Chapter 17

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"Hey, Madison wakey, wakey" Louis said. "Yeahhh" Madison said. "I went to sleep at 2am Louis, why do I have to wake up now?" Madison asked. "You have an interview at Fanlala" Louis said. "Oh yeah" Madison said. "So you better get ready, it's in 1 hour" Louis said. "What time is it now?" Madison asked. "11:32" Louis said. "Ughhh" Madison said getting out of bed. Madison went into the shower and put on the hot water which soothed her. Then without realizing it, Madison was in the shower for 20 minutes. "Mads, are you ready for breakfast?" Louis asked. "No, I'll be there" Madison said trying to keep her eyes open. She got out of the shower and put on a light blue dress with white background and black stripes on the bottom. She then put a bow and layed her hair down and made it wavy just like the girls taught her. She put on white flats then went to Louis. "Wow, you look amazing, princess" Louis said. "Thanks, Louis" Madison said. "Here's your breakfast" Louis said. "I'll just eat the eggs" Madison said. "Why, don't you want the pancakes?" Louis asked. "I had more funnel cake last night" Madison said. "Okay then" Louis said taking the pancake off of Madison's plate. "More for me" Louis said. After Madison finished her breakfast she went to watch t.v. . "Hey Louis, fifth harmony is on a commercial" Madison said. "Yeah, it's about clear skin" Louis said. "Well they are flawless" Madison said sighing dramatically before she said flawless. Louis smiled. "So are you, sixth member of fifth harmony" Louis said chuckling. "Just because I SOMETIMES perform with them doesn't mean I'm the sixth member" Madison said. "Well, the fans think you are" Louis said. "They say stuff, like this Camren and Norminah things that's going on" Madison said. "Wait, what do you know about that?" Louis asked. "Nothing, just the names" Madison said. "Good, don't listen to anyone about that stuff okay?" Louis said. "Yes, Louis" Madison said. "Good, anyway we better get moving" Louis said. Louis and Madison got into the BMW and drove to Fanlala studios.
"Describe your character from tour show: The Descendants of Segna" The reporter said.
"I play Alex aka Hera in the abc family show Descendants of segna" Madison said.
"Alex is a dancer and hard core teenage girl, she's also loyal and very kindhearted" Madison said.
"When Alex is Hera she's very heroic and people depend on her. She also has leader material and cares about the people of Segna" Madison said.
"So watch Descendants of Segna only on abc family" Madison said making a thumbs up in the video.
~End of interview/video~
"Thanks Madison that was great" the reporter said. "No problem Meg, thank you for the interview" Madison said shaking her hand. Madison walked over to Louis. "Hey Louis, my interview is done, can we go home now?" Madison asked. "Sorry, sweety you have a signing at the mall" Louis said. "Ughhh, why can't I just skip it" Madison said. "You can't, you know that Mads" Louis said. "Okay, let's go" Madison said. Louis and Madison drove to the mall where her co-star DAVIS CLEVELAND was. "Hey Davis" Madison said. "Hey Madison you ready?" Davis said. "Yeah" Madison said. The fans came and went. "Hello, what's your name?" Madison asks. "My name is Maxine, but my friends call me Max, I love your show and your voice" Maxine said. "Thank you, I love your hair" Madison said. "Thank you" Maxine said giving me her book to sign. "Here you go" I said writing my name and a quote. "Maxine, Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" "Thank you so much" Maxine said. "No problem Max, Bye" Madison said waving to her. Soon all the meet and greets were done. "Can we finally go home?" Madison said. "No sorry, you have an interview with fifth harmony" Louis said. "Is that the last one?" Madison asks. "Yes, why do you want to go home so much?" Louis asked. "This show and I'm really tired" Madison said. "Okay then let's go" Louis said. "Finally" Madison said. We drove to the Ellen Show. "Hey, Mads you ready for the show?" Dinah asked. "Yeah, I just wanna get through this" Madison said. "Okay?" Dinah said. We walked into the studio. "Here is Fifth harmony and there little girl Madison" Ellen said. We waved to the audience then greeted Ellen. "Hey girls, how are you?" Ellen asked. "We're good" we answered. "So girls I hear your going to go on your Summer Reflection Tour can you tell us about it" Ellen said. The audience started cheering. "Well, it's definitely going to have some surprises here and there and if you didn't get a chance to see us this is another chance" Ally said. "Great, I'll be there" Ellen said smiling. Madison started giggling. Then Ellen turned to Madison. "So Madison, can you tell us anything about your show?" Ellen asked. "Sure, well we're going to have some guest stars on it, one of them I know personally, and so does fifth harmony also since a lot of people are watching there will be a second season" Madison said. "So you personally know the guest star right?" Ellen asked. "Yeah" Madison said. "So who is this person?" Ellen asked. "Well, I don't want to spoil it so you'll find out in the season finale at 7c/8 on Thursday on abc family" Madison said smiling. "Okay then, I'm eager to know so I will be watching" Ellen said. "And I understand it's almost Ally's birthday, Happy Birthday Ally" Ellen said. "Thank you" Ally said. "Well, why don't you tell us about your new album Reflection" Ellen said. "Well, when we were making this album we just wanted it to be impressive and show how much we grown as artists" Normani said. "Yeah, that's why it took a long time because we just wanted to give the fans our best" Lauren said. "Will you girls ever be sixth harmony?" Ellen said looking at Madison then back to fifth harmony. "I don't know, Madison doesn't like it when people say that" Dinah said. "Why not?" Ellen said. "Well they performed on the Xfactor together and then became fifth harmony, and when they announced it, I was like Wow, and then they became such great friends and worked so hard to make fifth harmony a name everyone would know and I don't want to take away from it" Madison said. "That is a very good reason, did you just come up with that" Ellen said. "Well that's always been my reason but I was sort of making it up as I go" Madison said. "Has anybody told you, your a smart girl" Ellen said. "Yup, them" Madison said pointing to fifth harmony. They smiled. "Has Madison improved your lives in anyway?" Ellen asked. "Yeah, she's taught us to be more humble like her" Camila said. "And she always has something to say about what people say on the news" Lauren said. Then a few minutes later the show ended and they drove home. While they were driving, it was sort of awkward because they said how they were connected to each other. "So Mads, what you said back there was very sweet" Camila said. "Yeah, you too" Madison said looking through the window. Madison put a hand over her head and kept on staring into the window. "Is something wrong?" Ally asked. "Nothing also Happy Early Birthday to you" Madison said. "Thanks Mads" Ally said. "You can finally play the song 22 by Taylor Swift" Madison said smiling. Ally smiled. "So is Troy going to be there?" Madison asks. The girls start laughing. "Yeahh, why?" Ally asked smiling. "Troally goals" Madison mumbled. "Good one" Lauren said fist bumping Madison. "Your ridiculous" Ally said. "Thanks, that builds up charisma" Madison said. Normani and Dinah started chuckling. "You got mad serving skills and you don't know it" Dinah said. "Mad serving skills?" Madison asks. "Seriously, how do you not know what that means" Dinah said. "Cuz I study for education not slang" Madison said. "Oooh, Mads be slaying left and right" Normani said. Soon everyone in the car broke out in laughter. However Madison just wanted to go home, she was tired, very tired. As soon as they got home Madison ran upstairs. She turned on the t.v. hoping that she was still able to see her favorite show Every Witch Way. It was 7:12 which meant there was only a few more minutes. Madison sat in her room watching the rest of Every Witch Way until it ended at 7:25. "WHAT?!?!" Madison yelled. "It's suppose to end at 7:30" Madison said. She groaned then flopped on her stomach. The girls came into the room. "Well, look who passed out already" Normani said. "I didn't pass out yet" Madison said her voice muffled in the pillow. Dinah then looked over to Madison's trophy case. "So Mads, is that your team" Dinah said pointing to a picture. Madison turned around and looked over at the picture. "Yeah, I was team captain" Madison said smiling. "You were team captain, how come you didn't tell us?" Ally asked. "I guess it never came up" Madison said. "What was your team like?" Lauren asked. "We were really good friends, as team captain I made sure that we were all friends so we can work as a team, like my Pops said you can't leave a man behind" Madison said. "Sort of like Ally with you girls" Madison said. The girls then looked at Madison and then at Ally. "Yup, the two team captains here are the shortest" Dinah said. "Welcome to the shorty squad" Ally said jokingly. "Thank you, very happy to be apart of it" Madison said smiling. "But I'm 4'10 and 9 years old so I'm going to be part of the tall squad" Madison said putting her elbows on Normani and Dinah's shoulder. "Aww my little shorty is growing up" Dinah said. "True, but for now the short squad is awesome" Madison said putting her elbow on Ally's shoulder. "Oh, I forgot to tell you girls, I'm going to Texas" Madison said with a southern accent. "I already got my cowgirl hat" Madison said. "That is so stereotypical" Normani said. "Thanks Partner" Madison said still doing a southern accent. "Are you shaming Texas?" Ally asked. "Why no mam, you can hang your hat on that" Madison said tipping an imaginary hat. "You know, that's not how Texans speak now" Normani said. "But it's how the pioneers and cowboys in Texas spoke" Madison said. "So why are you going to Texas?" Lauren asked. "Well, I know after what I do in Texas will affect what Donald Trump has to say about Mexicans or won't" Madison said. "Everyone deserves a chance to succeed but I'm allowing them to do it the right way" Madison said. "Your going to the border!!" Camila exclaimed. "Well, not exactly" Madison said. "You better be careful" Ally said. "Yeah" Madison said. "She's right" Dinah said seriously. "In America we sweat for a nickel and a dime to build on our opportunities and make something out of ourselves, everyone deserves that right, I'm just making it legal" Madison said. "That's a very noble cause" Lauren said. "Well, I know someone who cares just as much about world issues, and I want to make her proud" Madison said smiling at Lauren. "You have the ability to help this time so go for it Mads" Dinah said. "Thanks, what about you Mila" Madison asks. "I say Go for it" Camila said. "So I have a question" Madison said.
"Is Camren and Norminah real?" Madison asked.

I am leaving it at that for now. I know I'm late but Happy birthday to Ally!! I love her, she's so amazing and beautiful!! Te amo mija Felíz Cumpleaños!! Anyway 2K READS!! You are all amazing!! Please keep on sharing my story and support me for #TheWattys2015 I love you all!! Stay awesome!! Also Shout out to my bff and she is also a sister to me Ariana_grande_queen read her story Fifth harmony Adopted me!! That's all for now bye!!

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