Burning Desire

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Chapter Eleven Part 2

Longest in the whole book. Since the chapter was really long I separated it into two part. The title of the chapter or for the songs.

We keep playing until I have three question that was wasted on me asking him a question by accident. Alejandro ended up asking me question that made him get to know me better. He had two more question left before he had to leave. It was 11 o'clock and I didn't want him to get in trouble with his mother. So he was getting ready to leave. "I hope you're not going to get in trouble because you stayed so late?"

"Don't worry. I'll be fine."

"Okay-" I never get to finish that sentence because downstairs the front door open and my parents walked in the house. I get out the bed and closed my bedroom's door. Alejandro stops putting his shoes on and looked at me.

"Didn't you say that they would be at your aunt's house?"

"I guess they can home?!"I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "It is like 11 did you expect them to stay there for the whole night."

He didn't answer me all what he did was to sit back on my bed and say, "How am I supposed to leave now?"

"I can't believe that I'm going to say this right now but you can stay." He smiles at me. I had to set him straight. "You can sleep over not sleep with me."

"I'll still take it as me 'sleeping over.'"

"I have to go that a shower. Please don't make a sound."

"That is something that you don't have to beg me for. I really don't want your parents to find me here, in your bed."

I grabbed my towel and went out without answering him. I want downstairs before going to that a shower. My mom was in the kitchen.

"Hey! Did you guys have fun?" She jumps and said, "You scared me. Yes, your aunt wanted you to have been there."

"I had to help someone with school work."

"It's fine. Oh, I almost forgot. The school that your sister is going to has a program for new students. It starts in the summer. I think that you would like it."

I don't want to say anything so I said, "That sounds great can we talk about this later I have to go take a shower." I went back upstairs and in to the bathroom for my shower.

I was in the bathroom for 15 minutes before I got out. Going into my room I didn't see Alejandro so I called his name. He came out from the closet. "I thought that you were your parents."

"Well, I'm not and anyway my parents don't can into my room without knocking and if I'm in my room they don't go in."

"Now turn around I have to get changed."

"Are you sure you don't want me to look?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Turn."

"Fine." He turned around. I put the towel on the chair and put on my underwear and my pajamas shorts. I looked for one of my big shirts and put it on. "You can turn around now."

"So do you want me to sleep in your bed with you?"

Do I what him to sleep in my bed. It's not like we're going to do anything. It wouldn't hard to let him sleep in my bed.

"Ok? Do you want to continue the game?" I get into bed and he was taking his pants off. Looking at him in shock I said, "What are you doing?"

"Taking off my jeans. You didn't expect me to sleep in them." He had a point there. "Of course not." He got on the bed facing me.

"You start."

"Ok. What was the first thing that you thought of when I kissed you."

"Oh, that's easy. That you had soft lips."



"Have you ever thought of me in a sexual way?"

"That's a stupid question."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is because I peaked at you getting changed and since them, I've been thinking of you."

I don't know what to say, "Hmm."

"So have you?"

"Have I what?"

"Have you ever thought of me in a sexual way?"


"Wow. I feel very insulted."


"Because you're lying. You can't say that you've never wanted to know if I had ad's."

"How is that sexual?"

"It's not but you just proved to me that you think of me without my shirt on."

I was embarrassed so he kissed me, softy. I didn't kiss him back at first but I couldn't help myself. His lips were really soft. When I kissed him back he deepens the kiss. I got on top of him. I've kissed him a hundred times before but it was different this time. I took off my shirt and he stopped me to say, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yay, I am." And my shirt was off and he flipped me over. He was on top of me.


He was really hot so I pushed his arm off me and fell asleep next to him.

It was 5:19 am when I woke up. I was back into his arms and as I was thinking to get him off of me he woke up to. "Are you trying to run away from me?"

"No, and it's a little hard to run away from you if this is my house."

"You have a point but was wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. Why would you think that."

"Because you haven't look at me." He said as he smiled at me.

"Can I ask you something." He sat straight. "Go ahead."

Sitting at the edge of the bed I looked at my lap and to the end of my shirt. "Do you still like me?"

"I'm not going to let you waste your last question on that. So your question doesn't count because of course I still like. I didn't stop."

I looked at and said, "You have to go." He didn't say anything. Getting off the bed I put back my pants on and Alejandro got dressed a couple minutes after me.

I quietly walked him back downstairs. I opened the front as he put his shoes on. At the door, I kissed his cheek and smiled. He smiled back and gave me a peck.


"Bye." And Alejandro left. I started to fall for him I just hoped that he was too.

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