He Said What?

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Chapter Five

It was finally the weekend. Since I had no more projects to do I decided to call Mary and ask her if she wanted to go to the mall with me. When she replied sure I started to get dressed. Taking my pajamas off, I put on a white cut out shirt and black jeans and my black Converse.

Grabbing my headphones I left the house to go catch the bus. In the bus, I took a seat in the back. Putting my headphones on; I shuffled my music and it started playing Good For You by Selena Gomez.

Getting out the bus I saw Mary sitting down on a bench in front of the mall. When I got close to her, I gave her a hug and we walked in. The first store that we went into was Forever 21.

She said, "Oh my god! I have not seen you in ages." We were looking at sweaters.

"Sorry about that. I've been... busy."

"I heard about that." She said it like she was waiting for me to tell her something and I knew what she was talking about.

"Please don't start."

"I totally was not going to start anything"

"Thank you." But I didn't believe her.

"Okay so explain... how come we go to the same school and I never ever see you?" And she raised her right eyebrows in that questioning way that she always does.

I just looked at the blue dress that was in front of me and said, "I don't know. I've been busy."

"You already said that." And she was pouting at me playfully.

"I know."

"It's okay. I forgive you." I just laughed at what she said.

After we went to H&M, Garage, and Ardene before deciding to get something to eat.

She got a chicken salad and I got chow mein. Mary talked about her new boyfriend. About how he wants a bigger commitment from her. He wanted Mary to claim him.

When she told me that I couldn't help myself from saying, "Is he serious? He just wants everyone to know to you're his."

"Oh, I know. I just like when they go all caveman on me." Mary talks in this perky and squeaky voice. Like she's flirting with everyone.

"You're unbelievable." I sighed it out.

"So what's been going on in your life? I have not seen you in forevers!"

"Okay stop making me feel guilty. And nothing really, I've just been hanging out with Alejandro. Doing homework that's pretty much it."

"I've heard about that."

"Heard about what? The fact that I've been doing my homework?"

"Of course not silly. I am talking about all the time that you're spending with Alejandro. Is there something going on that I should know?"

"Like what?"

"Like I heard that every time you guys go to the library it's not to study. But like you guys do other stuff in there."

"Who told you that?"

"Well, this guy told someone who told someone well you know the deal. I totally did not believe him at first because when I kept seeing you together and..." She finished with. "Sorry!" I laugh because Mary is just the type of person that says stupid things that are just so funny that I can't stay mad at her and I love her for that.

After lunch, we went to D-Tox and Winners and Old Navy before I left her. I gave her a hug and she took the bus home and since my bus wasn't coming for another 10 minutes I sat at one of the benches outside. I put my headphones on and played The Weeknd playlist that was on my phone. I was emerged in the music that I almost missed my bus. Getting into the bus I said hi to the bus driver and I passed my card before I sat down at the back.

I looked at all the beautiful houses with the sun setting behind them. The colors in the sun sunset were gorgeous; there were the dark blues and light pinks and purples. The swirls of color were really pretty.


Sadly the weekend was over and I had to go back to hell or what some people call the school. Why they call it like that, I have no idea. I prefer to call it hell because they have similarities. It's really hot and the food tastes bad. I don't hate school. I just hate the people there.

I was in class talking to my teacher before class. When Alejandro walked in. We just looked at each other and I don't know what got over me but I just snapped.

I walked away from my teacher and headed in his direction. He backed away from me. Reaching him I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged Alejandro out of class into the empty hallway.

"What the hell was that for?" Ignoring his question I asked him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Your different mood swings. Which are very annoying by the way. "

"You pulled me out of class to talk about your different mood swings?"

"I am not talking about me. I am talking about you."

"Why can't we talk about you too?" He said this smiling at me.


"Because of what?"

"Because I said so."

"That's... oh my god your try to make me change the subject. Wow, you're really good at that."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I shoved him and he looked shocked for a moment but then he laughed. He laughed a little and it made me get mad a little.

"Could you be serious just for this moment. ARGH!!!"

"Okay! What do you want to know?"

"What's wrong with you? Did I do something?" I could see that he was deciding whether he should tell me the truth or a lie.

"So for the what's wrong with me the answer is that I just had to figure some things out and I made a decision. For the did you do something the answer is yes." What did he mean yes I just asked because I wanted to be nice. Maybe instead of asking myself, I should ask him.

"What do you mean yes? I...I... did not do anything... or did I. No I did not and you are just trying to blame someone for your behavior."

"Calm down it is not like that."

"Then how is it?"

"You know when you told me that you're going to change school. Since that day I started to think about what would happen if I would lose you. And I realized that I didn't want to lose you."

"Whoa! That was a lot of words and if you don't what to lose me just don't misplace me," I laughed a little at that but Alejandro looked completely serious.

"What?" Alejandro was going to walk away. My eyes went wide.

"Oh my god I"m sorry. Don't leave."

"I am here telling you my feelings and you laugh at me." He was upset and humiliated.

"Okay but you have to admit that what I said was funny."

"I am serious!"

"I-" He cut me off.

"You know what? Just forget it."

"No no no no no! I am sorry! I am just having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I've liked you for a really long time and I just started to getting over you. So to be honest I don't know what to say. Can you give me time?"

"Fine I'll give you time but we should head back into class."

I walked through the door and the bell rings before he can get in so my teacher said, "You are late and you know what happens when you're late? You can't come in without a tardy. Go get one long." I mouthed sorry as he turned and walked away.

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