Chapter 21

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"Bye Pablo, Good luck" Jordan said. "Here's your backpack man" Davis said. "Bye Pablo, Good luck in Florida" I said fist bumping Pablo. "Much Gracias" Pablo said. "Wait, Bye Pablo" Debby and Chrissie said. "Adiós" Pablo said. He looked back at us and waved then entered the airport. "Well another job well done team" Jordan said. "Yeah" I said. "Hands in on 3" Jordan said. "Alright" we said. "1..2..3 GO TEAM!!" we shouted. We got back in the truck. "Hey, you guys want to watch the sun come down?" Jordan asked. "Sure" Davis and I said. "Awesome" Debby and Chrissie said. We drove to the top of a mountain. Jordan jumped over to the back of the truck. "So tomorrow is our last day" Jordan said. "Yup" I said. "I'm going to miss you guys" Debby said. Then we all hugged. "Hey let's take a group selfie" I said. "Cool" they said. I took out my selfie stick and took a picture of us. "I'll tag all of you" I said. "Okay" they said. "You know isn't this nice" Davis said. "Yeah, the sky is a perfect shade of Orange, yellow and purple" Chrissie said. "It's so pretty" Debby said. "Yeah" I said. "So tomorrow were all going to see bull riding right?" Davis asked. "Yup and eat some corn dogs" I said. We all giggled. "Well it's getting dark we should get back" Jordan said. He hopped into the drivers seat and started driving. For the first time it was actually very cold at night so I sat inside the truck this time. Jordan turned on the radio and fifth harmony came on. "Here's fifth harmony's new hit song Worth It" the radio announcer said. "You want me to turn it up Mads?" Jordan asked. "Sure" I said smiling widely. The song made me wonder what the girls are doing right now.


"That was so awesome" Lauren said. "I know right" Dinah and Normani said. "We got to wear blue!!" Camila yelled. The girls giggled. "Can't wait for the next show" Ally said. "Yeah, we're going all over the south" Normani exclaimed. "Yasss" Ally said. "Louis and I are going to pick up Madison tomorrow right?" Jeff asked. "Yeah, she'll be so happy to see you again Jeff" Ally said. "Hey Big Rob" Camila said. "Hey girls, great performance tonight" Big Rob said. "Thanks Big Rob" Dinah said. "I can't wait till we actually perform with Madison" Camila said. "I don't think she's looking forward to it" Lauren said. "Yeah, but she'll be fine, I hope" Normani said. The girls exited the place of their performance and there were screaming fans everywhere. Big Rob, Jeff and Louis were keeping the crowd contained. "Bye guys, we love you!!" Camila's said. "Oh my gosh Camila!!" A fan screamed. "I love you" another one screamed. The girls waved to all the fans. They got to the tour bus safely. "Ughh, I'm so tired" Lauren said sprawled on the couch. Camila fell on top of her. "Too bad we have another show tomorrow" Ally said. "Great" Lauren said. "Don't worry we have plenty of time to rest" Dinah said. "Yeah and Madison is coming tomorrow!!!" Camila's exclaimed. "Why are you so excited, the other day you were yelling at her" Dinah said. "Well that was the past" Camila said. "This isn't your totally happy week Camz" Lauren said. "You could say that again" Normani said. "What was that?" Camila said glaring at Normani. "Nothing" Normani said. "Guys, your not going to fight okay" Ally said. "Fine by me" Normani said. Camila scoffed. "Lets just all get along" Dinah said. "Yeah, I can't sleep if you two are arguing" Lauren said with her eyes closed. Camila nudged Lauren playfully. Lauren smiled. "Yeah, anyway Goodnight guys" Ally said. "Goodnight, Ally" the girls said. "All of you us should get some sleep too" Dinah said. "Goodnight guys" Dinah said. "Wait for me" Lauren said. Camila and Normani looked at each other and frowned then went to sleep too.

Hey guys this is probably the shortest chapter I've ever made!! Hope you like it!! Also what is going on between Normani and Camila?? I heard that Camila is mad that Normani is friends with Becky G??? Someone fill me in!! Anyway Goodnight lovelies .
P.S. Did any of you know that Cabello means hair!! So Camila's name is Camila Hair!! So that explains her flawless hair anyway I'm going to shut up now!! Goodnight

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