Chapter 11

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By the time the de-aged avengers had arrived at the school it was dark outside.

"Is the school even still opened?" Tony was the first to speak as the taxis drove away.

"I'm not sure; I'm not exactly any more experienced than you are with this place." Steve replied his face scrunched up in a frown as he looked up at the dark blue shaded school.

They didn't say another word as they slowly walked towards the entrance to the school in a line, Tony holding Bruce's hand. As they came up to the door they all froze and then turned to face Steve. Steve gave them a look back before leaning over and checking if the door was open. Breaking the previous silence the entrance door to the school screeched open loudly and the sound echoed down the abandoned pitch black hallway just inside.

Steve walked inside with Thor following close behind; Bruce went to walk forward but stopped after noticing that Tony didn't make any move of entering.

"Steve, I'm not sure about this." Tony spoke up in a serious tone, his eyes wondering at blank black image that was the school's hallway at night.

"Tony come on, the good guys are waiting for us here." Steve replied while turning back around to face the hallway. "Is there any lights here?" He then mumbled to himself.

"Who was the guy that told you to come here?" Tony questioned in a louder voice.

"Just some guy that showed up while I was packing." Steve answered in a huff.

"Why do you believe him so much? You don't know him. You don't even know his name!" Tony pointed out; he was considering going back to Natasha and Clint.

"Tony, please! Just trust me! I just know he was telling the truth!" The blonde teenager said desperately in response.

"No! You don't just know somethings the truth! You need more proof; this could be a massive trap Steve!" You could tell Tony was actually concerned due to him using Steve's actual name.

Steve was about to reply but another voice interrupted him, "Young avengers! Oh am I glad to see your arrival."

They all jumped and turned to face where the voice come from, they watched as a tall figure slowly came into sight from the shadows.

"Loki!" Bruce suddenly said and Tony, confused, looked from the small boy to the tall man.

"Young Bruce, I am deeply sorry for the mayhems that came from my magical gift with the small man. I didn't mean any harm." Loki said with a sweet smile.

Bruce slightly nodded before running over and giving Loki a hug, his way of saying it was okay.

Tony just stared at the man, trying to read him and see whether he could trust the man.

Steve smiled slightly and awkwardly at the tall magical man.

And Thor stood there in shock, his mouth wide open.

"Loki! My brother! 'tis I Thor! I am he from a younger time!" the de-aged demi god said in a loud booming voice.

"Oh brother I know! I am here to help you! To return you back to your normal time!" Loki said and sent a grin to his tiny brother.

Thor ran and jumped into his adopted brother's arms.

"Come young ones! I will take you to the place where I shall return you back to the safety of your normal time." Loki said as he held his smaller than usual brother's hand and turned around to lead them through the dark hallway. Their eyes had adjusted to their surrounds so they could now see as they walked on.

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