8-Classes, fears, and boggarts

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POV: Annabeth's

We finally have classes again!!! YAY!!!!

"This sucks." Percy growns while he bangs his head on the common room table. "You do know you're gonna wake up with amnesia (A/N: and forget about these stupid little things li- oh sorry.) if you keep doing that right?" Hermione pointed out. "You dont even know Heromione, you dont even know." Percy answered.

First class we have in our schedule (or atleast for Percy and I) is Muggle studies. Well that's gonna be interesting. Thalia and Nico's first class is Charms while Mikyla's first class is Flying. Good thing she's not a daughter of Poseidon or Hades, otherwise she'd die.

-:-:-:-Skip to class cuz I can-:-:-:-

"Welcome students." Professor Charity Burbage said. "Today, we will learn about something Muggles know alot. The heroes of Greece and and Greek mythology." She added. "Why do we need this stupid class when we wont even need it in real life?!" Alyssa Waldorf protested. "We do need this in real life. It matters alot to many. To me." Draco butted (hehe) in. Ever since Luke's death, he hasn't been the same. He wanted revenge on Kronos, he wanted revenge bad.

"Why do you care Malfoy?"

Oh bad words of choice. Tsk tsk tsk.

Draco then stood up and look at Alyssa with his snake eyes. Most Hermes have the power of invisibility and its rare to find a Hermes kid that has snake eyes.

"η ζωή μου καταστράφηκε εξαιτίας αυτής της ηλίθιο ζωής. πολλές καλές στιγμές ναι αυτό είναι αλήθεια, αλλά οι θάνατοι! Οι θάνατοι !!!!! λοξοτομώ σταθεί αυτό πια! (My life was ruined because of this stupid life. Many good times, yes that's true, but the deaths! THE DEATHS!!!!! I cant stand this anymore!)" Malfoy said in greek. He was so close in tears like this || close.

Alyssa started to shut up. Yeah, shut up.

"Enough of that. Now, back to your seats. As a punishment, we will have a test about our topic." Professor Burbage explained. Most of the kids in class groaned, but a few didn't. Mostly its Hermione, Draco, Neville, and Harry. You probabaly know that Percy and I also did not groan.

POV: Harry's

A test on greek heroes. Maybe this is my chance to make Annabeth mine. Looking at Percy as he wiggles his pen making it look elastic. Pathetic.

The paper was passed on and Professor Burbage said. "No cheating."

Firts question: who is the most powerful being in the whole greek mythological world?

Unless there's a Harry Potter I think that's the answer.  I wrote, Harry Cells. (A/N: Its close to Hercules 😂)

Second Question: Who gave up her throne for her brother?

Its H. Its probabaly a girl. Haily.


"200 points for Gryffindor!" Professor Burbage cried. "50 points to Slytherin also." She added. What's going on?! "Ms. Chase, Mr. Jackson, Ms. Granger, Mr. Longbottom, and Mr. Malfoy have answered all questions correctly, in greek, and in the most short period of time. "What can we say? Its in our blood." They said in unison.

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