Just Like Home

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*Rosie's POV*

The car ride to Charlie's was long and quiet. Besides Emma babbling to herself in the back, it was quiet. I peered out of the passenger side of Charlie's cherry red car. I felt his eyes drop on me every time we stopped at a red light. I know he wanted to talk but in all honest I didn't want to. I didn't wanna talk about Brett and the hospital and all of it. I just wanted to forget about it and put it behind me. "Just so you know.. I already packed some of Emma's and your things from your house and brought it to mine." His deep voice said slowly. My bottom lip made its way between my teeth, unsure how to reply. After a couple of seconds I looked in his direction, nodding my head quickly and returning my attention to the window. My arms were sore from the bruises, and my ribs ached each breath I took. I still had a minor headache, some pounding taking place here and there. I knew Brett was mean, but i didn't know he was a monster. To think, the man whom I loved and trusted, with not just me but my own daughter whom wasn't even his own. But he didn't let that stop him from acting like a father. But he changed. He wasn't the same Brett I met in the coffee shop. Not the Brett I fell in love with. No he wouldn't hurt me. Not that Brett. My heart fastened at just the thought of us in the start. Eventually wet, hot tears made their way down my rosy cheeks. My attention remained facing the window, attempting to make sure Charlie didn't see. But it wasn't that easy. A small huff left his mouth as he placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb soothingly. Feeling the comfort I began crying harder, and louder. His hands left my thigh and onto my shoulder, squeezing it lightly. I watched as he drifted the car from the way left lane into the car rest area. I still hadn't removed my gaze from the window, but still crying pretty hard. Within seconds I heard a click of a seat belt before a big pair of hands had embraced me, leaving my face smushed. Wrapping my hands around his lower torso, I squeezed him tight as my head dug into his chest, crying even more. His hands soothed my back, rubbing back and forth as he shushed me lowly. It was a while before I peeled back and wiped my face, giving Charlie a reassuring nod to return to the the road. "It'll be okay Rosie, I promise." He said reversing the car back a little and driving it back onto the freeway. An hour later we finally arrived at his rather large flat. Once he parked the car in his stone driveway, I immediately hopped out, slamming the passenger door and heading towards the back seat. "Uh uh" he said swatting me away from the door handle. I gave him a confused facial expression, watching as his gaze went from me to opening the door and retrieving the small child and placing her on his left hip as he carried a familiar red duffle on his right side. Flipping the thoughts out of my head I followed him from around the car and to the front door, awaiting for him to open it. Honestly, I loved Charlie's flat. It was a two story with a rather larger backyard. Beings that he spoiled Emma, his backyard was filled with so much things it was a child's dream playground. There was a slide, a swing, a little sand box and beings that he had an in ground pool he had bought her a small kiddie pool to rest on the grass area for the summer time. Plus more. Besides the backyard Charlie had a beautiful home. The first floor held the kitchen, media room, dining area and a bathroom. The second floor however; had his room, another bathroom (which was much larger than the one on the first floor ), a guest room and a pink room set aside just for Emma. When he first bought the house Emma was not yet born, but once he had found out he was gonna be an uncle he immediately decorated in favor for Emma when she visited. I'll never forget that day. When he left and I had confronted my parents. Charlie had visited that day. He was on break during his first year at his new job. That's when mom and dad sent me off to live with Aunt Benny till I was able to get on my feet. Not that Aunt Benny was rushing me, she absolutely adored Emma and had no problem with us living there. That was when I also met Brett. He was a customer at the coffee shop I worked at during the time. But anyway back to Charlie's flat. We entered the large home, watching Emma run off towards the staircase as soon as Charlie set her on her tiny little feet. We watched in amusement, following her up to the second floor. Emma had already disappeared into her room, leading to my following her to the end of the hall due to the fact that her room was across from the guest room. Following behind him, Charlie entered the room and placed the red duffle into the neat made mattress, flashing me a smile as he headed out. "Uh-um thanks Charlie." I said quickly before he left the room. He turned back, smiling lightly. "It's yours. As long as you stay." He replied turning around and leaving the room. A small smile made its way onto my face as I began to unpack what Charlie had packed. I felt safe here. I felt comfy, just like it was home.


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