Falling In Love In A Coffee Shop

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"I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much
All of the while I never knew
I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop
I love so much
All of the while I never knew..."

- Landon Pigg "Falling In Love In a Coffee Shop"


The moment I walked in The Maine Tearoom, Merle looked up from the front counter. He gave a wide smile that showcased relief and happiness to see me. The look took me by surprise but as I glanced around the cafe, I found that the business had picked up dramatically. People occupied every table and the noise level was way above normal. I mentally thanked myself for coming back when I did and knew Merle was too.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Icarus eyeing the place in a way that seemed — dare I say, judgmental. I was shocked by the expression he wore. While I barely knew him, I didn't figure him for a guy to judge — especially right off the bat. Part of me wondered if he was judging the place as a whole, or me for working in this small cafe.

As the look swept off his face, I decided not to question the expression he wore moments ago. "Find a seat and I'll bring you some hot chocolate." I quickly informed him before rushing over to Merle.

"I'm glad your back, Grace. People began to pour in after you left," Merle stated with stress evident on his features. He was not equipped for this much work alone.

"Okay, who have you served and who needs orders taken?"


I was able to give Icarus a cup of hot chocolate in between taking orders. However, I wasn't able to talk to him much. The only kind of contact we had was eye contact when I looked over at him and caught his eye. He would always smile at me and then look down in his jacket, muttering things to Turtle while petting him slyly.


When the crowd finally did settle and we weren't far off from closing, I grabbed a spray bottle of cleaner, along with a rag, and went over to Icarus. Playing it off, I told him that the seat appeared dirty before wiping it down. I did not have the guts, at the time, to confess that I had a slight germ phobia. I knew that would only send him to the hills.

I sat down. "Sorry, we've been swamped." I apologize immediately, feeling bad that he had waited here for me, and I had not been able to exchange more than a few words.

Icarus shrugged as his lips twitched up ever so slightly, "It's fine. I've been keeping myself entertained by talking to Turtle . . . Well, that was until he became unentertained by me and fell asleep."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at his leather jacket that was concealing Turtle. "When did he fall asleep?" My eyes locked with Icarus'.

"'Bout ten minutes ago — give or take, Icarus stated as he fiddled with the napkin under his mug. "Tell me, Grace. What's your secret?"

Confusion cascaded over me at what secret he was talking about. "What do you mean?"

Icarus smiled, with his green eyes twinkling. "How can someone make such an orgasmic hot chocolate?"

My cheeks turned red at his words. "Practice, I suppose." My mind wondered if my hot chocolate had actually been that good. Or, was he just being polite?

The fact had occurred to me that if Icarus did not like the hot chocolate, he could have simply not said anything about it. But, he had said something. 

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