Chapter 24: Bootcamp

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"Alright Mads, today is your first day of Fifth Harmony Bootcamp you ready?" Camila asked. "Totally" I said. "Now first lesson GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND DROP AND GIVE ME 20" Dinah yelled. I stared at her like she was crazy and then she had that look and I dropped to the ground and started doing push ups. The girls started laughing. "Hahahahahahahaha" they all laughed. "Were just kidding" Dinah said. "Your f-face" Lauren giggled. "Why?" I asked. "It was just a joke" Dinah said. "Wow" I said. "Anyway your real first lesson is vocal warmups" Ally said. "So sing Do re mi fa so la TI DO then from there to start" Camila said. "Don't you think that's a bit cliche?" I asked. "Just do it" Dinah said. "Do I have to sing that?" I asked. "Yes, unless you have something else in mind" Lauren said. "Can one of you sing in with me?" I asked nervously. "I'll do it!" Dinah said. "No then how is she going to be comfortable with doing a solo" Camila said. "A WHAT!!" I yelled with a squeaky voice. "That reminds me of Hannah Montana for some reason" Lauren said. "Oh yeah the show" Camila said. "I miss that" Normani said. "Hello people back to Madison" Lauren said. "Oh right" Camila said. "So do the vocal warmups" Ally said. "Do I really have to" I said. "Well unless you have something else in mind" Ally said. "Do you know what a siren and kazoo is?" I asked. "What kind of vocal warmup is that?" Normani asked. "Well for a kazoo you inhale and then you exhale letting out a woo sound" I said. "Also humming helps too" I said. "Your leaving out one thing" Camila said. "If you sing Do re mi fa so la ti do it helps you hit high notes" Camila said. "I know" I sighed. "Just please try it" Lauren said. "Okay don't look" I said. "Ughh fine just do the warm-up already" Dinah said. "Hey girls can I help?" Bea asked. "Oh sure Bea" Lauren said. She sat down next to me and smiled. I smiled back but now it was beginning to get awkward. Everyone was staring at me. I started covering my face with my jacket. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked. "I don't know I thought Bea was going to do something" Camila said. I scooted away from Bea and towards Normani. "Well you are sort of creeping me out" I said. "Your not the only one" Normani whispered. I looked up at her then down. "Well then" I said. "I'll do it, I'll SING IT!!" I said. "Jeez, teenagers are scary" I said. "Excuse me" Dinah said. "Woah, that's only some teenagers" Lauren said. "Yeah" Camila pouted. "I'm a young adult" Ally said. "Oh I was only referring to Normani and Dinah" I said. Dinah glared at me like she was going to get me and honestly I found out SHE BEATS EVERYBODY UP!! I looked up at Normani and she was giving me the same death glare. "Kidding, I'm totally kidding!" I chuckled nervously. "You better be!" Dinah said. "You know what just skip the vocal exercise" Camila said. "Yeah just hum" Lauren said. "Okay" I said. "Next obviously your nervous so you need to open up" Dinah said. "Yeah don't worry Madison, I bet you'll do fine" Bea said. "And if your scared just look over at the other girls" Bea said smiling at me. "Thanks, I'll take that into consideration" I said. "Wow, that was good advice Bea" Ally said. "Yeah, your so sweet" Dinah said squeezing Bea. "Thanks" Bea said giving Normani a mischievous smirk. I saw Normani glaring at Bea. "Mani, what's wrong?" I asked childishly. "Nothing" she said tickling me. I giggled. "Then why are you glaring at Bea" I whispered. "I'll tell you some other time" Normani said. "Pinkie promise?" I asked putting out my pinkie. "Yeah, whatever" Normani said still glaring at Bea.
Next Step: Dancing
"This will be easy" I said. "Well if you know how to dance then you should be fine" Camila said. "So for Worth It, you swing your arm like this" Normani said. "You also do like a little shake" Lauren said. "Like when Ally acts like Shakira" I smiled. Ally covered her face in her hands and started giggling and so did everyone else. "How did you know that?" Ally asked smiling. "Two words: Social Media" I said. "Isn't that one word" Lauren said. "Yeah" Dinah said. "Nope it's two" Ally said. "Oh really" Lauren said. "My mistake" Lauren said. "Anyway in Worth It we also put our hands on each other's shoulder" Normani said. "Like a conga line!" I exclaimed. "Yeah I guess" Camila said.

Hey Ppls I know it's not so entertaining but I promise we're almost to the shocking chapter!! Anyway thnx for all the reads were almost to 4k YAYYYYY!! Thnx so much for giving Sisters? a try!! ILYSM!! Thank you!! Thank you!! I updated a new chapter for it ILY
Always stay true to yourself!

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