This Is Taking All Of My Energy

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Chapter Fourteen

The next month... (June)

It wasn't 'fine' because after the party incident Alejandro just get worst. It was getting to the point he was avoiding talking more then five minutes with. The whole girls 'dancing' with him at parties and yes I said parties and girls. Now it was once a week someone would tell me that my so called 'boyfriend' was generating on another girls.

I was really tired of being that understand girlfriend that didn't say anything about what Alejandro is doing behind my back. His the on that told me that he wasn't going to hurt me and his hurting me a lot. I haven't say anything because I keep hoping that he'll tell me what's wrong but now I'm thinking that his always been like this and he'll still like that. The little hope that I have prevents me from breaking up with him. Maybe... just maybe Alejandro will realized that what his doing to me is ripping me apart.


I was still giving him 'space' so instead of going to see him, I when to the library to go study because finals are coming up.

Picking the table that's is the farther away from the place that I sat at with Alejandro. I pulled out me books and study. I'm normally able to study without distraction but there was one thing on my mind. I just didn't understand Alejandro. Despite all the thing that were on my mind, I study until the first bill ringed. I packed my books and stuff back into my bag and what to my locker.

I opened my locker and put in my backpack. Pulling the book that I would need out of bag for my first class. I looked at the bottom of my locker for textbook. Since, I had my face in my locker I didn't see Alejandro can up to my locker door.

So when I took my head out of the lock to close the door he startled.

"Don't do that."

"Sorry." Wow he is actually sorry about something. I was still mean at him for the way that his been act with me.

"What do you want." I locked my locker and walked in the direction to my next class. He founded me because we have the same class.

"You know that final are coming up. Right?"

"Yeah!," It's not like I've been study for it for like weeks but of course he wouldn't know that. I was so annoyed at him. "Let me guess you what me to help you study." I rolled my eyes and he didn't see it.

"You're great!" And he went to go see his friend. I just keep heading to class.

He only talks to me now when he what's something for me. I'm not going to give up on him just because I know that there is something that he is not telling me.


Alejandro finally find time in his busy schedule to study with me. Like I ned the help. I was waiting for him at Tim Horton and he showed up late. I was going to pack up my things when I saw him. He look around for me and when he saw me he walked in my direction.

He looks like the Alejandro that I was friends with before all of this started. Did I make the right decision to agree to date him because I thing that it ruined our friendship. I suck out of it when he was at the table.

"So what do you want to study first?"



We've been studying for almost an hour.

"Let's take a break because I'm getting hungry. I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want something?"

"Ummm? I'll have a small French vanilla."

Going in line to make my order I waited behind a construction worker that was working across the street. I was waiting for a well because he had a big order. While I was waiting for the guy to finish his order I was on my phone playing flow, when I got a text form Tyra saying.

Tyra: Umm! I don't know if you've heard this yet but I didn't want you to hear it from someone else

Me: What is it?

Tyra: I don't know if this is true but I heard from some girls that Alejandro went to a party and there was a girl with him

Me: And... I'm not his mother. I'm not going to tell him who he can hang out with.

Tyra: Athena I don't think you're getting what I'm thing to tell you

Me: Just tell me already!!!

I was starting to get annoyed.

Tyra: Ook ok! He apparently DID IT with her.

Me: Thanks for telling me.

Tyra: so what are you going to do about it

I didn't even answer her. I was just in shock want to girl at the cash register said,

"Hi may I take your order?" I snapped out of it and gave her my order. I paid and took the french vanilla and my ice coffee to the table. I put his drink on his side of the table and sat down.

"So are you ready to get back to work."

"Can we talk first?"

"About?" I didn't even need to ask him about it because I just knew that it was true.

"Did you go to a party last night?" I could see that he was getting worried because he kept looking at my ice coffee and back to my eyes.


"So did you cheat on me?" I was calm and not angry at all. Okay I was a little mad but I was more upset.


"Did you are or did you not cheat on me?" No answer. I started to put my things back in my bag.

"Athena don't leave." He put his hand over mine to stop me. I yanked my hand from his.

"Don't touch me! The one thing that I was afraid of you doing to me you did. So don't even try to explain yourself."

No answer.

"If you didn't want to be with me you could have just told me. The worst thing is that if you had just told me that you... You know what it's not even worth it you're not worth it."

"I'm sorry!" He looked like sad but not just that but regretful but for what I didn't want to know.

I got up with my things and left Tim Horton's. I walked to the park and cried a little on the park bench for a couple a minutes. When I realized that me crying wasn't going to change the fact that he cheated on me I stopped crying because I was right he didn't deserve it. I just had more things to worry about like finals and I couldn't be distracted. So I wiped my face with my hands and went home.

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