Chapter 14

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Those special chapter were suggestions and now I'm going with age 9, it got the most votes and it was what I was going to go with for the story anyway!! So hope you like it ☺. Madison was adopted in early  2013.
     ~2 weeks before U.K. invasion~
          Madison POV
Alright today is the day. I got out of bed and went to the place where all the girls were. "Hey Mads" Camila said. "Good morning" I said. "Hey Mads what's up" Dinah said. "Nothing" I said nervously. "Okayy" Dinah said. "You seem nervous" Lauren said. "Why would you say that" I said. "Because your face is turning red" Lauren said. "Oh" I said. "What's wrong" Allyson said. "I have something to say" I said. "Okay, say it" Lauren said. "I don't want to g-go o-on to-our a-n-ymore" I said. "What did you say" Normani said. "Why not" Camila said. "I want to be a normal kid again" I said. "What do you mean, your life is perfectly normal" Lauren said. "Not really, a normal kid doesn't go on tour with one of the most famous girl groups, a normal kid doesn't have an acting job and a normal kid isn't liked by 900,000 people" I said. "True, but what about Olivia" Allyson said. "She has a real job and this is her side job for college credits" I said. "Yeah, but why do you want to leave, yesterday you seemed so happy" Lauren said. "Well first of all you girls are really busy on your tour second of all, forget the second one" I said. "No, what's the second one Mads" Allyson said. "Yeah just say it" Normani said. "Alright well I feel sad because technically I don't know anyone anymore but all of you Jeff and the new guy Louis" I said. "Oh, will you hold on for one minute" Allyson said. "Hey Mads, why don't you go play or go to Olivia while we talk" Allyson said. "Okay" I said.
                     Allyson POV
"What are we going to do?" Normani asked. "Okay, obviously one day she would want to be with her peers but not now" Camila said. "Yeah, I know but we made a Plan B for this right" Lauren said. "I don't know, if I want Madison to leave yet" Dinah said. "Look, all of knew this would happen and we had a normal childhood so she should too" I said. "Are you sure?" Dinah asked. "Yeah" I said. "Well school is almost over" Dinah said. "Yeah, it's June already" Normani said. "Yeah, but she does need friends" I said. "Yeah, I don't even think she remembers how anymore" Camila said. "Yup" Dinah said. "So it's settled she can go?" Lauren said. "Yeah, does anybody want her to stay?" I said. "Camila, how about you, I know you both are really close" I said. "Yeah, but I think it's better for her" Camila said. "Good choice" I said. Lauren put a hand on Camila's shoulder. "You really do love her Camz" Lauren said. "Yeah I do Laur" Camila said laying her head on Lauren's shoulder. "So who's going to take care of her now" Normani said. "I'll do it" Louis whispered from behind us. Camila and I shrieked. "Sorry for scaring you but I would love to take care of little Madison" Louis said. "Really because we were thinking Jeff" Dinah said. "Please give me a chance" Louis said. "Fine you have one month if you can handle it then you can take care of her" I said. "Thank you Ally" Louis said winking. "Ooooh" Camila said. "What" I said. "Do you think he likes you" Camila said. Dinah, Lauren and Normani started laughing. "It's not funny" I said. "Okay, sure" Normani said. "Whatever" I said. Camila started laughing. "Stop it" Allyson said. "Fine" Lauren said. "Okay" Dinah and Normani said. "Thank you" I said. "So should we tell Madison now" Lauren said. "Yeah, I think so" I said. "Mad-" Camila was saying until Madison interrupted her. "Yess, thank you" Madison said. "Were you listening to our conversation" Dinah said. "Yes" Madison said. "Did you tell Madison?" Louis asked. "Tell me what" Madison said. "That I'm going to take care of you" Louis said. "Oh really I thought it would be Jeff but your awesome too" Madison said. "Why does everybody always go with Jeff" Louis said. "Because he was here longer then you" Camila said. "In your face Louis" Jeff said from outside. "Take that back" Louis said running after Jeff outside. "Hey Guys don't kill each other" I said. "So are all of you okay with me leaving" Madison asked. "Yeah, it was a tough decision but we think it will be good for you" I said. "Well, if you girls don't want me to go just say it" Madison said kneeling down next to us. "I don't want you to leave" Camila said. After realizing what she just said Camila clapped a hand over her mouth. "I'll only be gone for a little while and you'll see me again, it's almost summer break" Madison said. "Luckily I have just enough credit that I'm able to pass the grade and go onto the next one" Madison said. "How do you know that if you didn't apply yet" Lauren said. "I took a test" Madison said. "What test?" I asked. "Tera Nova, Common Core edition" Madison said. "Oh, yeah the common core you're going to be so stressed out" Dinah said. "Not really, it's not that bad" Madison said. "Well, wait until you get to eighth grade" Normani said. "Oh yeah those tests were a little hard" Lauren said. "There is also regions" Camila said. "Yeah, regions" Dinah said. "Well, anyway all of you are lucky because first of all Camila and Dinah were in their first years of High School and they got bailed out" Madison said. "Yeah me and Mila were saved" Dinah said high fiving Camila. "Yeah" I said. "Meanwhile I made it to my senior year" I said. "Yup, you should be in college" Lauren said. "Yeah, but Allyson already has a profession but if this thing bombs then a college diploma would be very helpful" Madison said. "Yeah, but we're doing fine" Camila said. "Wait, why are we talking about this" Normani said. "I honeslty don't know anymore" Camila said. "Well, come on Mads" Camila said. "Where" Madison said. "I don't know, this is getting boring" Camila said. "Um, okay" Madison said. Madison followed Camila to the only room with a door.
                 Madison POV
I shut the door behind us. "Okay so what's the real reason we came here" I asked. "Nothing" Camila said. "Okay" I said sitting down next to her. I took out my IPhone and started playing Five nights at Freddy's. "Mads, why do you want to leave, really" Camila asked. "Wait" I said. "Come on Mads, I'm serious" Camila said. "Okay" I said. I paused the game. "Thank you" Camila said. "Why do you want to leave?" Camila asked. "Okay" I said turning around to face her. "How would you feel if you left behind your childhood friends and family to go to an orphanage that is 2,915.5 miles away, and then make brand new friends again but only to be adopted but don't know anyone truly, except 5 teenagers who are always working and two young adults who are just security guards" I said. "I'm sorry Mads, I didn't know you felt that way" Camila said. "But what do you mean by 2,915.5 miles, weren't you born in California" Camila asked. "I was born in New York" I said. "Wow, really" Camila said. "Yeah" I said. "I don't want to talk about it" I said. "Mads, look at me" Camila said. "Please, don't make me think about it" Madison said. I went to sit on the other end of the room when I felt a hand grasp my wrist. "Wait" Camila said. "What" I said quietly. "I'm sorry but don't do this, you have to tell me if there's something bothering you" Camila said. "Nothing is bothering me" I said. "Are you sure?" Camila asked. "Yeah, I just want to be a normal kid again" I said softly. "Okay" Camila said. I sat back down next to her. "I'm sorry" I said. "It's okay, I can't blame you" Camila said. "Thanks, Mila" I said. "Yeah, your welcome" Camila said. "I just wish you didn't have to go" Camila said. "This isn't goodbye" I said. "I know your still a minor you can't go yet" Camila said. "Even when I'm not a minor anymore you'll still see me around" I said. "Well, I won't doubt that" Camila said. I went back to playing Fnaf. "So, what game are you playing" Camila asked. "I'm playing Five Nights at Freddy's 2" I said. "Oh, how do you win" Camila asked. "You don't know?" I asked shocked. "I forgot, don't act so surprised" Camila said. "Sorry, you win by staying conscious and unharmed by the animetronics until 6am in the morning" I said. "Really, that's it" Camila said. "You want to play?" I asked. "Sure" Camila said. "Okay, here you go" I said. Camila started playing the game. Then toy Bonnie peered from the corner. "Aww that bunny is cute" Camila said. I covered my mouth so she wouldn't hear me laughing. "Why is it coming closer?" Camila asked. "Well, a little advice put the mask on" I said. But then toy Bonnie jump scared Camila. Camila shrieked. "WHAT THE H-" Camila screamed. "Language" I said laughing. "What was that" Camila said panting. "It was toy Bonnie, you didn't react fast enough so now it's stuffing you into an animetronic" I said. "That is creepy" Camila said. "Well since they all look like toys, only the jump scares make me jump" I said still laughing. Lauren then opened the door. "Gosh, why did you scream Camila" Lauren said. "How do you know if it was me?" Camila asked. "Because, we heard Madison laughing so you were probably the one who shrieked" Lauren said. She shut the door behind her and sat next to me. "What did you do to Camila" Lauren said. "What do you mean, I just let her play Fnaf" I said. "Isn't that game very scary" Lauren said. "Yeah but it's awesome" I said. "Yeah, it's pretty cool" Lauren said. "I think that game almost gave me a heart attack" Camila said. "The game wasn't that scary because this time their toys, the only scary one is Foxy" I said. "Who's Foxy again?" Camila asked. "Foxy is a Fox that's also a pirate, So he's a pirate fox" I said. "Okay, next time warn me" Camila said. "I bet it wasn't that bad Camz" Lauren said. "Well yeah but it just popped up out of nowhere with that creepy face" Camila said. "Do you realize that your still playing" I said. "Oh, I am" Camila said looking at the screen. Then foxy popped up. "AAAAHHH!!!" Camila screamed jumping into Lauren's arms. "Camz, come down it's just a game" Lauren said. "Oh right, can you put me down" Camila said. I started laughing. Then I just stopped and stared at Camila and Lauren. "What's wrong Mads" Lauren asked. "Nothing, I don't know" I said. Lauren put Camila down next to her. "Hey, Mila can I get my phone back?" I asked. "Oh yeah sure" Camila said. I took out my ear buds from my pocket and started listening to my playlist. The first song was We'll be the Stars by Sabrina Carpenter. I don't know why but Disney Channel always made me feel happy and it's also how I learned about fifth harmony and became a huge fan. Little did I know that they would adopt me. I put my head in between my knees.
                  We'll Be The Stars
    We are young, we are gold
Trying things we didn't know.    Looking at the sky, see it come alive.   All our fears became our hoped, Climbed out every locked window
         The lines may. Fell upon the rain
We can reach the constellations.    Trust me all our dreams our breaking
    Oh, No were never gonna to turn to dust, Yeah all we really need is us, Don't be scared to close your eyes
No were never gonna die
                 We'll be the Stars
Oh, no were never going to step too far Yeah,were holding on to who we are
    When it's time to close your eyes, They will see us in the sky,
             We'll be the Stars. 
    Oh,oh,oh,  oh,oh,oh, oh
          We'll be the Stars.   x2
    Let me in, hold me close,
Fill my heart with simple notes.
So when it's hard to see, they are there reminding me. Take my breath and Hold me High, So I can feel the city lights
       Glowing under me, It's in our reach
We're breaking, Oh, No were never gonna turn to dust, Yeah all we really need is us, Don't be scared to close your eyes,
        No were never gonna die.    
              We'll be the stars
Oh, no we're never gonna step too far. Yeah, were holding on to who we are, When it's time to close your eyes
           They will see us in the sky
                   We'll be the stars
             Oh,oh,oh,   oh,oh,oh,  oh
                  We'll be the Stars.   x2
    "Mads, are you okay?" Lauren asked. I felt someone shaking my knee so I looked up. "Mads, are you mad about something?" Lauren asked. "No, I'm fine, I was just bored so I'm listening to songs" I said. "One of those songs better be ours" Camila said giggling. I chuckled. "Don't worry I still like your songs" I said. "Which one's?" Lauren asked. "Well, there's Going Nowhere, Sugar mama, Top Down, Better Together Remix, Brave, Honest, Beautiful, and Reflection" I said. "What about Worth it?" Camila asked smirking. "Well, that song was good but" I said. "But what?" Camila asked. "I don't want to know what was going through your heads when you were creating or singing the song, the music video was WOW" I said. "So you liked the music video" Lauren said. "I said wow as in surprised and I saw people's reactions on YouTube and that was my reaction too" I said. "What was there reaction?" Camila asked. I cleared my throat. "People were stunned and were like you girls look so gorgeous and when they saw Normani and Dinah their mouths dropped and one person covered their face" I said. "If you girls were trying to impress people, you certainly accomplished that" I said. "Yeah, that video was so sexy" Camila said. "No, Mila don't start" I said. "Why not" Lauren said. "Because Camila's part was the most shocking one, and what did you mean when you said those things" I said. Lauren looked at Camila. "You answer that Camz" Lauren said. "I-I, it doesn't matter" Camila said. "Okay then, did it mean that-" I was saying until Lauren cut me off. Lauren then put her hands on my ears. "What are you doing" I asked. "Nothing" Lauren said. "You know what save this chat for later, Camz" Lauren said. "Good Idea" Camila said. "Hey Lauren can you keep your hands on my ears?" I asked. "Why?" Lauren asked. "Your warm" I said. Camila and Lauren were giggling. "Okay, kiddo" Lauren said. I smiled back. "Hey, Mads can I see your playlist?" Camila asked. "Sure" I said. I handed my IPod to her. "So you were listening to We'll be the Stars" Camila said. "Yup" I said. "Sing it" Camila said. "Right now?" I asked. "Yeah" Camila said. "Come on, do it Mads" Lauren said. "Okay" I said.
          "We are young, we are gold
Trying things we didn't know.    Looking at the sky, see it come alive.   All our fears became our hoped, Climbed out every locked window" I sang.
     "The lines may. Fell upon the rain
We can reach the constellations.    Trust me all our dreams our breaking
    Oh, No were never gonna to turn to dust, Yeah all we really need is us, Don't be scared to close your eyes
No were never gonna die
              We'll Be the Stars Ooooo" I sang. "That's all I really remember" I said. "That was great Mads" Camila said. "Yeah, you got some killer talent" Lauren said. "No, you girls are just saying that" I said. "We are not but if we were we would tell you that you stink but in the nicest way possible" Lauren said. "Okay" I said. Then Allyson, Dinah and Normani came into the room. "We heard singing, who was it?" Allyson asked. Camila and Lauren pointed to me. "You were good" Normani said. "Thanks" I said. "Lauren, why are you covering her ears" Dinah asked. "She asked me to" Lauren said. "Why?" Normani said. "Because her hands are warm" I said smiling. They all giggled. Lauren removed her hands from my ears and wrapped her arms around my stomach. I smiled wider. "Can you sing another song?" Camila asked. "Which song" I said. "Oh, I got one, A thousand years" Dinah said. "Oh that's a good one" I said. "Okay" I said.
                    A thousand years
                     "Heart beats fast,
                 Colors and promises
                     How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall, but watching you stand alone
                      All of my doubt
      Suddenly goes away somehow
                      One step closer
   I have died everyday waiting for you
              Darling don't be afraid
       I have loved you for a thousand years and I'll love you for a thousand   more
                    Time stands still
                 Beauty in all she is
                     I will be brave 
     I will not let anything take away
       What's standing in front of me
                      Every breath
        Every hour has come to this"... I sang. "Why did you stop?" Lauren asked. "I was trying to remember the rest" I said. "Well you were great" Camila said. "Yeah, you have Ally's voice" Normani said. Allyson giggled. "I think she sang that song way better than us" Dinah said. "Really?" I said smiling. "Yeah, you have that Angel voice" Allyson said. "Like you and Beyonce?" I asked. They all giggled. "Sort of but definitely like Allyson" Lauren said. "Yeah, Beyonce's voice is a God given talent" I said. "I know right" Normani said. "You know one of the best parts of singing those type of songs is when people put their phone in the air and have their flashlights on" I said. "Yeah, that is really cool" Camila said. "Especially at night" Dinah said. "Oh yeah that is awesome" Lauren said. "Whenever I'm at one of your concerts and I see the phones I call those people the firefly harmonizers" I said. "The firefly harmonizers not bad" Camila said. "Lets see what the fans think" Allyson said. "You mean a debate about it" Normani said. "Yeah I guess" Allyson said. "Can I do it" I asked. "Oh sure" Allyson said. I went to an app and got a background with the word harmonizers then I put firefly on top. I put sparkles on the corner and made the background black and the words reflect on the bottom. I then posted the pic on my fan account. Shhhh nobody that follows me knows I'm The Madison Davis. My account is called harmonizernation on instagram. I posted the pic and said: "Hey guys, check it out the people that wave their phones in the air during a 5H concert are now called Firefly Harmonizers or another name perhaps you decide and whoever wins the best name gets to meet Fifth harmony". "So how is this comment?" I asked. "It's good, but do we have to meet them?" Camila said. "Yes, people will do it if there's a prize" I said. "Who is harmonizernation" Normani asked. "My fan account on instagram" I said. "Oh your harmonizernation" Allyson said. "Makes sense, most of your posts are things that are classified, which was kind of creepy" Dinah said. "Well none of my followers know" I said. "You only have 432 followers" Camila said. "I know" I said. "Hey, it's 6:45am and still dark, how about we watch a movie" Lauren said. "Cool" Normani said. We got the big nabi tablet and placed it on the table. Dinah went to Netflix. "Which movie?" Dinah asked. "What about which show?" Normani asked. "Can we watch Pretty Little Liars" Camila said. Lauren then whispered something to Camila. "Oh, wait never mind let's watch a movie" Camila said. Camila then went over to the other girls and said something to them. "Okay then, Madison you pick the movie" Dinah said. "Okay, what about the Avengers" I said. "The Avengers" Dinah said. "That movie is rated PG-13, you can't watch that" Dinah said. "Fine" Madison said. "How about Smurfs 2" I said. "Oh that's good" Camila said. "Okay, then here it goes" Dinah said. She sat down next to me. The movie started and Lauren and Dinah were right next to me. We turned the lights off in the room. After an hour the movie was almost ending and I fell asleep. "Guys, she's asleep put on Pretty Little Liars" Camila said. I struggled to keep my eyes open. The last thing I heard was the theme song. "Got a secret, can you keep it swear this one you'll save, better lock it in your pocket taking this one to the grave.                                            If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said, cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead". I felt someone lift me up then I fell asleep with that song stuck in my head making me dream up a nightmare about my parents Death.

              Hello people age 9 got the most votes and reads so Ta da. Also I was rushing at the end because I wanted to publish this.
     10 votes, 3 comments will get you a new chapter. Bye ☺

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