"You're the distraction." And I try ignoring his hands creeping up underneath my shirt towards my nipples. I focus on slicing the green vegetable, but as his thumbs brush over my sensitive nipples my back arches instinctively, causing my ass to push against his crotch. I drop the knife so I don't hurt either of us by accident of a reflex, and I rest my hands on the counter.

"Come upstairs with me." His voice smooth and deep, giving me shivers from his proximity.

"I told Mr. Turner I'd have the salad ready." A small thing I can do for their hospitality of letting me stay here.

"He called to say he has to stay with Uncle Danny because there was a guest speaker today. They're probably only on their way to the daycare now."

His voice drops and he pinches the hardened bud teasingly between his thumb and forefinger.

"Justin." It rolls off my tongue in a breath.

"I'll be upstairs. Join me." And with a swift kiss to my neck his presence is soon vanished from against me and I turn around to see him headed towards the stairs. I hear the heavy thuds and I know he's taking the stairs by two.

Despite his invite, I continue to slice and chop the cucumber. I add it to the salad bowl that already had a majority of the fixings. I get the saran wrap from one of the cupboards underneath the island and I stretch it over the bowl and secure it before I put it in the fridge.

I smile when I think about Justin waiting for me upstairs, knowing him, he'll be naked or has just a sheet covering him. He's got a great body that he definitely is not ashamed of. He's not cocky, he almost makes it all humorous.

I head up the stairs and head to the guest room that's become ours.

"Hey." I say as I walk into the room, I don't see him in the room so I go to the en suite bathroom. "Justin?"

I scream in fear when I feel him grab by waist from behind me, "What took you so long, sweet cheeks?"

I turn around in his grip to face him and I push his shoulder, "Don't do that!" I glare, but he only smiles and chuckles.

"I'm serious, Justin!" I cross my arms, but his hands remained on my waist.

"I'm sorry." He leans in with a smile on his lips and presses a soft kiss to my lips. My head tilts on instinct, as much as I didn't appreciate him scaring me, it seems to all vanish from my thoughts when his lips touch mine and his hand gently cups my cheek. I can find the humor in it. Something I probably wouldn't have been able to do in the past.

I uncross my arms and reach my right hand up to the nape of his neck, I move my lips over Justin's and he immediately begins kissing just as intensely. My fingers move up to tangle in his hair, a new feeling for me. Most of the men I've kissed have had too short of hair or buzz cuts.

His hands move up my sides from my hips, dragging my shirt along with him. Instead of his hands going back down, they rest higher up my sides, a sign he wants my shirt off. I obey to his silent wish and I raise my arms, he slides the material easily up my arms, giving us each a few seconds to catch our breath. I watch as Justin's eyes travel down my chest and torso, and when his eyes travel back up they meet mine, "Fuck, Zayn."

The lust in his voice drives me wild, I reach for his hips to pull him closer and I begin kissing at his neck, just wanting his eyes off me. He groans at the sudden attack and I feel his head tilt back,

I like that we're almost the same height, when I push my hips forward I can feel his bulge rub against mine, giving me the sweetest feeling.

He guides me backward until the backs of my legs reach the bed. I grunt because I didn't expect it to be so sudden. I detach myself from Justin and lock eyes with him as I lean back so my hands reach the bed and I slowly crawl backwards.

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