Chapter 26

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Madison POV
So last night before we left I was looking at the security footage from last night and I saw what Bea did. Today when Mani and I were alone I showed her the tape. "Mads, I thought you were scared of me" Normani said. "Nonsense, I was acting" I said. "So you really never doubted me" Normani squealed. "Not for a second Mani" I said hugging her. "But I want Dinah to know so she could beat up Bea" I said gritting my teeth. "Woah, hold on we're not beating up anyone" Normani said. "Fine" I said. "So when the girls come back with Bea, you and I are going to show Dinah the tape" I said. "I still can't believe Bea would be so mean" I said. "She's just a fake" I said. "I'm sorry" Normani said. "For what?" I asked. "That your hero turned out to be a villian" Normani said. "It's okay I like my five heroes way better" I said. Normani smiled at me then we hugged each other. Dinah walked in on us. "Did I miss something?" Dinah asked with her arms crossed. "Actually, you did" I said. "I thought you were mad at Mani" Dinah said. "See, I'm a great actor" I said. "Why are you faking to be mad at Mani?" Dinah asked. "So I can let Bea think she made all of us turn on Mani but we didn't" I said. "But your not made that Mani lied to you and hit Bea" Dinah said. "She didn't lie and she didn't hit Bea, I have evidence" I said. "Okay let's see it" Dinah said. I took out the camera and played back last night's footage. We started watching and heard what Bea said to Normani then she hit herself and fell on the floor. "How dare she SAY THAT!" Dinah yelled. "Who said what?" Camila asked. Bea and Ally followed Camila in. "N-nothing" I said. "What are you watching?" Ally asked. I turned off the camera and hid it behind my back. "Okay?" Ally said awkwardly. "Are you hiding something?" Lauren asked. "No, she isn't" Dinah said. "Are you sure?" Camila asked. "Yeah" I said. "Fine" Ally said. Dinah, Normani and I then went to the back of the tour bus. "So Bea really was mean to you?" Dinah asked. "Yeah, ever since the xfactor" Normani said. "I had a feeling, I remember when Bea was sort of mean to you when we became Fifthharmony" Dinah said. "And you chose not to believe her this time" I said. "In my defense, she seemed really nice now" Dinah said. "Now we have to convince the rest" I said. "Right now?" Normani asked. "Not exactly right now" I said. "We need a game plan" I said. "Let's just confront her and be done with it, tell her to get off the bus!" Dinah said. "Hold on, all of you are Rolemodels and a lot of your fans also like Bea don't you think the little fans would be heartbroken if you two hated each other" I said. "I guess" Normani said. "You two have to apologize and work it out and if that doesn't work we can kick her out of the bus" I said. "Fine, but one mean word she says it's over!" Normani said. "Don't worry!" I said. "I can persuade her" I said. "How?" Dinah asked. "Well she wouldn't want her music career to be destroyed" I said. "Woah!" Normani said. "I don't think we should end her career" Dinah said. "It's inevitable if we expose her and people find out what she did to Normani" I said. "You have over 2 million fans and Bea practically just started trust me it's inevitable" I said. "That could work" Normani said. "But then that would mean we're blackmailing her and she won't truly be nice to Mani" Dinah said. "Trust me she will, we're not exactly going to blackmail her" I said. "Okay if your sure about this" Dinah said. "But when do we tell the others?" Normani asked. "One by one, we can't tell them all at once Bea could get suspicious" I said. "Yeah" Normani said. "Wow great gameplan Mads" Dinah said. "Thanks, I try" I said. "Well what do we do in the time being?" Dinah asked. "We can pass the time with music" I said. "Oh yeah that could be good practice for when you perform with us" Normani said. "Yeah, I still get butterflies in my stomach when someone mentions it" I said. "One thing we actually could benefit from Bea is her advice if you get stagefright" Dinah said. "Yeah" I said. "Oh can we sing Body Rock!" I said. "Sure" Dinah said. "Yesss!" I said. "You go first Mads" Dinah said. "No you go first" I said. "It's just the two of us" Normani said. "Turn around" I said. "Why?" Dinah asked. "Just do it" I said. "Fine" Normani and Dinah said.
Madison- I'm dancing in the rain cause there's a fire burning deep inside for you.
I'm locked into your chain becuase I'm addicted to the way your body moves.
"Not bad, when did you memorize the song" Dinah asked. "I thought I told you girls, that's my favorite song from you!" I said. "Oh, I thought it was Miss Movin On" Normani said. "Yeah but I moved on" I said chuckling. "Get it?" I asked. "Yeah" Dinah said patting my head. "Anyway want to continue?" Normani asked. "Yeah, it's your turn" I said. "Okay" Normani said.
Normani- Oh my heart is racing and my temperature is blazing through the roof.
And I'm tired of this charade cause I can't hide the way I'm fiending over you.
Madison- I'm overwhelmed I may as well stay underneath the spell you put on me.
And when you touch me I can feel it in my veins like electricity.
Dinah turns the song on but it's instrumental.
All: All day I'm only thinking bout you All day you got me going baby always
I love the way your body rocks when we rock you rock with me
Body Rock, Body Rock, you rock with me See this is how real love supposed to be
Body Rock, body rock, you rock with me
(Say) this is how real love suppose to be
Body Rock
When were singing the chorus we were dancing with each other. It was so fun we went back to back and started twirling around. Then we started dancing to Commas the song Normani was dancing to with Sean Bankhead. "Go Mani!, Go Mani!" Dinah and I chanted. We started dancing with her. We were having a small dance party. "Oh you wanna do the whip and nae nae now" Normani said. "Yeah" Dinah and I said. "Hey Mani, remember when we did this in the middle of the tour" I said. "Oh yeah" Normani said. "Go Dinah!" Normani and I chanted. I took out my phone and filmed us whipping and doing the nae nae. Then I posted it on instagram. "When your bored but then realize Dinah and Normani are with watch me me nae nae@dinahjane97 @normanikordei"
Normani and Dinah's phone buzzed and I started giggling. Normani and Dinah looked at me oddly and checked their phones. "Really Mads" Normani said. "Very funny" Dinah said. "It's true" I said. "You got to admit that's pretty funny" I said. "Okay, okay" Dinah said. "I suppose now we're going to listen to Fetty Wap right?" I said. "And Drake" I said. "We could bring Ally to rap with us!" I said then started giggling. "Mads, we don't only listen to R&B and Hip-Hop" Dinah said. "Sure" I said. "Seriously" Normani said. "Okay I know Dinah likes classical music but whenever someone is wearing a cap you take it from them and wear it" I said. "There's nothing wrong with that though it's amusing" I said. "Well I just like wearing caps" Dinah mumbled. "Remember when we were at a meet and greet then a worker there had a cap and you just took it off his head, oh and when we were on that set and we were driving around on that golf cart we passed that guy with a cap and you just reached out and took it" I said giggling. "That was hilarious!" I said. "Oh yeah I was driving and then I saw you in the rearview mirror and you had a cap on" Normani said. "Yeah, good times!" Dinah said. "Hey, whatcha doin?" Lauren and Camila asked at the door. "We're just hanging out" Dinah said. "Oh cool, can we join?" Lauren asked. "Sure!" I said. "Yayyyy" Camila said. "Where's Ally?" I asked. "She's talking to Troy" Camila said. "Oh, Ogletree" I mumbled smiling to myself. "So what song are you going to dance to now?" Lauren asked. "Oh I have a song!" I yelled. "What is it?" Lauren asked giggling. "Well I have 2" I said. "Okay, what's the first song we should listen to?" Lauren asked. "I will never let you down by Rita Ora!" I said. "Really?" Camila asked. "Yeah I love Rita Ora!" I said. "I didn't know that!" They said. "Well, I changed over time so what's one of my favorite things to do?" I asked. "Um...use your headphones!" Normani said. "Yeah, what else?" I asked. "Um....hanging out with us!" Camila said. "What else, we're doing it right now" I said. "Having a dance party!" Lauren said. "Yeah I do like to do that but that's not it" I said. "Then what is it?" Dinah asked. "Going on Tour with all of you!" I said. "Awwww, yeah that's pretty great!" Camila said. "Yeah, everyday is like one of the best nights of my life!" I said. "Why?" Ally asked. "Well how was your talk with Troy?" Camila asked. "Normal" Ally said. "What are you guys doing?" Ally asked. "Well we were having a dance party and now we're trying to know the new Madison" Lauren said. "Eh, not anymore now I just really want to listen to that song" I said. "Okay" Dinah said smiling. The song started but none of us were really dancing we were just talking and going on our phones. Then I changed the song to I don't like it, I love it by Flo Rida ft. Robyn Thicke. "Hey you want to know a secret?" I asked. "What?" They said. "At the Teen Choice Awards this song is going to be performed live!" I said. "I think we knew that already" Ally said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Well yeah, I think they announced that publicly" Lauren said. "Darn it" I said. Normani then started humming to the tune of the song and then Camila and then Dinah and then me and then Ally and lastly Lauren. Then we all started singing along and dancing. "I don't like it, I love it, love it, love it" We sang. Ally and I started rapping to Flo Rida's part and then everyone was staring at us like we were crazy. "How do you both know how to rap to hip-hop songs and songs with rap in it?" Camila asked. "Both of you are so sunshine and smiles" Dinah said. "Never underestimate us!" I said. "Yeah, you never know what we're capable of!" Ally said then we both started giggling. "Aren't you both the same height now" Normani said. "Yeah, little bit" Ally said. "Yeah but then I'll be part of the average height squad" I said. "Hey Lauren and I are not average" Camila said pouting. "You sort of are" Dinah said. "Well of course you would say that your 5'8" Ally said. "It's hysterical how Ally is the oldest but shortest, and Dinah is the youngest but tallest" I said. "Yeah, it should be the other way around" Lauren said. "It's not my fault, it's just in my genes" Dinah said. "Yeah, anyway where's Bea she's missing out on all the fun" Camila said. "She's in the front, talking to her family, but that's the last thing I saw her doing" Ally said. I looked over at Normani then to Dinah. Dinah gave me a 'Should we tell them' look. "There's something we need to- " "Hey girls, can I join your little party?" Bea asked. "Sure Bea!" Camila said. "It doesn't seem like there's enough room" Dinah said glaring at Bea. "Oh Madison can sit on my lap" Camila said. "Yeah, come on Mads" Lauren said. I fake smiled at Bea then sat on Camila. Now the only person I despise is here! "Oh Great!" I mumbled.

Heyyy ppls I know I haven't updated in a while but here's an update! Plz keep on reading my story! Also Congrats to FIFTH HARMONY!! They won Choice Female Hottie(Of course!) Choice Summer Song(Worth It!!) and Choice Female Music Group!! I love them so much and I'm so proud to be a harmonizer!!
My queens 5H
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