I Win!

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He leaned into me and he kissed my cheek. I was so disappointed. I thought that we were going to have this super hot makeout session but no.

I leaned back into talk in to hear and said, "I'm going to go look for Mary. I'll see you... tomorrow."

"You think I'm going to let you stay here with Mary."

"Why not?"

"Because it's 12 at night and Mary is probably looking for here next boyfriend. You should come with me?" I could not argue with that.

"Ok I'll come with you but I have to say bye to Mary first."

"Will go look for her."

I found Mary and told her that I was going to leave if Alejandro. I asked her if she wanted to come with as but she said no so I left.

Since we missed the first night bus we had to wait for the next that was passing at 1:47. We went to McDonald's to wait.

"I'm going to buy something. Do you when something?"

"Sure, I want chicken nuggets. Oh with sweet & sour sauce. Please! I would offer to pay but I don't want to."

I did not say anything. I just went to go make the order. Coming back to the small boost that Alejandro was sitting in. I put the food on the table and chose to sit in front of him. Alejandro started to eat and I just looked at him because I had to figure out why he wanted to go out with me. It came out of nowhere. I liked him a little bit ...okay I really liked him and I would be lying I said that I didn't like him. I just don't get it.

"You've been staring at me for the past few minutes and if you keep frowning at me you're going to give yourself a migraine."

"I guess don't get it."

"You want to know why?" My eyebrows went up saying 'obviously I want to know'. 

Putting back the chicken nugget that he was holding he said, "To be honest I've always liked you but not in the way that I what to see you naked way but in the way that I liked you as a friend. But... I don't know when I found out that you were leaving for really my feelings change," and after that, he wasn't serious, " but didn't I already tell you that. Athena I... like... you. Okay?"

"Rolling my eyes I said,"Oh please don't start that okay thing."

"Why not? It isn't cute."

"Oh, course it's cute but only on me. Did you know that this is like our first date."

"You're right but it doesn't count."

"Why doesn't it count?"

"Because our first date has to be epic."

"Okay, whatever you say."


For the rest of the time, we ate in silence. Leaving McDonald we caught the bus. We get seats at the back and Alejandro sat next to me.

I turning to face him said, "We aren't going to say anything to anybody right?"

"Why not?"

"Because if you tell everybody something bad is going to happen."

"Wow, you're positive." I ended the discussion by resting my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.

You would think that with all the sleep that got earlier that I wouldn't be tired but I was. I slept on Alejandro's shoulder for the whole ride to my house. He shook me awake.

"Athena your house is coming close."

"I was comfortable."

"You can always miss your stop."

"I'm up! I'm up! I'm up!" Listing my head off his shoulder.

"I don't agree with you."

"You don't have a choice." I was going to get what I wanted but it has to be timed perfectly.

"Alejandro?" I looked down to my lap.

"What?" He sounded suspicious of what I was going to say.

"You know that we've never kissed before."

"What are you going to do?"

Looking up at him I put my hand on his face and I pulled him closer and I kissed him. The kiss started out cute and sweet because I wanted more and he wanted more too and that is exactly what I get. Alejandro turns the kiss into a passionate one. He really knew how to kiss because it was amazing. I ran my fingers tear his soft hair making it messy. If I was doubting that he really liked me, I was not doubting it now. The bus stopping at a red light, I knew that my stop was coming up so I slowly pulled away from him.

Catching me breathe before I get up and walking to the door I said a little breathlessly, "I guess, I win."

"You did that on purpose?!" It wasn't so much as a question but a statement.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'.

"Text me when you get home."

The bus stopped at my stop and I got off. I started to walk home with the feeling that I accomplished something.

Just Meant To Be | Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें