That Damn Teddy Bear

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*Rosie's POV*
It was now night. After a long process of trying to get Emma to eat the dinner the nurses served her she was now asleep. I sat on the edge of the bed, watching her sleep peacefully. Harry sat on the chair, tapping away at his phone. It pained me that Emma has it and is now going to go through everything I went through. It was so hard to listen to the doctor tell me the same exact thing they told my parents. It was unknown. I was scared for next month, the month after and the whole year ahead. It's not fun. The wires and tests and medicines. But I didn't expect it to occur so early. I didn't get my first one till I was 16. But yet again that was only two years before I had Emma. "Hey I'm gonna head down to the cafeteria, can you watch her?" I asked Harry, standing up from the bed. "I can go for you if you like." He replied, locking his phone and getting ready to stand. "No no. I uhm just. I need to think for a little." I said honesty. He nodded, sitting back down. "I have my phone. Ring if anything." I said, pulling my wallet from the bag Harry brought and heading out. The cafeteria wasn't far. Just an elevator ride down. It wasn't expensive either, so a cup of coffee and something small shouldn't be much. As soon as the elevator dinged the two large doors opened. I quickly made my way inside, pressing the B floor button. Before I knew it I was wondering around the small cafeteria, searching their items. I had picked out two banana nut muffins, now making a second cup of coffee. After placing the lid on and slipping a couple of packets of sugar in my pocket I headed towards the cashier. "That'll be $7.00." The elder lady said. I nodded, slipping a ten dollar bill out of my wallet. She smiled lightly as she handed me back 3 singles. I shoved them into my back pocket, attempting to take the small paper bag with the muffins with both coffees. After succeeding, I headed back toward the elevator and pressing the button with my pinky. Within seconds it opened, allowing me to step in and once again use my pinky to press F1. The metal doors shut, taking me up one level. The doors reopened, my feet dragging me out and heading down the corridor to Emma's room. I kicked the slightly opened door, re shutting it fully once I was in the room. "Here." I said, handing Harry one of the coffees. "I didn't know how much sugar you like so I got extra." I added, handing him the packets out of my pocket and digging into the brown paper bag I had placed on the edge of the bed. Holding my coffee in one hand, I pulled out a muffin with the other and handing it to Harry. "Thanks, but you didn't have to get me anything ya know?" He said more like a question, tearing open a packet of sugar. "Well your here, with us instead of your large flat with your lads. I wasn't gonna let you starve." I sarcastically replied. He chuckled a little, spilling in his last packet and placing the lid on. As soon as my bum touched the mattress to sit my phone began to vibrate rapidly. A small grunt left my mouth as I placed the muffin on the brown bag, leaning to the side to retrieve my phone. Without checking the caller I immediately pressed accept. "Hello?" I asked, repositioning myself. "Heeyyyyyyyyyyy Rossssse!" A cheery voice squealed. "Hey Sarah." I said giggling at her. "What's up?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee. "Nothing just bored and wanted to see what the mother of my soon to be goddaughter was doing." She chirped. I chuckled, my face going straight after. Shit. Emma's baptism. I forgot. And before you ask, yes Emma is three but we didn't have the funds when she was born. Ever since I was saving up with the help of work, Sarah and aunt Benny. Sarah helped because she was my best friend and Emma's godmother. I told her she didn't have to but she insisted. "Rosie?" A voice asked. "Oh um ha." I answered quickly. "You okay Rose?" She asked quietly. "Yeah just thinking." I replied. "But anyway, I'm uh-Emma's in the hospital." I added on fast. The other line stayed quiet, making me feel bad that I'm just now telling her. "Oh um. Is she okay?" She asked, her cherry voice fading. "Uhm at the moment yes." I answered. "She had a seizure." I added slowly. "But she's good to go in the morning." I finished. She was speechless. A small silence stood between us. "Uhm wow. I'm so sorry Rose." She said after a couple of minutes. "It's okay Sarah, it was kind of expected. I mean we both know I got it from my mother so she was probably going to too." I responded. "Okay. Well I hope she feels better. I'm gonna let you go then. Update me tomorrow!" She said quickly before hanging up and leaving the line dead. I shook my head, locking my phone and placing it aside to eat.
A good hour and a half had passed of me and Harry bullshitting around. I had cuddled up next to Emma, Harry sitting in the chair still. "If you want you can leave." I blurted out, turning my body a little to face him. He shook his head chuckling, "I told you. I'm not going."  Well. "Don't you have like a show or an interview or something." I said. "His smile faded, shaking a no with his curls following his movements. "Your gonna be comfy in that chair?" I asked giggling. He nodded, slouching in his seat. "Here." I said, taking one of the spare pillows the nurse had brought in and throwing it at him. He caught it, chuckling a little as he stood up to shut the lights. "Night Rosie." He said as he got comfortable. "Night." I answered, snuggling close to Emma.
I was awaken by the small sounds of muttering. "Yeah just put it there." "Shh they're still sleeping." My eyelids fluttered open, turning to face the area where the voices came from. "What's going on?" I asked tiredly, sitting up and rubbing the tired out of my eyes. There stood Harry, with the boys around him. The each held numerous balloons and teddy bears. "Oh uhm. I'm sorry?" He said, making me chuckle at the way it came out. "We just wanted to drop by and make sure Emma was doing well." Liam cut in, making Harry nod to his explanation. "Oh." I simply said. "Sorry Rosie. I shouldn't have told them unless you said." Harry said, his eyes bulging. "Harry it's okay." I laughed. "Mumma?" A small voice asked. I turned my attention to my side, watching as Emma's tiny eyelids fluttered opened. "Yes baby?" I asked, leaning on my side. "I wanna go home." She whined, her bottom lip puckering out. "Oh no don't cry baby. We are soon. We just have to wait for the doctor to come in and check on you." I replied, twisting her dark brown hair around my finger. "Hey Emma." A low voice started. "Here." It said, my eyes darting up to see who it was. Zayn. Emma sat up a little, her lip still wobbly as she observed the bear. It was a lavender teddy bear with a pink tutu and ballerina shoes on. She smiled big, taking the teddy and hugging it tightly. "Say thank you Emma." I said, cocking my head to Zayn. God. I didn't know if I wanted to feel hatred or what. I mean he made me feel all weird around him, yet seeing Emma, our daughter in the hospital with him cheering her up made me feel all gooey and weird inside. I mean of course both of them- or anyone doesn't know that they're related. But I do. And I actually liked the sight of him at the bedside, making my baby girl smile as she was in pain. "Dank you Zayn!" She shouted, smiling a big grin at him. He smiled, "anytime" he said standing up and ruffling her hair a little. As soon as he stood up the others came and surrounded Emma's bed, basically drowning her in gifts. She wasn't complaining, it was actually distracting her from the pain. "Ah Miss. James." A deep voice said. All of our heads turned to the door, watching as a tall guy with a white coat entered the room. "We'll be going then, see you soon guys." Liam said, motioning for the guys to follow him. They each muttered a small bye, leaving the doctor, Harry, me and a teddy bear infested Emma. "How are you feeling Emma?" He asked, walking to her side of the bed. "My head hurts." She replied lowly. "Yeah I would think so." He answered, observing the papers in his hand. "Did the results come back?" I asked nervously. He nodded, "yes, but we can't seem to figure out what they're coming from." He replied. "But you guys can go home, we would just need her here for check ups to make sure she's going good." He finished, smiling and placing his pen in his coat pocket. "Thank you." I smiled as he checked the monitors by Emma. "Okay the nurses will be in shortly for one last check up and to set up an appointment with a neurologist." He said, smiling one last time and heading out of the room. "Mumma home?" Emma asked, looking up to me as she squeezed a doll. "Yes baby." I replied, watching as a big grin appeared on her face. "Come lets get you dressed." I said, standing up from her bed to retrieve the bag that held her clothes. She quickly uncovered herself, standing on the mattress. "I'll be in the hall." Harry said, heading out.
Emma was all dressed, and ready to go. The nurse had just left, leaving me with the neurologists number and department to set a date. Harry was packing Emma's gifts into the car. I would've said to walk home, but it was quiet a walk and I'd rather be safe with Emma. "Ready baby?" I asked, slipping the small bag over my shoulder. She nodded, skipping over to me to hold my hand. I looked down, watching as she followed me out of the door and into the hall. She had one hand connected to mine, the other holding onto that damn teddy bear Zayn gave her.


Daddy Malik ( A Zayn Malik Fanfic )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora