Chapter 12: Secrets and Dresses

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Outside on the field, Doug was on top of the score board setting up placeable numbers. Above it read, DAYS BEFORE GRAND BALL: The number he placed was a big, blue number 1. Only one day until the Grand Ball.

Everyone had been asked, has asked, picked out dresses & suits, Ben had picked out everything for the ball. But the Wonderland children... They had NOTHING to prepare them for the Grand Ball. The only one that had anything for the ball was Morgan, who had Carlos as a date.

Evie was seen running up the hallway with two black bags that looked like the silhouette of a dress. She rushes up to Claire's and Morgan's dorm and knocks on the door quickly.

Morgan opens the door and Evie walks in before she can say anything.

"You two are going to LOVE this!" Evie exclaims. She sees Aaron and Will in the room staring at her weird. "Oh... But you two need to get out... Bye!" She says pushing them both out of the room and closing the door in their faces.

Will and Aaron stand there awkwardly, but they both just shrug and walk back to their own dorm. They've seen weirder...

"Umm... Ok... What exactly are we going to like?" Claire asks standing up from the couch crossing her arms.

"Oh no not LIKE... LOVE!!!" Evie squeals. She places the bags on the bed gently and unzips the first bag pulling out a silky light green dress that had bedazzled diamonds on the top, circling the top of the dress. Evie held it towards Morgan.

Morgan was shocked. "For... Me?" Evie nods excitedly handing her the dress.

Morgan almost laughs she was so excited. She takes the dress and stands in front of the mirror holding it against her chest spinning around giddily. "It's BEAUTIFUL!"

Evie claps her hands together. "You love it right?" She asks. Morgan nods still spinning around. "Yay! One down... One to go!" Evie looks towards Claire.

"Yeah... How did you get her measurements?" Claire asks raising an eyebrow.

"Oh I have a magic mirror that can answer ANYTHING! Literally!" Evie giggles turning around to unzip the next black bag.

"Oh please tell me you DIDNT make me one..." Claire mutters. But just as she finishes her sentence, Evie holds the next dress towards her.

The dress was a beautiful dark, sleeveless, purple dress with glitter dotting the entire bottom of the dress. On the top were beautiful details with diamonds and a purple lace strung around the waist of the dress.

But Claire doesn't accept the dress from Evie.

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" Evie asks her smile slightly fading.

"Oh no I like it... But I really don't think I am going to the Ball... I was kinda busy with other things." Claire says putting a hand on her neck awkwardly.

"Oh... Well keep it JUST incase!" Evie says putting the dress back into the bag and forcing it into Claire's hands. Claire smiles slightly and then Evie leaves leaving the room silent.

"You told me you WERE going!" Morgan says lightly slapping Claire's arm.

"Hey!... I never promised!" Claire mutters.

"But I want you to go..." Morgan pleads.

"Sorry but im NOT going..." Claire yells getting frustrated and disappearing, literally, out of the room.

"Ok then..." Morgan growls under her breath. She hangs her dress up in her closet going to go see what her other friends were up to, Will and Aaron.

Morgan walks down the hall towards their dorm room on the floor above. When she gets close to their dorm she hears talking around the corner. She recognized the voices immediately, Ben and Mal.

"Maybe this is going to far... Maybe they should just stay in their dorms for the Grand Ball." Mal says to Ben in hushed voices.

"Relax... It's not like they're going to steal the wand or something..." Ben says nudging Mal.

"Ben... I know you are thinking the same thing... I can tell. They can't be trusted... They haven't even BEEN to a ball before!" Mal whispers crossing her arms.

"Alright you have a point... But I thought Evie made dresses for Claire and Morgan?" Ben asks.

"She did... But I guess it will just be a waste of material since they WONT be coming." Mal rolls her eyes.

"Alright fine... When they are in their dorms at 3:30 pm after school, their doors will lock. But don't you think this is kinda mean? You are the one who wanted to invite them to Auradon..." Ben tries not to laugh.

"They are Wonderland children... You've done the research... Nothing goes right when Wonderland is somewhere is DOESNT belong..." Mal growls.

"Alright Mal... They wanted to leave sooner anyway. They are leaving on Thursday." Ben says checking his watch momentarily.

"Great... You better get to your meeting... I'll see you later..." Mal says looking down the hall. Ben kisses her cheek and walks away.

Morgan rushes into the boys room just as Mal walks by.

"Are you ok?" Will asks looking at Morgan skeptically who was standing with her back against the door, seeming like she was holding her breath.

"Hmm? Oh yes..." She sighs. "Im great..."

Aaron rolls his eyes and lies on the bed reading his book.

Wonderland Descendants {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang