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My Happy Ending

My school was over and I had just come home from getting my report card. The school was trying something new.

Sitting on my computer chair, I twirled around as I texted Gabriela. I had passed my year and she was telling me that she had to go to summer school for Math. When my sister knocked at my door. I kept twirling on the chair, "What do you want?"

"Um... someone is at the door for you."


"I don't know and don't care! I was just told to go tell you about it and I told you." And she left.

"Uggh!" I stop twirling and got off the chair.

I went to the front door which was cracked open, once there, I opened it more to see who it was and it was Alejandro. I was shocked to see him there.


"Hi, can we talk?"

"Sure, just let me put on shoes." I put on the closest pair that I could find and went outside.

When I got outside he was sitting on my front steps so I sat next to him. I really wanted to know what he was doing here. We haven't talked to each other since we were at Tims.

"How have you been?" I asked him that because I didn't know what to say to him at this moment. The answer was obvious because Alejandro is the type of guy that doesn't leave his house liking disheveled but today it looked like he didn't even try to himself together.

"Fine I guess, I passed my year. You?" I'm fine except for the fact that my boyfriend broke up with me but I didn't tell him that. I chose to play in his game.

"I passed too." We were silent until I got tired of waiting for him to say something.

"What did you really come here for?"

"I came because I owe you an apology."

"There's nothing to apologize for." I smiled sadly. "Even if you don't cheat we would have broken up in the end anyway. You just sped up the process."

"I feel horrible about what I did to you and you're just there telling me that it's okay."

"Yeah, I realized that keeping a grudge against you wasn't worth my energy." I'm still mad though.

"Look at me. I can't even be in a relationship or make you mad at me." Oh, I'm still mad.

"Don't take it personally."

"I didn't really."


"Are you going to change school's?"

"I don't know what my parents are going to do." I could not look at him anymore so I started to play with my fingers in my lap.

"Well, I don't want you to leave me." What the hell I'm I supposed to say to that.

"I guess we will have to wait and see." I get up and he followed me up. "I'm happy that we talked." Kinda not.

"Me too." I leaned over and hugged him goodbye.

After hugging him I turned around and left him.

I couldn't have told him that my parents had already made a decision and that it was up to me to pick what I was going to do because if I had told him, Alejandro would have made me stay and forgive him for all that he's done to me. To be honest I don't want to forgive him for anything. He hurt me so much.


I was packing my things into a suitcase. The reason that I was leaving to go to school during the summer is that I was going to start a program. The school I was going to attend with my sister was a boarding school. I wasn't so happy about leaving everyone but deep down somewhere I knew that this was going to be a good thing for me.

I was with Phoene who said that she wanted to help me pack my things up. Instead, she was lying down on my bed doing absolutely nothing to help me. She was making me feel bad about Alejandro. "I... can't... believe... he... came... to... talk... to... you... and... just... sent... him... away!" Her eyes were opened wide. "You didn't even let him explain what happened that night. I know it looks really really really bad but you know he could have a good explanation for what he did." She smiled them and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

Phoene has wanted me and Alejandro to be together since I told her that I thought that the guy in our class was really cute. She's had hope for us since the beginning. Her head is filled with dreams of me and him. I never thought that I would have even dated him or even less would have become one of his many exes. Quelle surprise! (What a surprise!)

I'm all done packing my things at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I was tired so I said goodbye to Phoene who was going to Tims so she could meet up with some of her friends. As soon as she left I went to sleep because I had a long ride ahead of me.


My dad woke me up. He had already put all of my things in the car. I got my butt out of my bed that I would not be sleeping in for a while. Putting on my shoes and I left my house to start a new chapter in my life that did not include Alejandro. I closed the front door of the house and left everything behind me so that I could forget what happened this year. I left him behind me.    

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