2 - To The Wizard of Hogs then?!

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POV: Third Person

The myster girl looked about 13 years old who wore glasses and had a small blanket around her. She had brown hair and hazel eyes that complimented her look. He tan was perfect as if Apollo was her tanning bed. She looked young but she had an aura of destruction.

Her eyes fluttered open only to notice people staring at her.

"Am I at the summer camp? Or am I in heaven because I died?" She asked. The demigods looked at her with disbelief, they thought she just doesn't know about who she really is. "What's your name?" Will asked. "Mikyla. Mikyla Page." She answered. The campers looked at her with disbelief once more. Her father was the famous musician Dereck Page. Apparently Piper isn't the only one with a famous dad. But what made the campers puzzled, is that she doesn't look like him. Dereck had black hair and blue eyes.

She looked at everyone in the room when Chiron spoke up. "Come with me darling." "Why shou- Woah. You have horse's butt?!"

The room exploded into laughs while the girl, Mikyla, blushed crimson. Chiron on the other hand, smiled. He led her upstairs to the small cafe room as they talked.

Downstairs, everone was talking and blabbing when they heard a scream. They expected it from Mikyla, but instead, it was Chiron's.

Nico, Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth rushed upstairs to see what was going on when they saw a monsted about 50 feet long with two heads. One dog and one cat. The monster wasn't very familiar, as if it was a new monster.

Percy got out his sword, Annabeth got out her new dagger, Thalia got out her spear and Nico got out his stygian sword. The battled the monster with all their heart until it turned into golden bits.

Mikyla looked at them with shock and amusement. "So first I get attacked by black dogs with red eyes, then I see a man with a butt of a horse, then Mr. Butt horse says I'm actually half god, and now I see a monster. I'm a trouble magnet aren't I?"

The four friends looked at each other and shrugged.

-:-:-:-Next Day-:-:-:-

POV: Percy's

I woke up with no start, that's strange. Anyways I did my routine and once I got out of my cabin, I saw a black trunk with my initial and a note written in greek.

Dear Percy Jackson,

You are now part of the Hogwart Exchange Program. Also, you're things are now inside this trunk including your own owl as a pet. Don't worry, I asked mom for it not to kill you. Lady Hecate also made the wands so those wands you have are specifically only for you. We hope you have fun in Hogwarts. Oh and look after my sister will you? Thanks.

With love,
Minnie McG.

Ps. Dont call me Minnie at Hogwarts or call Sevy, Sevy. Students might get suspicious.

I put the note away and opened my trunk. I had alot of books in greek, robes, gloves, a box of money inside pouches, and my owl. I saw my owl and I was struck with awe. It had white feathers with grey specks with faint blue ends as if the end of the owls feathers were dipped in blue paint.

I saw a lever that said 'pull me for an easygoing life'. So (because of my curiosity), I pulled the lever and it turned into a small box. I put it on my pocket along with Riptide and started going for a jog towards the dining pavilion.

Once I got to the dining pavilion, I went to the 'Gods' table. I got my food which was blueberry flavored (and colored) cereal with blue kool aid. I also got some garlic bread so, I decided to sacrifice that. After sacrificing I started to eat. Annabeth was beside me so being the good boyfriend I am, I kissed her in the cheek and said good morning. Mikyla was on the Hermes table barely eating. Does she not like cereal?

Leo came running to the 'Gods' table panting.

"You just won't believe what I saw!" He panted. "What did you see?" Jason asked. "I saw, a Nyan Cat sticker!" He stated. "Leo, what did I tell you about Nyan Cat?" Calypso warned. "But its collectors edition!" Leo whined. "Nyan Cat or my kisses?" Calypso taunted. Leo was frozen for a minute before saying 'Calypso'.

After eating we settled our things that we should probably bring.

Once we settled with our things, we finally decided to shadow travel.

"Not to be rude but, what's a 'shadow travel'?" Mikyla asked. "Its a way of transportation through shadows." Nico explained. "Oh." Is all she could say. Once we were not moving, we all held on Nico, and before you know it, I am now engulfed into the shadows of awesomeness.

-:-:-:-After the shadow travel thingy-:-:-:-

Once we got to Hogwarts Express (which was weird since we had to go through a magic brick wall) we found a compartment that said 'demigods' in Ancient Greek. We got in and saw four of our friends (well atleast our since Mikyla is new).

"Luna, Hermione, Ron, Malfoy?!" We screamed at the daughters of Athena, mist seeing descendant of Hecate, and son of Hermes. "Thalia, Annabeh, Nico, Percy, and girl we dont know?!" "Hey! Standing a feet away from you here!" Mikyla complained.

Once they got in our compartment as we told about the quest, their quest, and stories but they also stopped when a boy who looked like me with glasses and green eyes passed upon us. They quickly gave out goodbyes saying its part of their quest. And now I'm asleep.


I was in a strange, cold, dark, place. I saw some kind of tiny light so yeah, I followed the light. As I walked I heard voices. Two were familiar but one was different.

"What are we gonna do with that pesky, sassy, Percy Jackson boy?!" Gaea snarled. Hey! I'm not pesky, but sassy? I like that!

"What are we gonna do with Harry Potter that's the question!" The unfamiliar voice said.

"Percy Jackson is a much bigger threat! He saved the world too many time along with your world so we need to end his stupid pesky life now!" Kronos interjected while the unfamiliar voice grumbled.

"Another problem is that he is now a god. The muses are fixing his stories along with the seven and many more!" Kronos aded

"Do you smell that son?" Gaea asked.

"Yes mother. I smell the sea!" Kronos boomed.

"What's wrong?!" Mr. Unfamiliar asked.

"Perseus Jackson!!!" Gaea rumbled

-:-:-:-Waking up-:-:-:-

I woke up with cold beads of sweat falling from my skin. Apparently I still have my demigod dreams. Probably because I'm not fully god yet. Oh well. A trolley passed by and I was starving.

"Anything from the trolley dear?" A plump woman asked. "Is there anyhing blue?" I question. "We have blueberry jumping creeps?" She said. "I'll take four please." She handed me a four boxes and I gave her two gold coin thingys. "Thank you." She said before leaving.

I took a look inside the box and saw moving bugs but they were blue. I ate one and my stomack started jumping. I took another one and fell into Elysium.

Demigods and Wizards (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now