly, a growl rumbling in his chest. When he didn't move, he leaned forward his body positioned directly to face mine from the other end of the dining table. "Eat." He growled.

With a huff, I picked up a knife and fork, stabbing the meat on the plate in front of me and stuffing it in my mouth somewhat discreetly, glaring at Lykos the entire time whose gaze was fixed on my lips. I didn't even realize the plate was empty until the cutlery scraped against the porcelain plate.

Raising a brow, clearing my throat, I was the one to break the deep silence. "Eighteen days later you decide to follow the deal."

"I said I'd let you out of the cell, I didn't establish when." Lykos retorted with a slight smirk, already knowing he had won the battle beginning to brew. After a few minutes, I stood up, flattening out the few creases in my dress before turning around to exit the doors I had entered through. "Where do you think you're going?" He called, making me turn around slightly to see his curious features.

"To...sleep?" I said slowly, turning back around to find he was already in front of me, startling me to the point where I placed my hand on my chest.

"Follow me. I'll show you where you'll be sleeping." I nodded, somewhat wary of what was to follow. He led me up numerous flights of stairs, to large dark brown wooden doors; reminding me of the one's leading to the room I was in earlier. Sure enough, when he opened the doors, it was.

"There's clothes in the closet and underwear in the drawers for you, I'll be back soon." He said in a quiet voice, exiting the room with a click and lock of the door.

Dammit. He just had to lock the door. I thought.

Heaving out a sigh, I opened the closet door he pointed at to find it filled with an assortment of clothes for different occasions. Dresses, jeans, shirts, jackets, sweaters, shoes, purses, accessories, everything. This was a sixteen year old girl's dream.  Apart from when I was sixteen, my only dream was to kill the wolf who killed my parents. Who knew that in a few years time I would be captured on a mission by them?

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