One Day

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*Rosie's POV*

We had finally arrived at my flat. I hadn't offered Harry to stay, knowing he should get home, plus Charlie was more than concerned. I had texted him last night, explaining why I was not home when he returned. "It's a good thing we got back when we did, Lou just texted saying we have a last minute meeting with management." Harry says, kicking me from my thoughts as we unpacked the car. "Well I hope everything goes, okay?" I replied, giggling at the end. A small chuckle left his mouth as he shut the trunk. "Good Lord, finally!" a masculine voice shouted, making both mine and Harry's head dart towards my front door. There stood Charlie, smiling brightly. That was until his eyes fell upon Harry. "And who is this?" He asked, walking towards us. "Charlie, this is Harry. Harry, my brother Charlie." I said, introducing the two. They exchanged smiles, shaking each others hands. "It's nice to meet you, Charlie" Harry said politely, earning another smile from Charlie. "Uncle Charlie!" Emma shouted happily. It was nice to finally see her smiling. "Oh hi baby girl, how are you feeling?" Charlie asks, lifting her up and heading back into the flat. "Thanks for the ride Harry," I started, flashing him a small smile. "And for staying with us" I added. He smiled lightly, helping me carry the gifts towards my door step. "And tell the boys thanks for the visit and gifts, Emma really enjoyed it. She needed cheering up." I finished. "It's no big deal Rosie." He chuckled, placing the teddy bears and balloons in the hall once I opened the door. "Anyway I have a meeting to attend." he added, placing the last doll down and heading towards the door. "Oh, and Harry?" I asked turning back towards the door. His body twisted around, looking at me once more. Before thinking walked up to him, continuing what he started. I quickly crashed my lips into his, feeling him tense before his lips adjusted to the small touch. I pulled away quickly, feeling my cheeks burn a bright red. "Thanks again Harry." I smiled as he grinned and headed towards the door. I smiled to myself as I gathered the dolls and balloons, bringing them further into the house. Charlie sat on the couch, Emma on his lap. I took a double take, glancing at the doll she held. That damn bear. "And who gave this to you?" He asked as she practically shoved it in his face, "Zayn!" she shouted happily. Well shit. "Zayn?" Charlie asked, lifting an eyebrow as he looked to me. My bottom lip was pulled between my teeth, my eyes glancing around the room to avoid his look. "Emma baby, why don't you start bringing your teddies up into your room. Mommy and I will start lunch." Charlie said to Emma, watching as she nodded while leaving his lap. Once she had disappeared upstairs with the first round of gifts Charlie stood up and headed into the kitchen, his heading cocking to the side motioning me to follow. "Zayn?" he sarcastically chuckled. "You said only Harry and two of the boys was there!" he shouted. I stood there, unsure of how to reply. "Well?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Okay, so what they all came to visit. No biggie" I replied nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders and heading towards the fridge. "No biggie?" he practically shouted, his eyes widening as his arms uncrossed themselves. "Yeah," I simply answered, digging around for cheese. "Yeah of course, the god damn father of YOUR child visits and its no biggie." he chuckles once more. "For god sake Rosie, they don't even know they are related!" he shouts, flaring his arms around like he was a parent lecturing their child. "Daddy?" a small voice asked. Both mine and Charlies head whips around. There stood Emma, a trembling lip with tears on the brim of falling out. Her arms tightened around her lavender bear, as she looked from Charlie to me, our faces stuck in shock. This was a first. She had never asked about daddy. Even when Brett was around. I didn't want her calling him daddy and neither did he. "Come here baby," I said once the tears started to fall. I lifted her up, heading upstairs and leaving Charlie alone. I reached the top of the staircase, heading towards my room. Once I opened the door, I walked in, shutting it behind me and heading towards my bed. I placed her on the firm mattress, sitting next to her. "Mumma." she said lowly. "Yes baby girl?" I instantly replied, pulling her into my lap. "Do I have a daddy?" She asked lowly, looking from her teddy bear to me. "Well," I started. How the hell do I tell a three year old that she does have a daddy but he doesn't know? "Some kids have a daddy, some don't. Some have a mommy and some don't," I said slowly, watching her nod as she listened. "Some don't have a mommy or daddy. They have an uncle, an aunt, or a grandparent," I trailed on, watching she she scrunched up her face in confusion. "So, no daddy?" she squeaked out, her voice getting stuck in hiccups. "Well baby, see. Your lucky. You have a mommy and an uncle!" I exaggerated, trying to make it seem good. She stayed quiet, looking up at me as she squeezed her bear. "Why no daddy?" She asked, her big brown eyes piercing into me as she stared up at me. "Well baby." Was all I managed to get out. I was stuck. I had never expected this day to come for a while. Like was I supposed to plan a speech ? I have no idea. "You did have a daddy,- well do. But he's away." I answered lowly. "When will he come back?" She quizzed, her gaze locking with mine. "I don't know baby." I said honestly, pulling her into my chest as she began tearing up. I felt myself sway lightly as her hiccups returned, my shirt becoming little soaked. "But hey baby, as I said. Your lucky, a mommy and an uncle. That's more than most kids have." I added, pulling away from her and wiping her wet cheeks with the pad of my thumbs. She nodded, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I wuv you mumma." She said lowly, embracing me in a hug. "I love you too baby girl." I replied, wrapping my arms around her tiny figure. "But mumma," she began. "Will I ever meet my daddy?" She finished, looking up at me. "One day baby, one day hopefully." I answered, pulling her back into my chest. "Hey I started some grilled cheese, I say we go back downstairs, eat some lunch and we can watch a movie. Any movie you want." I said, smiling as I pulling away once again. A big smile was planted on her face, her dark brown hair moving with her head as she nodded happily. "Okay go downstairs and I'll be down in a minute. Mumma just wants to change." I said, pointing towards my door. "Okay mummy." She replied, hopping off my bed and prancing towards the door. Once she was fully out and the door was shut I slipped my phone out from my back pocket, unlocking it and scanning my contacts. I quickly tapped on his name, pressing the call button. Voicemail. Fuck, I forgot about the meeting. I quickly pressed the end button before leaving a blank message, deciding to text him so he'll see it when he's done.

Hey. Uhm I know your busy at the moment, but I kind of need to talk to you. It's important. Just text me when your done.

I sent the message, tossing my phone on my bed and heading towards my clothes. I really need more of my things here. I have a feeling it's gonna be a while before I get my own place. I changed out of my clothes, replacing them with new ones. After slipping on a black tank top and one of Charlie's red plaid pajama pants I headed back downstairs with my phone in my bra. "Hey Charlie?" I asked, heading into the kitchen where Charlie and Emma sat. Emma was on the floor, playing with her doll as Charlie stood at the stove. "Yeah?"he replied, turning from the stove top where he was cooking from what I saw. "First of all, I'm sorry." I started. "And is there anyway we could stop by my old flat? I need to pick up some things."  I finished, taking a seat on a stool by the island. He nodded, placing a sandwich on a plate. "Tomorrow?" He asked, handing the small pink plate to Emma. "Danks." She simply replied, putting her doll aside as she dug into the cheesy sandwich. "Yeah sounds good. Thanks." I answered, taking the next plate from him. "Come baby, let's find a movie." I said to Emma, holding out my hand for her. Instead of holding it she shoved her bear in it, standing up and taking her plate with her. I shook my head as I followed her into the living room. She happily plopped on the middle cushion, allowing a seat for me and Charlie. As soon as she decided on a movie Charlie has joined us, taking the left seat of Emma. We all sat on the couch, enjoying our lunch as we watched Cinderella. Halfway into the movie, my phone vibrates. I pull the mobile out of my bra, unlocking it to view the notification.

Sorry, was in the meeting. Anyway, what's up?

I felt my teeth tug at my bottom lip as I went to hit reply.

It. It's about......Zayn.

With my thoughts penetrating me about not sending it, I quickly hit the send button, ignoring it. I wasn't sure how I was gonna say this, or prove it. I don't want them thinking I was some crazy lady or something trying to get money. But I needed to know how he feels. He needs to know about her and she wants to know about him. Let's just hope this goes good. And that Harry can help me with this. Cause I promise, one day she will meet him. One day.


Daddy Malik ( A Zayn Malik Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now