Chapter 12

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  Alright guys so this is the special chapter I've been talking about. So in this chapter instead of Madison being 7 she's 9. There are two parts to the special chapter so hope you like it.
     Madison POV
   I woke up in the bunk below Camila's. I got out of bed and went to the shower. After I got out I went to Olivia to get another lesson. It turns out Olivia was already awake. Hey Mads ready for a lesson Olivia said smiling. Sure I said. So we're going to do history now Olivia said. Okay I said. So who was the 3rd president of the U.S. Olivia asked. Thomas Jefferson I said. Correct she said. Who was the tenth president of the U.S. Olivia asked. John Tyler I said. Alright great Olivia said. Now I have an assignment for you. Really Olivia, you know I have to be at an interview with fifth harmony and an audition for the new abc movie, and maybe series The Descendants of Segna I said. Yeah I know your really busy with your social life but school is also important Olivia said smiling. You know someone once said that the last generation was all the people that lived, loved and enjoyed the value of life but this generation is just mindless phone zombies Olivia said giggling. Okay true the 40's-70's were an age of discovery and understanding and bonding but this generation also produces the best technology and has excelled in the global market I said. Olivia eyes were wide open. Have you've been reading ahead because that was very intelligent to say Olivia said. Well I do have a great teacher so I'll take the assignment I said. Awww Mads thanks, Olivia said fist bumping me. Okay so your assignment is to understand life Olivia said. How am I suppose to do that in one day I said. You didn't let me say when it's do Olivia said. Ok when is it due I asked. Its due in a a week from now Olivia said. Alright well I better go I said. Okay, break a leg Olivia said. Thanks Liv see you later I said back to her. Camila was already up and sitting on the couch. Hey Mom I said. Hey Mads Camila said. So are you ready for the interview this morning Camila asked. Yeah it's going to be great I said. I sat next to her on the couch and was reading over the lines for The Descendants of Segna. Camila looked over at my lines. Your still rehearsing for that movie Camila said. Of course it's a big opportunity and that movie is awesome I said. I know Camila said. So have you made up your mind about going to the U.K. with us Camila asked. Ya mom I said. Oh great what's your choice Camila said. I'm going but then I have to fly back alone I said. No way, your 9 I can't let you fly back on the plane alone Camila said. No I'll be with Jeff and Louis I said. Okay well why can't you stay Camila asked. I have school to do I said. Right Camila said. Well I know you were able to take the weekend  off Camila said. Yup, acting has also allowed me to stay in one place and go to school I said. Yeah I know Mads but we all miss you and can't wait until your summer vacation Camila said. I know mom I said smiling. You know I still remember that first time you went on stage with us Camila said. Me too I said.
Last night I went on stage for the first time with fifth harmony. It was an amazing night. What are you thinking about Mads Lauren asked. Oh I'm just thinking about last night I said. Me too Mads she said messing up my hair. Heyyy I said in an annoyed voice. Lauren started laughing. Good morning people Camila said walking into the kitchen. Good morning Camz Lauren said. Morning Milla I said. Hey guys Allyson said walking in. Sophia, Dinah and Normani are still asleep Allyson said smiling. Alright well I'm going to the room Lauren said. Can I tag along Allyson said. Sure Lauren said. They went to probably the only room in the bus which has a door. So I guess it's just you and me Mads Camila said. Yup Mo-Milla I said. What she said staring at me. What I said Yup Milla I said avoiding eye contact with her. Really because I'm pretty sure I almost heard you say mom Camila said. No, way I said. You sure because I don't mind Camila said sneaking up behind me. Ok I said. I flinched when Camila started tickling me. Just say it Camila said. No I don't want to, it doesn't feel right I said. Well I guess I just have to tickle it out of you Camila said. N-o N-o sto-p I said giggling. What was that she said still tickling me. Okay stop seriously I said. I didn't hear you say it Camila said smiling. Fine please stop Mo-Milla I said. Your so close Camila said Now tickling me in the neck my most vulnerable tickling spot. I was laughing so hard. She covered my mouth don't make so much noise. Okay M-o-m I said stammering. Oh my gosh you said it Camila said. Yayy Camila said hugging me. You promise to keep this between us right I said. Promise Camila said raising up her pinky and I wrapped mine around it. Milla and Mads for life she said. Yeah I said just never tickle me in the neck. Eh No Camila said tickling me again. I laughed so hard then she wrapped me in her arms. Remember you got to be quiet Camila said. 
  ~End of Flashback~
    It was also the first time you called me mom Camila said. You tickle attacked me. I know Camila said want me to do it again. Don't you dare I said. Okay I won't Camila said. Camila then wrapped me in her arms. I never promised I wouldn't tickle you Camila said. NO, NOT AGAIN I yelled. Oh YES HERE IT COMES Camila said. She started tickling me all over. I was trying to hold back my laughing but then my face was so red that I just let it all out. Oh my gosh Camila your so annoying I said laughing. What Camila, I think I tickled you too hard Camila said. So your going to stop now I said smiling. No, I'm going to tickle you even more she said smiling. Your crazy I said. Heh No kidding she said tickling me. Okay, okay if I call you Milla or Mom again you'll stop right I said. Maybe Camila said. Your going to break my funny bone I said. Okay I'll stop Camila said. Thanks Mom I said winking. What the heck guys, what's with all of the noise Dinah said. Oh we woke Dinha up Camila said. She did it I said pointing to Camila. You little tattle tale Camila said. I shrugged then gave her a mischievous smile. Dinah did you see what she just did Camila said. What Dinah said. She just gave me a mischievous smile Camila said. Madison would never do that Dinah said. Then I suddenly gave Dinah my mischievous smile. Oooh Mads has a dark side Dinah said. She must get that from..... Lauren Camila said. What did I do Lauren said walking in. Mads just gave us a mischievous smile Camila said. How is that my fault Camz Lauren said. Well your mysterious Dinah said. Okay makes sense, let's see your smile Lauren said sitting down. I made the smile again but I took the sunglasses from one side of the couch. Sheesh, Mads if looks could kill Lauren said. Actually some looks can kill I said taking off the glasses. Okay what are they smarty Lauren said. Well scary looks can kill or really aggregated or aggressive looks you just have to plan it out right I said. They all started giggling. Why are you laughing, that was pretty smart I said. Oh my gosh Mads stop your killing us Dinah said. How am I killing you that is a true statement. Seriously how do you know these thing Camila said. Its called reading a book I snapped. Camila put her hands up in defense. Dinah and Lauren started laughing more. Wow Mads did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed Lauren said. Haha very funny I'm sorry Milla I said. But really none of us knew you have a dark side Dinah said. Well I may have picked up a few things back in Hollywood I said. Flicking the sunglasses back on. They started laughing again. The sunglasses make you seem so devious too Lauren said. Allyson and Normani walked in. What's the fuss all about Allyson said. Lauren looked like she was dying with laughter because she was literally laying on the floor. What happened to Lauren Normani said. It was her Camila said pointing to me. Ha got you back Camila said. I took off the sunglasses on and I flashed a cold look at Camila. She yelped. What the heck Madison Camila said. Lauren and Dinah stopped laughing. Then I turned around and gave all of them the cold look I gave Camila, even Allyson and Normani who just walked in. Lauren jumped into Dinah's arms. Its like she was possessed Lauren said. What was that Normani said. Apparently Mads has a dark side. It worst seeing it up close Camila said. Are my mean looks really that effective I asked. Yes they all said. Good to know I said. Why is that good to know Allyson said. I don't know it might come in handy sometime I said. When will that ever come in handy Normani said. I glared at Camila. Guys why is Madison looking at me Camila said. The other girls started backing away. Ooooh did Camila get on Mads bad side Dinah said. Something like that I said. Ooooh they all said. Help Camila cried out. I don't want to anger the kid Lauren said. Sorry Camz Lauren said. Dinah, Normani, Allyson Camila said. Sorry Milla she's raging. Relax I'm not going to do that I said. Oh phew, you were scaring me Camila said. Yet I said. What I'm not going to use it yet I said. AAAHH guys Mads going to kill me. Relax Camz, what can a little girl like her do to you Lauren said. I then turned over my head to Lauren. You shouldn't underestimate me Lauren, I can be fierce I said. They all started laughing. What's up with you today Lauren asked. I don't know but it feels good I said. Haha haha Camila laughed so hard that it seemed like her face was going to turn more red than a tomato. Alright fun is over guys I said. Lauren's right I couldn't possible hurt any of you even if it mean it would save the world I said. Awwww they all said coming in for a hug. So you were kidding about using it on me right Camila said. No that's actually true I said. The girls then hugged me tighter. What are you guys doing I said trying to squirm out of their hold. Were letting Camila escape Allyson said. What there's no need for that I said. Run away Camila Normani said. Instead of running away Camila jumped onto Dinah's back and said Protect me Dinah!!! Dinah was startled and then she ended up falling on top of me. I shrieked. As soon as I knew it Dinah was on top of me and so was Camila. I closed my eyes and braced for impact. My stomach hurt a bit but I was okay. Then they started shifting on top of me and my face was being squished but they then finally got off of me. I gasped for air. My gosh Madison are you okay Allyson asked. Um...not really it feels like two hot rocks were crushing my body. Hot rocks Lauren said confused. Ya Dinah and Camila are really warm and I can't move. Normani and Dinah picked me up. Thank guys I said. I put my sunglasses back on and smiled at them. Oh my gosh Mads you should really take those off Normani said. Why I asked. Dinah stepped back and hid behind Normani. I took off my glasses. The lens were cracked. Wow how much do you guys weigh I asked. Excuse me I said. Dinah shoved Normani towards me. Relax guys I'm not mad I said walking towards the door. Where are you going Allyson asked. Nowhere I said. Hey Jeff I yelled. Hey Mads what's up Jeff said walking towards me. 360 I said.
  360 is a code for basketball that Jeff and I use. So he throws a basketball to me and then I do a lay up and throw it back to him. Then he goes back and kicks it really far and it lands into the next that we put 2 yards away.
  A 360 Jeff asked. Yeah we practiced you could do it big guy I said. Alright let's do the 360 Jeff said. What are you guys talking about Camila asked. Basketball we both said. We did the 360 and I stuffed the sunglasses in basketball coach. When I came back in Camila and Dinah yelped. I smirked. I disposed of the broken glasses I said. Yeah that's great Normani said. Yup, do you guys think I'm taking this chill thing too far. Yes they all said. Okay that's great I said. That evil smile took me a week to perfect and the cold expression. Mads your cool being yourself Allyson said. Yeah you guys are right I said. Group hug again Camila said. Wait This time nobody jump on anyone I said. Yeah we all said. Bring it in Allyson said.
       Alright so this was the first part of the special chapter. I think you might like the second part even more. Anyway when I'm done with both those chapter YOU CAN DECIDE if Madison should stay 7,9 or the age you will see right about now when your done reading my note. Anyway thanks guys for 630 reads honestly ILY You guys rock. Bye

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