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*Rosies POV*

I was awakened by the soft patter of feet. My eyes squinted open slightly, trying to adjust to the sun shining into the room. The door had been shut, leaving the air conditioner to cool the room and freeze my bare ass. Eventually my eyes opened wide, pondering over towards the nightstand where my phone laid. Lazily moving myself, my hand revealed from under the red cover and clicking on the home button to check the time. Twelve pm. It took a couple of seconds before I shot out of bed, Emma. My feet quickly palmed to the bare wooden floor, to just be drawn back by the coldness. Ignoring the cold floor I quickly jolted across the room, opening the door and heading into the pink room across from me. Once I opened the cherry oak door I peered my head in in search of the tiny child. No where. My eyes scanned the room once more before heading downstairs.  Once I reached the middle of the staircase I heard constant giggling from downstairs. A small smile appeared on my face as I creeped up to the area where the giggling had erected from. There sat Charlie and Emma at the island in his kitchen. I wasn't quiet sure what they were up to but Emma was happy. Quietly I peeked up behind them, taking them by surprise. Getting scared easily Emma jumped in her seat, dropping a tiny handful of blueberries. "Mumaaaaaa!" she dragged out as she looked from the split fruits to me. "I'm sorry a baby girl." I laughed lightly as I bent down to retrieved the now dirty goods. "So what are you two silly gooses doing anyway?" I asked as I tossed the blueberries into the trash and walked back to them. "Close eyes mumma!" Emma shouted waving her hands over the area to cover whatever they were doing. Giggling lightly, I placed one hand over my eyes, waiting. "Okay one more second mumma." I heard Emma's tiny squeaky voice say. "Okay open!" Both Emma and Charlie shouted loudly. One I removed my hand my gaze fell upon a huge mess set up on the island. Next to the mess was a neat plate with a pancake on it. Edging closer I viewed the pancake. It had blueberries for a eyes, chocolate chips for a smile, a strawberry nose and whipped cream as hair. "Well." I said nodding at the pancake smiling. "It's you mumma!" Emma shouted throwing her tiny hands around my waist. "I love it baby." I replied picking her up and sitting on the stool with her on my lap. She smiled as she picked a blueberry from the tray, popping it into her small mouth as she looked up to me smiling a blue smile. I shined a big grin back at her, looking up at Charlie. His eyes shined brightly by just looking at Emma. I loved the kind of uncle he was. Caring and funny. He basically played as the father role in Emma's life. I didn't consider Brett her father placement to be honest. He acted like one at first but Charlie was there more and showed more affection. He protects her and cares for her like he was her own. That's why he's her godfather. God forbid anything had ever happened to me at least I would know that my baby was with the number one person I trusted. My thoughts were interrupted when the home phone began to ring. "I'll get that." Charlie said as he hopped off the stool, jogging into the media room. My attention focused on the tiny girl on my lap, watching her fiddle with the fruits scattered on the marble counter. "Uhm Rosie. I gotta run, but I'll be back later on. " Charlie said within seconds of answering the phone, hopping into the kitchen with one shoe one. "Well the spare keys on the rack." He added while retrieving his phone, finally slipping his shoe on. "You have your phone. The kitchens open to whatever you'd like. Uhm.." He mumbled searching around the area. "Well yeah ha, you know everything by now. But anyway I'll be back later. Duty calls." He finished walking towards Emma, drowning her in kisses. "I'll be back around dinner time. Someone called in sick and now I have to fill in. Chinese for dinner?" He asked looking over towards me. "I'm sure I can whip something up." I replied wrapping my arms around Emma. "Ha okay well I'll be back." He finally said before slipping out of the kitchen. Once I heard the door slam shut I focused on Emma. "So squishy bear, whatcha wanna do?" I asked turning the small girl around. "MOVIE!" She shouted happily. Giggling at her enthusiasm I picked the small child up, and placed her on the stool. "Well first let's clean up this mess so Uncle Charlie won't kill us when he gets home." I said as I began plucking up all the small fruits, watching as Emma just tossed everything on to the plate. "All done!" She yelled throwing her hands up proudly. "Okay lovie lets toss this out then we'll head into the media room." I responded tossing the fruits that was in my hand out, taking the plate piled up messily and repeating my actions but placing the plate in the sink. "Now mummy?" She asked looking up at me as I ripped a towel sheet off of the roll that stood on the island. "Not yet babes." I answered swiping the dry sheet over the counter twice, the also tossing it out. "Okay now." I said picking Emma up and heading into the media room.
A good three hours later, while watching the Little Mermaid, Emma had fallen asleep beside me. I smiled as I watched her sleep peacefully next to me. My eyes peered over towards the clock hung on the wall, three o clock. I should get lunch ready, knowing Charlie he'll come home hungry and just like her uncle Emma would want to eat too. I slowly lifted her head off of my thigh, retrieving a nearby couch pillow and quickly replacing my body with the pillow. I paused facing the tiny girl, watching me as she repositioned herself into the cushion staying asleep. Nodding to myself like a fool, I quickly turned around and tip toed off into the kitchen in search of lunch. I opened up the pantry, observing the food lying in there. Pasta, macaroni and cheese, cereal, and crackers. I said to myself as I went over the contents. Hmm, I'm guessing this meant a trip to the grocery store. Aaaaand waking up Emma from her nap. Oh lord the crankiness to come. Shutting the oak pantry door I quietly walked over towards the beige couch in the media room. Emma was now on her back, spread out with a foot resting off the couch. I laughed as I edged closer to her, with my phone in hand and camera open to snap a quick photo. Slipping my phone into my sweatpants, I slowly wedged my hands under her body, lifting her light body up in my arms. "Wakey wakey sleepyhead." I said lightly as I headed upstairs with Emma in my arms. A small grunt left her mouth as she dug her face into my chest. "Cmon baby girl, we gotta run out real quick." I said nudging her bedroom door open with my foot, shutting it and walking towards her bed. "No mummy." She said sleepily. "Yes baby." I said standing over her bed with her still in my arms. "Noooooo." she said again, but a little louder. "Uh oh, looks like mummas gonna have to bring out the monster." I said in a high pitched voice. Her eyes quickly shot open, staring her dark brown eyes at me. "No mumma!" She shouted gripping around my arm as I tilted my upper body over her bed. "You better wake up then." I replied holding her firmly over her mattress as she once again dug her face into my chest. No reply. "Ah well here we go!" I squealed loudly as I plopped the tiny child into the mattress, quickly tickling her sides, making her squirm and giggle as she kicked her tiny feet. "Okay okay mumma! I'm up I up!" She yelled placing her hands over her sides in hopes of stop. "You sure?" I asked with a smirk. She nodded, smiling up at me. "Okay then, let's get you dressed." I said walking over towards her closet, opening it up and examining the clothes Charlie had bought her. "This one?" I asked pulling out a lavender shortsleeved dress. She shook her head, "no" she said firmly. I placed the dress back, pulling out a light red dress with a faint yellow ribbon tied around. Her head shook fast, running up to my and attempting to jump and grab the dress from my hands. "Okay baby girl, you think you can do it so mummy can get ready?" I asked kneeling down to her height. She nodded quickly, snatching the dress from my grip and running towards her bed. "Okay lovie I'll be across the hall." I shouted walking out of her room and into the guest. My hands shuffled through the messy red duffle bag, searching for something simple. I came across a white and yellow strapless maxi dress pulling it out along with new underpants. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't even bother with bras and strapless dresses. They just didn't work for me. Plus this dress had padding, so it's not like anything would show. Switching out of my pajamas, I quickly slid off my now dirty underpants and replaced them with my new blue ones. After that I quickly stepped into the maxi dress, pulling it up to my waist so I can remove my bra. Skidding off the straps, I reached towards my back area to unbuckle it so I was able to slide it off easily and toss it on top of my duffle. Riding up the top of my dress I grabbed my phone and headed back into Emma's room. "Ready?" I asked Peeping my head into the room. "Huh?" A squeaky voice asked. Standing by her bed, Emma stood there with her whole belly out as she struggled with pulling the dress past her torso. Giggling to myself I walked over towards her, kneeling down and pulling her dress past her torso. "Danks mumma." She said as she  skipped out of her room. Following her, I stopped to pick up a pair of sandals by the door, then heading downstairs where the Emma sat on the bottom step. "Ready mummy?" She asked looking up at me. "One second baby, here put these on for mumma." I replied settling her shoes down beside her as I headed towards the door. I quickly slipped on my white flip flops, grabbing the spare house keys and my small purse. "Come one Em." I said unlocking the front door and tossing everything but the key inside of my bag. Seconds passed before the small pit patter of feet came echoing near me. "Weady mummy." She said proud of herself from putting her shoes on right. I nodded at her, opening the front door and walking out with the tiny girl on my heals. I watched as she skipped down the path as I turned to lock the door, then placing the key in my bag. I slowly followed her, making sure I didn't trip over my own steps. "Come here baby girl!" I shouted at Emma as she pranced somewhat up the block. Once I caught up with her I removed the hair piece from my wrist, pulling up Emma's dark brown hair into a tight ponytail. "Okay go." I said bumping her shoulder. I watched as she ran past some trees, freezing till I came close then ran at it again. Sooner or later we were at the store. I mean it wasn't a far walk. "Mumma mumma cart!" Emma shouted running up to the cart area. Lifting her small body up, I placed Emma in the seat of a cart along with my bag and taking off into the store. My eyes wandered the shelves of each aisle we had went down. I figured while I was here I might as well pick up some things for Emma and dinner besides lunch. Emma sat quietly in the cart as she munched on some animal crackers. It's either she threw a tantrum or I just opened the crackers which I would pay for and let her snack. I mean it was kind of past her lunchtime. We went down the fruit aisle in search of strawberries and bananas for Emma. My searching was interrupted when another cart had hit the front of mine. My attention focused from the variety of fruits to the person in front of me. There stood a familiar dark toned lad, focusing his attention on the small child in his cart. I shook it off, redirecting my attention back to the fruits. "Rosie?" A masculine voice said lowly seconds later.  My eyes pondered from the fruit section, over towards where the voice had erected from. There stood.... Him. Staring at me, looking almost as shocked as I was. It was, him.


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