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"Jase can you get that?!" I called to my husband as I braided my six year old hair.
"Sure babe!" he replied. I heard the door swing open and Jase greet someone.
"Alright Sammie all done." I smiled at my beautiful daughter.
"Thanks mommy." she grinned. I stood up and grabbed her hand walking into the living room. Standing there was Lauren, Ethan, and her two year old son Conner.
"Hey sis." I smiled letting go of my daughter's hand and hugging her. The doorbell rang again and I opened it for Lizzie, Lizzie's husband Dean, Becca, and Becca's husband Cody Carson from the band Set It Off and their two kids. Shortly after them Lindsey, Jackson, and their four kids arrived. Then Colleen and her new husband Dave. Then Lilly and her long term boyfriend Drew. Then Summer and Jason, yes they got married but we had all forgiven each other and Jason and I believe it or not were good friends. Then Gabi, then Sarah. Then my dad. It was a full house. We were celebrating the release of our sixth album.
Everything had turned out great. I was truly happy. We had won billions of awards, released tons of music gone on a few world tours, met amazing people, had a movie made about us, done some acting ourselves, done cool fundraisers and Lauren and I were 28 going on 29. Lilly is a bug time manager with all the biggest bands in the world, Lauren's dancing has sky rocketed and she's done a lot of choreography for so many movies, music videos, TV shows. Sara was happily traveling and Journaling waiting for the perfect guy. I could go on an on about how successful we all were. I was incredibly happy.
"Hey everyone I have an announcement to make!" I called on the living room everyone quoted down and my husband walked over to me.
"I'm pregnant with baby number 2!" I called. Everyone cheered. Lauren, Jase, Sammie (my daughter Sammie not the Sammie she's named after), and My dad were the only ones that knew but now so did everyone else.
So that's how my story ends. Happy, content, and truly amazing.
My goodbye note:
Everytime I finish a book and an author talks about how hard it was to write the last chapter I didn't understand. I had written and ending to A New Beginning buy it wasn't the same because I was planning this sequel. Now this book is over and I really am truly sad. I wish I could keep going but the magic for this story is gone and I have no more ideas. I have grown so much in my writing since A New Beginning. Maybe you noticed I started a new lay out with my stories by starting a new paragraph every time someone says something. There are many other small ways I have improved. Thank you guys for staying with me and reading and enjoying my book! I love you guys so so much!!! 

Reunited (Sequel to A New Beginning)Where stories live. Discover now