"I hope that's not my bed." I whispered and Nate chuckled quite loudly for someone trying not to get noticed.

"Hello? Whose up there?"  I heard Jessie's voice.

'Shit' I mouthed 'Hide!" I managed to say quietly.

"Nate? Is that you in Stella's room?  No BOYS IN THE ROOMS!" Jessie's words pierved through my brain. She just needed one reason to kick me out of this room and sorority for good. Therefore naturally I panicked.


I heard him fall while his shoe flipped in the air and hit me in the head.

'So it was the shoe.' My over smart brain commented as I suppressed an 'ouch'

Nate fell down on the porch. Great move Stella. YOU THREW HIM OFF THE BALCONY! Now be a lady and see if he is alive.

Reluctantly I removed my hands from my face. Somehow my palms covering my eyes and mouth made me feel momentarily safe and held me from crying in pain. What I did next was the dumbest idea ever. It could either give me a quick escape or get me in whole lot of trouble.

Yes, I crawled back into the room. Emphasis on the word crawl. Ducking the Ashessa make out session. Don't look at me like that obviously I gave them a ship name.

But hey! On the plus side turns out it wasn't my bed.

I somehow managed to get into the dressing and quickly that a bath in adjoining bathroom. Ashessa would probably stop this love making if they realised I was still in the room.
Now for those of you thinking that I left Nate to die. He didn't die. He handled the situation pretty well. In Fact if I would have peeped or rushed downstairs to check on him Jess would have been more suspicious.

Beauty with brains. That's me.

I changed and texted Nate that I will meet him directly in the staff room. I quickly rushed out of the room with so many things on my mind- Isabella, Nate, Mr. Bateman , punishment and even Ron and Rose that I forgot my best friends were making out a while ago.

To my surprise they weren't outside anymore. How did I recall you ask? The messed up Vanessa bed and duvet on the floor didn't exactly let me forget it. For those who know V, have to know her weird perfectionist OCD. She even made my bed most of the time. Not that it is any trouble. But you get the deal, Right?

For the first time I grossed out on my brain's eidetic cognitive powers. I scrunched my nose and made a mental note to confront those two idiots very soon.

I drew closer to the staff room and saw Nate and Mr. Bateman already talking outside the room. I quickly joined in on the conversation without disturbing the long speech Mr. Bateman was giving.

"....I am not pleased about it. But on this heroic show of your hospitality towards their kids. They want to payback in some manner. Therefore your detention has been terminated. " he said before I could squeal out in utter delight. He added a cherry on the cake " both detentions."

Mr. Bateman was clearly against it therefore both Nate and I suppressed our smiles underneath serious faces. After Mr. Bateman left something weird had to happen to ruin the moment right?

"Yes thank god!"  Nate said with utter enthusiasm and hugged me. Yeah hugged me. Now a part of me was happy to get rid of a month of babysitting and gardening but another part of me was like- why is he so happy to get rid of me? Yeah. Ouch.

"Good riddance. I guess" I managed to speak while Nate crushed my bones. He coughed as if suddenly realising what was he doing. Or rather whom was he hugging.

Boy aren't you just messing with my alternative ego.

" from detention..yes for now. From you, nah." He bluntly commented and my smile vanished into a persistent, noticeable frown.

"Just when I thought we could be friends." Thats all I said and turned around to leave. I can't believe I told him about Bella and I did not tell Ash. At Least Ash would have been a little sensitive about it. The thought of it made me wanna cry. Why did I even bother to trust him. Telling your deepest darkest secrets are difficult. But realising you told it to the wrong person is even more difficult. Forgetting my sister was an impossible task in itself and now the fact that Nate knows about is even more disturbing. How could I be so stupid.

As I walked away from him my head pounded with so many questions. I was disappointed in myself. I am so naïve. Nate quickly ran towards me and grabbed my arm. He forced me to turn around.

'It's too late to wipe those big ass tears now.' I thought.

"Hey..stop. Wait are you crying?" Nate bent down to get a little clear vision of my face. "Look we were never friends. I was just doing what you wanted. Friendship can't work between us. I tried yesterday and you told me about your sister you looked so broken and I didn't even know what to do. I hate not knowing what to do. I..I hate to know that I can't fix it for you. I can't do friends Stella." I snatched my arm out of his grip.

"I trusted you Nate. For some stupid reason. I always do. It's not always I can talk about Bella. In fact I can't talk about her at all. I am not even allowed to keep a picture of her because I end up depressed. But I told you. Still you are always so mean to me. Sorry to break it to you but it's always your fault. I am not the bad guy here. You can't pretend to be all Mr. Goody-two shoes one second and be all I am the bad guy the other sec..." I wasn't finished but he caught my arms and stopped me.

He immediately planted his lips on mine. I drew closer to him. It felt good but...I pushed him away and slapped him.

"That's for being an idiot." I said and gave him a kiss on the same cheek. " that's for everything else."

"So...Friends?" Nate asked.

"I can't do friends." I mimicked him. "We..are just like that. We are nothing."

"Sounds easier than enemies."

"It is."

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