Chapter 13: Recovering

Start from the beginning

I walk into class five minutes late and see Professor Armstrong already talking to the class. He looks at me as I walk in but thankfully he continues talking.

As I spot Chloe and walk up the steps, I make eye contact with Harry. I can't read his emotion, but I give him a half haunted half hostile look. I can tell that my facial expression is anything but subtle, as his eyes give him away and a few people around him give me strange looks.

I quickly look away from him and find my seat. I sit down next to Chloe feeling unnerved that he is only a few metres away from me.

"I never got to say thank you for.... Sorting me out on Saturday night." She leans over and whispers to me.

"Don't mention it."

"You look like shit." She states honestly, and I can't help but chuckle. She's horribly honest, I love it. At least I know now that the chances of her lying to me are quite slim.

"Gee thanks."


As Chloe hurries off to her next class, I make my way to the Annex to meet Nell.

I spot the place from up ahead and see that it is just as crowded as last Monday, which is always great. I just hope that the line isn't as long because for some reason I am absolutely starving. Maybe because I haven't eaten since..... the party I think. Wow. And I just about emptied out all the contents in my stomach yesterday.

I hear my phone beep and I take it out of my pocket to see a message from Danielle.

[Hey I'll be a little late, professor wants to talk]

I reply back with 'okay' and look up to see the one face I have been trying to avoid. His eyes meet mine and he looks slightly confused. He is walking away from the cafe' with a drink in hand. How did he get in and out so quickly?

I shake the curious thoughts from my mind as I continue walking, avoiding eye contact and slightly nudging him as I walk past him.

"What's your problem?" He asks with an edgy tone.

"What's my problem?" My voice comes out louder than I intended. "Don't pretend like you don't know." His face only shows confusion which makes my blood boil. Is he really going to play the 'I have no idea what you're talking about' game? God this boy pisses me off. "Leave me alone." I spit, turning on my heel.

"What the hell?" I hear him say from behind me. I ignore him and try to shake that edgy feeling off as I walk through the cafe'.

I can't believe he thought he would get away with this. I mean he just approaches me with a random cup in his hand, does that not seem the slightest bit conspicuous? And now he's acting like he doesn't know why I'm angry at him. He is such a prick. Maybe he just did it for a little fun, and hey, he had no idea I'd have a reaction to it. But it was mixed with alcohol for fucks sake he should know the info before he goes doing stupid shit like that.

The line is of course as long as last time, which builds on my nerves. My head is ringing with pain and the amount of noise in here isn't helping.

When I finally reach the front of the line I order the same drink for Danielle, and a fruit smoothie and a muffin for me. While I wait for the drinks I eat the muffin, which is like Christmas in my mouth. Blueberry muffins are life. This was definitely a good choice on the first thing to eat. The muffin is demolished all too quickly, and I feel myself wanting more. But the line is too long I'm not lining up again.

The drinks are ready and I luckily find a group of people leaving a booth. I slip in before anyone else can.

I take a sip of my drink and rest my head against the back of the seat as I wait for Nell to arrive. My head is still pounding so I decide to take a sip of my smoothie. The cool, thick liquid soothes my dry throat and I mentally praise myself for choosing this. I text Danielle where I'm sitting and wait for her to arrive.

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