Chapter Four: Get Me Out of This Hell Hole

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Louis' hand is still on mine, and his eyes are still searching my own. Finally, I break the stare down, looking into my lap. "So...uh your friends are really nice." I say awkwardly, trying to make subtle conversation. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs.

"Yeah, they're like my brothers." He sits down into the chair and takes my hand in his again. I look down smiling, but it quickly fades. "Jesus Lou, what happened to you!?" He shoots me a confused look before a wave of realization washes over his face. He quickly retracts his hand and covers it with the other.

"It was like that before." He mutters. He peeks up at me to see my reaction and nervousness washed over his face when he realizes I'm not buying it. "Louis, I would have remembered. Did you punch a wall because of what happened with your girlfriend?" He looks up at me, startled. Oops, I guess Liam wasn't supposed to tell me that. Aw whatever.


"Nice!" I exclaim holding up my fist for a knuckle touch.


"Well here's how I see it. You're angry. You need an outlet. In your case, you needed to punch something. I'm just glad it wasn't the guy she was cheating with. Because by the look of your fist, you can seriously pack a punch. Plus, you're in a hospital! You couldn't have picked a better place to hurt yourself!" He stares at me bewildered. Wow, I think. This is the most I've said to him since I've known him, which isn't long but still.

Everything I've said is me thanking him. It's nice to know that we can carry out a normal conversation. What he does next surprises me. He starts laughing. He crinkles his nose and his eyes squeeze hut as his contagious laughter fills the room. Soon enough, I find myself laughing, for reasons I still don't know. When we calm ourselves down, I wipe the years from my eyes and look into his. They've changed from grey to a brilliant blue-green.

"Do your eyes change depending on your mood or something?"

"Yep! It's a blessing and a curse really."

"How so?"

"We'll I can never keep my feelings to myself because of it. People always know how I feel, especially if we are close. But chicks dig it. So it's cool I guess." He replies with a smirk. I playfully hit his shoulder and roll my eyes.

"Yeah I'm sure the ladies go crazy for it." I say with another eye roll.

"You know, if you keep doing that, your eyes are gonna fall out of your head." A wave of panic came over me. "Really?" I don't want my eyes to fall out!

"No I was kidding..."

"Don't do that to me! I don't know any better..." I mutter the last part under my breath but by the look on his face, I can tell Louis heard me. Realization showed in his face, soon replaced by guilt. "Oh right! I'm sorry. I forgot you lost your memory. You seem so..."


"Yeah. Normal."

"It's okay. Don't apologize. I forget things too." I reply with a wink. "Sometimes I forget we just met." He looks up at me with a small smile on his lips.

"Same, babe. Same." He starts rubbing small circles on my hand with his thumb. I suddenly realize how bad his cuts are. They're actually really disgusting. "NURSE!" I scream, talking Louis by surprise. The nurse comes rushing in, a worried look on her face.

"What? What happened?"

"My friend here had an accident and I would like it if you could be a doll and stitch him up for me? Thanks." I surprised myself, and by the look on Louis' face, him too, with my bluntness. Whatever, she was pissing me off, the way she looked at Louis. I mean, I'm not jealous, that'd be ridiculous considering I've only just met him, but she's supposed to be taking care of me, not throwing herself at my new friend.

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