He spread his arms wide, baring a smile showing chipped and yellow teeth. "Ah, my new treasure." he crooned, his voice deep and rough.

     I bit down hard on my tongue to keep from snarling.

      The Mayor approached me, taking my arm and pulling me from Drayko's grasp. His hand had to be twice the size of mine, making me want to shrink away from him. This man could easily overpower me.

      The Mayor's quarters was not anything special. There was a large bed in the corner, seemingly just big enough to fit this new Mayor's massive body. There were maps and graphs tacked to the walls, depicting numbers and statistics. Some of this math was too advanced for even me. I was led to the side of the room opposite to the Mayor's bed, where a wall of metal bars were. The Mayor fished a key from his pocket, unlocking the padlock attached to the edge of the bars. Then he opened the cage, nudging me inside. My insides felt cold as ice as I stumbled into the prison, hearing the click of the lock behind me. I whirled around and moved forward so I was practically pressed against the bars, staring at the Mayor with wide eyes.

     Drayko was still standing back towards the curtain, his dark eyes pained and helpless. I was sure that if he had to watch any more of this he may have another melt down.

     "So I hear your name is Capable?" Mayor asked, leaning down so we were face to face.

     I flinched away from him, "That's right." I mumbled, surprised my voice came out so steady.

     "I'm Mayor Dominari" Domimari smiled again, as if he was speaking to a child. I felt sick. "This will be your new home." he gestured to the prison around me, "I will let you out only when I decide to make use of you, understand?"

      Despite the screams of protest in every fiber of my being, I nodded.

     Dominari nodded in return, "You will be treated well here, as long as you are a good girl." a smirk tugged at his mouth. 

     I clenched my jaws at the mocking tone in his voice, but said nothing.

     "How about we become familiar with each other..."

     He opened the cage, this time snagging a tight hold of my chains. I knew where this was going. The panic, sharp and buzzing, started flooding through my limbs. My eyes darted around wildly for a way out. I can't do this. Not yet. I'm not ready. Please no, no, no, no. It was nearly impossible to keep my face blank, as the fear was clawing through my mask of calmness like razor sharp claws. Dominari dragged me towards the bed, hardly noticing the way I dug my bare heels into the metal floor. Someone help me...

      The Mayor threw me onto the bouncy surface of his bed, rattling the shackles around my wrists loudly. I rolled onto my back, breathing fast and labored. Dominari grinned maliciously down at me, his cold eyes raking my body as if I was a slab if meat. No sound left my parted lips, as if my vocal cords had dried up in the scorching air. If I could have, I would have been howling and fighting back. The voice in the back of my brain whispered to me that I needed to let him do what he likes to me, so he trusts me. So he leaves us alone sooner and so I might escape.

      "S-stop!" Drayko cried, hands up as if to protect his eyes from the sight before him.

     My attention snapped to him. I had completely forgotten he was still in the room. The thought of him standing there made me want to vomit even more. The Mayor was willing to force himself on me right in front of Drayko. I hope Furiosa rips his slimy, worthless heart out.

      "What did you say?" Dominari barked, voice rumbling.

      "She...She can't breed right now." Drayko said weakly.

      "Why?" The Mayor growled, moving away from the bed and stalking up to the skinny boy. If he hits Drayko, I thought, I will claw his damned eyes out.

       "Uh, she's, uh..." Drayko desperately tried to come up with an excuse, "She's in her blood week."

      I relaxed into the sheets under my back, my muscles feeling like jelly. Please believe him, please believe him, I thought. 

     Dominari glanced at me, as if asking me if he was telling the truth. I nodded vigorously, chest still heaving a bit with the anticipation.

     "Very well." The large man grumbled, "Then you will make an example for her instead, Drayko. Put her back in the safekeeping."

     I blinked with confusion, rising into a sitting position. I eyed the dark boy, conveying my questions with my gaze. Drayko merely shook his head, as if to tell me not to worry about it. He helped me to my feet and locked me back in the little prison.

     "Please don't watch." Drayko whispered shakily, just loud enough for me to hear.

     I gave him a wide-eyed look, my hands gripping the bars holding me captive. My brain failed to wrap around what was happening, but for some reason my veins rushed with chemicals and a concentrated amount of dread.

     "Drayko, wha-"

     But he wasn't listening, he turned and shuffled towards Mayor Dominari, head low and and face scrunched up with fear.

     Dominari shoved him onto the bed even more roughly than he had done to me. Though Drayko didn't roll onto his back like me, just stayed put obediently as if he has done this a thousand times. The muscular man grabbed Drayko's wrists and pinned them against the small of his back. That was when everything clicked into place, and I felt as if the air around me suddenly vanished. I frantically pulled and pushed against the bars, protective instinct igniting my blood. My chains clashed against the metal with an almost unbearable noise. I didn't care, this was far worse that Dominari hurting me. I was back in the vault, standing by helplessly as Agharad was pinned to her bed by Immortan. No more. I don't want to do this anymore.

     Through all of the racket I was making, the little clinking of a belt coming undone pierced my ears. The Mayor was fiddling with the front of his pants, his eyes hungry as he gazed at Drayko's back.

     "Stop it!" I moaned, tears stinging my eyes, "Please stop it!"

     They both ignored me, as if I was nothing more than a twittering bird at their window. 

     "Please don't watch." Drayko's words from moments before echoed in my brain. I realized with a drop of my heart that I could do nothing to stop this. The only thing I could do for Drayko was not witness his moment of humiliation, his moment of abuse.

     I scrambled to the corner of the safekeeping, which was only a few feet away from the bars. My body curled in on itself, my eyes squeezing shut. I trembled violently, my hands clapped over my ears to try and keep the horrible sounds out.

     It didn't matter, because for the next hour Drayko's screams filled my brain. 




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