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This is Vexon. I will be posting a picture of Charlotte next chapter! I think he's wearing makeup! Hahahahha omg he is! Eyeliner! That's hilarious! Don't worry though he doesn't wear makeup in the story.


"How would you even put this on?" I ask Vexon holding up two pieces of fabric that would barely cover any part of my body.
He laughs and puts the bikini back on the shelf, walking over to another he pulls out another one that looks ok-ish.
"How about this one" he asks as i look at it I become more infatuated with it.
It's yellow and simple, it almost looks like a pair underwear and a bra.
"Let me try it on" I say walking over to the dressing rooms.
"Can I help?" Vexon asks seductively and I blush deeply.
"N-no" I stutter out as I walk into one of the rooms.
Ok I would've loved for him to help me, I think I'm falling for his charms! I can't though, he's the school bad boy, George would be more than furious and try to kill him, though I wouldn't be surprised. I just can't fall for him! Ugh it's so annoying how safe I feel in his arms or how our hands mold perfectly together, I can't take it, I just know I'll be falling for him soon. Why must I love so easily.
I don't even know why I'm agreeing to do this. I shouldn't be doing this, if George finds out he'll beat me harder than ever.
I'm going to go no matter what, I tell myself as I try the bikini on. It fits perfectly, how did Vexon know my size? I don't even know my size!
Walking back out fully dressed I take the bikini to the register where Vexon pays for it.
"Here you go have a nice day" she says handing Vexon the receipt I notice a number on it.
Probably that sluts number I think to myself.
I stare at Vexon in shock as he tears the piece off and rips it in front if her, she looking more shocked as I am.
He walks back to me and takes my hand his, I melt at the contact.
No! My brain screams at me so I stiffen.
"Charlotte!? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at home!" Someone screams from behind me and I can tell it's Barbarian.
"I-I'm s-sorry B-barabra. I-I'll be h-home in a-a mi-minute" I stutter to her as she walks up to me and pulls me outside by the arm, apparently she didn't notice Vexon even though he's trailing quickly behind her watching to see what she does.
I shake my head at him frantically as I glance back and Barbarian pulls me behind the building.
I feel a sting in my cheek and my body hit the ground after she slaps me.
"Never skip school! You will get a beating from dad after he gets home from the bar! He'll be drunk so don't expect it to be like the ones he gives when he's sober" she says before punching my gut and walking off.
"Char!? Are you ok?" Vexon asks as he helps me if the hard gravel.


"Char!? Are you ok?" I ask as I help her off the gravel that she fell on from the slap.
She says nothing just hugs me and sobs quietly in my leather jacket.
"Shh shh shh. It's ok. I've got you" I whisper in her ear picking her up bridal style and carrying her to my jeep.
"Take me home" she whispers amd I shake my head.
"I can't. Not after what just happened" i tell her setting her down on the seat.
"Nooooo" she whines softly "but I deserve it" she whispers as she falls asleep.
She deserves it?
Why would she deserve to get abused?
Once we get back to my house I carry her upstairs to my bedroom, she stirs slightly as I'm carrying her up.
"Bubby!" Lacy, obviously my sister, screams and hugs my legs. "Shh. Someone is sleeping" I tell her as she's jumping up and down almost ready to explode.
"Can I see her?" She asks standing on her tippy-toes.
"Ya" I kneel down gently and being her towards the ground where Lacy can see her.
"She looks like a princess. Is she your princess?" The seven year-old asks.
"Ya, she's my princess" I say getting back up.
"Lacy. Do you want to go to Juliana's house for a little bit?" I ask and she nods fanatically trotting back down the staircase and getting one of the maids to walk her across the street.
I place her under the covers and she stirs again.
Please don't wake up
Please don't wake up
My wishes are granted as she huffs a little then falls back asleep. I'm at the door when her beautiful voice breaks through the silence.
"Please don't leave me" she croaks out, I can tell her throat is dry.
"I will never leave you" I tell her taking my shirt off and slipping in next to her.
"Promise?" She asks shifting closer to my body.
"Promise" I say kissing her forehead I feel her shiver, wrapping my arms around her small waist I pull her into my chest.
I can feel her ribs, I run my fingers over them gently wondering how someone could do that to her.
Maybe she's just anorexic?
No, I bet someone starves her.
Fuck that piece of shit of a family member.
I will kill anyone who hurts her.
I can't have her being abused anymore, but I'm guessing she doesn't have a mom.
That would explain the abusing by her father and sister.
I can't go to the authorities or the cops she'll be taken to foster care where I won't be able to see her.
I need to be able to see her.
I don't think I can live without her.
Even after only having her in my life for a couple days, I see a drastic change in my attitude.
All these thoughts cross my mind as I fall asleep.

Look I know it's short but I'm tired it's four in the morning. Gross! I woke up and now I can't sleep.

Word Count: 1003

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