Chapter 4

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One Week Later:

It was seven o'clock in the morning and everyone was up getting ready. It was the first day of their new school for the de-aged avengers. Natasha and Clint were both feeling a bit down that morning, looking after the de-aged avengers was great (they were good kids.) But they really missed their old friends/Team mates; also they had hoped that the mini avengers would have been re-aged before they had to take them to this school, they were now more determined to find a cure.

The two adults weren't the only ones feeling down on this morning, they both figured this out as they each visited a room of each de-aged avenger:

Clint walked into Steve's room first to see how he was.The teenager was standing in the new schools uniform in front of the mirror in the bathroom attached to the room; he was brushing his hair with a frustrated look on his face.

"Hey kid, are you alright?" Clint asked with a smile.

Steve sent a look towards the adult through the mirror and sighed as he placed the brush down. "I –Uh- I'm sort of-I'm really nervous, Clint." He said, fiddling with his hands. "I don't know if I can do this! I'm from a different time! I'm not going to know what I am doing! And people are going to look at me weirdly and laugh!" Steve continued, his breathing quickening.

"Woah! Buddy breathe, it's going to be okay! Do you need your inhaler?" Clint interrupted the rambling putting a reassuring hand on the blonde's shaking shoulder. Steve nodded wordlessly in reply, his wheezing the only sound coming out of him.

Clint gave Steve his inhaler that was in the front pocket of the teen's school bag and waited till he was done with it before returning it. "Hey listen, if you're scared you're not going to get all the new stuff just hang around Tony, the kid knows everything he could help you out." He suggested.

Steve gave Clint another look through the mirror, "I don't know if you've noticed but Tony and I don't get along very well."

Clint let out a small laugh and nodded, "True, but I'm sure he would help you out a bit, actually I bet he's nervous about going to a new school as well, you guys help each other out." After seeing that Steve still was looking freaked out Clint continued, "Okay well if you don't want to rely on Tony that's fine. Steve honestly man, it's going to fine! Just be cool about everything, it's not like you're there for long! Soon you'll be back home in your normal time and you won't have to even remember whatever happens in this new school! Experiment with this new school, do things that you wouldn't do at your regular school. Just avoid anything stupid! Do not take drugs or smoke!" Clint told the kid with exaggerated hands, making Steve laugh.

Steve was silent for a moment, taking in what Clint said before nodding. "Yeah, okay! I will try that! Thanks Clint, I feel slightly better now."

"Glad to help kiddo!" Clint smiled.

Tony was in his room, standing opposite the full length mirror that was in the middle of the wall of his future self's fancy room. To say his was nervous was an understatement.

He tried for the fifth time to pull the school's uniform pants up and groaned in frustrating as they slid down slightly from not fitting his small, skinny frame.

Tony was becoming overwhelmed and was thinking about the embarrassment that this was all going to conclude in.

Giving up he pulled them up again and this time sat lazily on the bed behind him, still looking at the mirror in front. Tony then saw the tears that had come from frustration and quickly wiped them away. Dad doesn't like tears.

Just then there was a knock on his door. "Yeah?" he called out softly.

The door opened and Natasha popped her head in with a smile, "Hey Tony, Came to check on you." She told the teenager as she made her way into the room. She then noticed his blood shot eyes, and how his hair was messier than usual, meaning frustration. "What's wrong?"

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