"You're lucking it didn't swell too badly." She told me. I don't find anything about this 'lucky', but I accepted her optimism nonetheless. She then typed a few things into her computer.

"You're done." She smiled at me and I stood up, thanking her for her assistance.

Then I remembered, "Do you think you could give me directions to the south block? I'm still very new." Dr Zerski laughed and nodded, pulling out her drawer and fumbling around. She pulled out what looked to be a map of the place and I laughed to myself.

I accepted the map, being sure to display my gratitude, "Thank you."

She smiled in response and I showed myself out of the office. I smiled politely at the desk lady and she waved back.

I left the clinic feeling more upbeat than before, at least now I wouldn't have to go back to Jameson and start crying him a river.

I found my way back to the south block with the help of the map, chuckling to myself when I saw the time in the south blocks hall. It was now five to nine, much later than I anticipated this all to take. God, Jameson's going to kill me.

I walked down the long corridor to my room and pulled my room key out of my jean pocket, checking if my phone was still there too. My phone was now my ammo; if Eden tried anything, I had proof. Although I wasn't willing to prosecute her just yet, I still had it for back up.

I pushed the key into the lock and braced myself for Jameson's attack. I turned the key and pushed the door open. I shut it behind me and dropped the key on my desk.

A hand grabbed my arm and I jumped, "Where the hell have you been?" The voice was threatening, but didn't reach a volume past 'inside voices'.

I turned to face him, holding both arms in front of him to create a barrier between us, "Jameson, I'm fine."

But Jameson's eyes were no longer with mine, instead, they hovered over my right wrist—with my cast on.

I let out a sigh, bracing myself for his anger to hit me. Instead, he picked up my dainty wrist with care and looked at it. I frowned at him, then his eyes rose to meet mine. He was fuming, I could tell.

"Who did this?" His voice was deadly and I cringed at the darkness overshadowing his eyes.

"Jameson, I'm tired–"


"No one."

Jameson raised his eyebrows at me, "Sky, that's stupid." I shook my head, pulling my arm from his hold.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." I hissed, pushing past him. I shed my jacket, albeit with much trouble. I laid it on my desk chair and kicked off my shoes.

"Well if you actually told me then–"

"Jameson, get it into your head! I'm not telling you." Jameson looked taken aback by the tone of my voice, and quite frankly I was too. I closed my eyes for a second, calming myself down.

"The fact is that you won't believe me." My voice was softer and cracked. Jameson frowned and I tore my gaze away from his. Silence grew heavy amongst us and I took the opportunity to put my phone on charge and pull out my new pyjamas out from my drawers.

I got changed in the bathroom since Jameson was still standing in my room.
Then it dawned on me just how much trouble this damn wrist will give me. Crap. Thanks, Eden. Groaning, I repeatedly hit my head on the marble counter. There was a knock on my door.

"What are you doing?" Jameson asked through the thick wood. I sighed and unlocked the door.

I handed him a hair tie, "could you tie up my hair?" I rolled my eyes when Jameson's face displayed grimace, "Or at least try?" Jameson sighed but took the tie from my hand nonetheless.

I bent over to throw all my hair over my head and Jameson awkwardly collected the strands of my hair. Once relaxed into it, Jameson moved closer into me whilst tying the elastic around my hair. The warmth of his body against mine next to me was a peculiar feeling, it felt mysterious and calming, but awkward too, I mean—he is my guardian.

Once up, my hair didn't actually look all that bad and Jameson appeared to be proud of his finish work. I laughed at his facial expression and he joined in, which surprised me. I guess now I have made Jameson laugh, I could do just about anything.



I'm in Spain rn but it's like 11:10am back home so I was like why not post

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter (vote, comment and fuel my ego, etc mama)


no we can't Chloe

Okay fine bye



(Do you have a better ship name?)

Bye hun


(Haha me)

Next update: Tuesday onwards


Learning about Sky's past with some good old #Skameson (definitely need another ship name)

The Hollows Of Hiraeth (✔️) | 'Hollows' Book IOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz