(Special) Chapter 16

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                    ~1 month later~
    July 4th
                 Madison POV
I woke up and stretched. I looked at my phone and saw a memo. Oh my gosh today is July 4th! "Mads, Wake Up!!" Louis said. "Yeah, I know Louis" I said. "So are you excited?" Louis asked. "Yeah, another day, and new opportunities" I said. "That's the spirit" Louis said. "Yeah, Happy Fourth of July" I said. "Same to you sweetheart" Louis said. I got up and went to the shower. I put on a bathing suit and a white tank top with the number 11 and Davis on top. I put Jean shorts on and grabbed my bag. "Hey, Mads, here's your pancakes and eggs" Louis said. "Thanks Louis" I said. "Your welcome, anyway you want to play games in the game room" Louis said. "Sure" I said. We went to the game room and were playing air hockey. "Alright we're down to the last round Davis versus Callaghan" Louis said. "The score is 7-7 so we're tied, one more wins the best hockey player" I said. We threw the puck back and forth, back and forth until the doorbell rang and Louis got distracted. "Oooh, guess who's champion" I shouted. "No fair, the doorbell rang" Louis said. "Well, I won fair and square my puck went in so I won" I said. "Next time" Louis said. Louis went to open the door. "Hey Louis, is Madison awake yet" Camila asked. "Yeah, she's awake and ready" Louis said. Camila came inside the house with Normani and Dinah. "Hey Louis" Normani and Dinah said. I came into the room. "Hey girls, how has your summer been?" I asked. "Mads, you asked us that on the phone" Dinah said. "Right, so where's Ally?" I asked. "She is in the car" Camila said. "Happy Independence Day girls" I said. "Oh yeah Happy Fourth of July" they said. "So we better go Mads" Camila said. "Okay, I'll be right there" I said. "Okay" Normani said. "Bye Louis, see you tomorrow" I said. "Bye Mads, have a safe flight" Louis said. "Thanks" I said hugging him. I then ran to the car. "Hey Ally" I said. "Hey Mads" Ally said. "Get in" Normani said. The van was a little too high for me to get into so Normani pulled me in. "Thanks" I said. "Your welcome" Normani said. Since I told them I got everything, Camila, Dinah, and Normani only brought there cellphones and chargers with them. But Ally always brings things just in case, she's so mature and motherly sometimes. We drove to the airport then got on their private jet and jetted away to New York where Lauren was waiting for us. "Hey girls" Lauren said. "Hey Laur" I said. Camila was the first to hug Lauren then it became a group hug. We went to the car and drove to Riverhead, New York where Splish Splash was. We got out of the car and went to the bus area. "Hey, I got something for all of you" I said. "Sunglasses" I said giving it to them. "Thanks" they said. We got to the bus. "Mads, why don't you go in the middle" Allyson said. "So are you excited?" Lauren asked. "I'm excited and scared" I said. "Why?" Lauren asked. "All the way from the highway I saw a water slide really high up" I said. "Well, you don't specifically have to go on that ride" Lauren said. "I know" I said. We got to the admission's desk. "We have-               "We have 5 teenagers and one kid" I said cutting Ally off. "Here you go" I said handing the cashier $150.00.  "Alright enjoy your stay and have a nice day" the cashier said. "Thank you" I said. "Sorry, about that" Ally said to the cashier. "Mads, why did you pay?" Ally asked. "Because this was my idea and it's almost your birthday" I said. "Where did you get all of that money?" Normani asked. "From working" I said. "I still can't really believe that when you say it" Dinah said. "Yeah, because I'm nine years old" I said. "Hey, Mads, you want to go to Dinousaur Falls?" Lauren asked. "Can you ride with me?" I asked. "Sure" Lauren said. "Guys, I'm going to the Dinousaur Falls with Madison" Lauren said. "We'll go with you guys" Dinah said. It took about 20 minutes to get to the front. Lauren chose a raft with two holes and a seal. We headed up the really steep hill. "Why is this hill so steep" Allyson asked. "I don't know but we can make it" Camila said holding the other end of Ally's raft. We got to the line. "Woah, Mila that vehicle was from the first Jurassic Park movie" I said. "Oh yeah" Camila said. We then got to the stairs. "Mads, watch your step okay" Lauren said. "Yeah" I said. We got to the top. "Alright ladies, don't stand up on the ride, put your back on the hole and have fun" the guy said. "Mads, you sit in the sealed part" Lauren said. "Okay" I said. The guy pushed us down the slide and threw water on us.  From the other side we heard a scream. It was probably Mila and Ally. "Watch out the Dinousaur is going to spit on you" Lauren said. I didn't want to block it with my hands so I ducked. "Were going so fast" I said. "I know this is awesome" Lauren shouted. Then we slid onto the pool. "That was AWESOME" I said. "You wanna do it again" Lauren said. "Maybe later" I said. We got onto the surface. I took two towels from my bag. "Here you go Laur" I said. "Thanks" Lauren said drying herself. Then Camila and Ally came out from the slide. "That was great!!" Camila exclaimed. "Yeah, that was so fun" Allyson said. I handed them both towels. "Thanks" they said. Then Dinah and Normani came down. "That was awesome" Normani said to Dinah. "Yeah, and when the guy  threw water on us was probably one of my favorite parts" Dinah said. "We went from like side to side" Normani said. "Okay, so where to next?" Ally said. "How about the lazy river?" I said. "Seriously" Dinah said. "Yeah they have waves" I said. "Oh those are cool" Camila said. We headed over to the bridge. "You want to take a picture first?" Ally asked. "Sure" we all said. We took a picture by the river. I decided to do a peace sign but so was Lauren. "Are you copying me?" Lauren asked. "No, I guess great minds think alike" I said. "Come here, you little nugget" Lauren said. She wrapped her arm around my neck. "Oh, can I take a picture of you girls" Allyson said. "Go ahead, Ally" Lauren said. We then got on line to the lazy river. We went on the ride then got to the waves part. Dinah was splashing Normani and Camila. Camila was splashing Dinah and Lauren. Lauren was splashing Ally and I. "Stop" Allyson said. I threw water at Ally and she threw some back at me. "I'm gonna get you back Mads" Ally said. Then Lauren splashed a whole bunch of water at us. "Get Lauren!!" I said. "Wait, guys don't" Lauren said. We splashed a bunch of water at her. She almost tipped over. "Oh my gosh, Laur are you okay?" Camila asked. "Yeah, these two shorties beat me in a water fight" Lauren said. I high fived Ally. "Don't underestimate the power of Super Mads and Super Ally" Allyson said. We then started laughing. Then the ride was over and we went to THE GIANT TWISTER!! "Hey Mads, you want to go with me and Dinah on the GIANT TWISTER" Camila asked. "No way that thing is scary" I said. "What if we go first and if we make it out okay then you go" Dinah said. "Maybe" I said. "Alright, then here we go" Camila and Dinah said. "Is this going to be like that cliff jump thing again?" Ally asked. "I don't know, but they are so adventurous" Lauren said. "If they dove in the right way then they wouldn't have been hurt so badly" I said. "Either way jagged rocks are never good" Normani said. We waited for like 30 minutes until they finally splashed into the water. Camila went underwater and Dinah helped her swim to the surface. "That was great" Camila said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, it took a long time but it was awesome" Dinah said. "But my back hurts a little" Dinah said. "I know right" Camila said. "So do you want to go Mads?" Dinah asked. "No, if you were here and saw the faces of the people coming out you would know why" I said. "Yeah, I was scared for you two" Allyson said. "Oh, you took off your shirt" Camila said to me. "Yup, I'm wearing surfer shorts and surfer tank top" I said. "Cool" Dinah said. "There are other rides where we are, do you want to go?" Camila asked. "Sure" We all said. We then decided to go to the Mountain Ride. "I'm scared" I said. "Don't worry" Lauren said. "Were all going together on the same raft" Normani said. "Yeah, so we all get to die together" I said. "Relax, were not going to die" Camila said. "This ride is sort of like a roller coaster, but we haven't got to their water roller coaster yet" Dinah said. "This isn't the water roller coaster?" I said frightened. "Nope" Dinah said. Then someone tapped our shoulders. "Excuse me, but you girls look really familiar" a girl said behind us. "Yeah, you look a lot like this group my friend loves" another one of the girl said. The girl shoved her friend over to us. "Sorry, about them we were just wondering" the girl said with her head down. "Your not wrong" I said. "Were fifth harmony" we whispered. "Oh my gosh, really I'm a huge fan" the girl said. "Keep it a secret though" Ally said. "Right" the girls said. "Can we get a picture?" The girl asked. "Sure" Normani said. We took a picture with the girls. "Thank you so much" The girl squealed. "Your welcome" I said. "Oh my gosh your Madison, I love you" one of the girls said. "Thank you" I said smiling. The line moved up. "So have you girls been on this ride before?" I asked. "Nope, we just wanted to try it" one of the girls said. "What's your name?" Camila asked the girl. "Ashley" she said. "Nice name" Ally said. "Thank you" Ashley said. "Um they are Hailey, and Emily" Ashley said. "So Ashley, Hailey, and Emily" Lauren said. "Yup" they said. We finally got to the top and were still talking to the girls. Then we had to stop because we were next. "Nice meeting all of you" I said. "You too" the girls said. We waved at them then got on the ride. All my fears came back. "What's wrong?" Lauren asked me. "My fears came back" I said. "Well your already on the ride and Here We GO!" Camila said. I gripped on tight. We zoomed down and went from side to side. "It feels like we're gonna slide off of the slide" I said. "I know but this is awesome" Dinah said. Then we swerved and came through the passage way where water spilled on us from the exit. I got water in my eyes. So Normani pulled me out of the raft. "Hehehe Thanks again" I said. "Yeahhh" Normani said messing up my hair. I smiled. "So do you want to take the cliff jump here?" I asked Camila and Dinah. "Do you want to do it Mila?" Dinah asked. "Yeah let's try it" Camila said. They went on the Cliff Jumper, Camila and Dinah came out together and their rafts looked like it was free falling from the "cliff". They got off from the ride. "Oh my gosh, I think I saw my life flashing in front of my eyes" Dinah said. "That was so worth it" Camila said. We handed them a towel especially since Camila was shivering. We then decided to go to the wave pool. We got in the wave pool. "I wonder why they call it the wave pool" I said. "Hey, Mads you want to go with me to the deep end" Camila said. "Sure" I said. I swam all the way to the 5 feet part. Then a horn blew. "Wow was that a blowhorn" Camila said. "Yeah" I said. Then the rest of the girls came to us. "Do any of you else see that wave coming towards us?" Normani said. "Yeah" Lauren said. Then a wave picked us up. "Oh my gosh those are real waves" Ally said. Then another one came. Since I wasn't that tall and I didn't really know what to do at this point....I know shocker.. I almost drowned. "Mads, are you okay?" Camila asked. "You just went underwater" Lauren said. Then there was an even bigger wave and it dragged me closer and I went underwater again. "Mads, jump when the waves come" Camila shouted. Another wave came and I jumped. Normani threw a life vest to me. I put it on and was able to float during the last waves. The waves finally ended and I swam back to them. "Oh, great your alive" Camila said hugging me. I took the life vest off and gave her a thumbs up. "At least now we know what the horn means" Dinah said. I shaked my head Yes. "Why aren't you talking?" Normani asked. I pointed to the water then to my mouth. "Oh you have water in your mouth" Lauren said. "Spit it out" Camila said. I pointed the people swimming in the pool. "What about them?" Ally asked. "Just spit it out" Lauren said. I bent my head down and spit out the water in a way nobody would see. "Can you talk now?" Lauren asked. "Yeah" I said. "Okay, so before the next horn blows, were going to teach you how to float" Lauren said. "So it's like your swimming underwater" Lauren said. "You have to then move your legs like that" Lauren said. "Got it" I said. I put on glasses I made to swim. Their not exactly goggles because they aren't bulky. I went underwater for 10 seconds and ended up on the 4 feet side behind the girls. "Where did Madison go?" Camila asked. I went underwater and grabbed Camila's leg. "Someone's or something is on my leg" Camila said shaking her leg. "Its probably Madison" Ally said. "Yup" Camila said. Then I swam to where Normani was. "What do you mean?" I said behind Normani. "I'm right here" I said. "Then what was on my leg" Camila said. "It was me" I said. "I knew it" Camila said. "Relax, Mila, lighten up it was just a joke" I said. This coming from the girls who uses algorithms to have fun. "Well, solving a mathematical equation and scientific algorithms is Fun, if you know what your doing" I said. "Shut up you little smarty" Camila said playfully. "Thank you mam" I said pretending to have a cowboy hat. I went underwater again but then the horn blew. I got up as quick as I could. "Alright here's the next wave" Ally said. You got this Madison, just jump smarty pants, JUMP I thought to myself. The waves came and I floated and jumped over all of them. The last one was a little hard but I survived. "Wow, Mads you adapted quickly" Lauren said. "Yeah" I said motioning for then to give me a high five. All of them gave me light high fives but Normani and Dinah almost made me tip over. "Anyway, now who wants to get burgers?" Camila exclaimed. I sighed. "Is that the only thing you'll eat?" Lauren asked. "No, Laur" Camila said. "Don't argue with the koala hugger, she'll tackle you into the water" I whispered. Lauren smiled. "Maybe your right" Lauren said messing up my hair. "So to the shacks, Planet Green eyes" I said. "You got it Super Mads" Lauren said. "If you guys are done having your little moment, we can go to the shacks now" Dinah said. "Oh yeah" Lauren said awkwardly. "What moment" I said. "Aren't you two the cutest things" Normani said. "Yeah, Planet Green eyes and her sidekick Blue-eyed girl" Camila said. "Actually it's more like a Green and blue-ish color" I said. "Yeah" Lauren said. "Whatever, let's go already" Allyson said. "Okay" Lauren and I said. We went to the shacks and got the chicken breast burger. My idea, the girls have to be on a diet, so the dietary Guidelines say that those burgers are substitutes for cheeseburgers and hamburgers.But we had funnel cake so worth it by the way. Whenever I think about the phrase worth it, I think about the song worth it. Give it to me, I'm worth it I thought to myself. Dinah knocked me out of my thoughts when she squeezed my arm lightly. "What" I said. "Nothing" Dinah said. I decided to go back my thoughts but then Dinah rubbed ice cream from the funnel cake onto my nose. I smiled. "What was that for?" I asked. "You were being really quiet" Dinah said. I rubbed chocolate on her cheek. "No, food fights guys" Ally said. "I won" I said. "Sure, you did" Dinah said. "You know, you rock that blonde look" I said. "Thanks" Dinah said. "Yeahhh" I said. "Why are you guys talking like that?" Camila asked. "Don't know" I said. "You want to stop talking like that" I asked Dinah. "Yeah" Dinah said. We then finished our funnel cakes and went to the other rides but those were tunnels. I didn't want to be a total coward so I went on one of them. I felt a little claustrophobic, but then again the ride was fast and I closed my eyes for most part of the ride down. Camila and Dinah high fived me because I finally decided to do something adventurous. If I died, I would have haunted them as a ghost but I survived. We then  decided to leave Splish Spash. We went to the hudson river to watch the sunset then to see the fireworks. We held each others hand like best friends do. KInd of weird but Hey they did it on the Xfactor. "So how was the World Trade Center?" I asked Lauren. "It was interesting, I assumed you would've liked the architecture and history behind it" Lauren said. "Yeah, how did you know?" I asked. "Just a hunch" Lauren said. "Care to fist bump to it" I said. "Better yet, you want to make a handshake" I said. "Why not" Lauren said happily. We slid our palms together then the back of our hands and then made a fist and put it on top of each other hand and when we fist bumped and did the explosion thing a firework popped in the air. "That was cool" I said. "Yeah, where did you come up with that"Lauren said. "I mean when we fist bumped and did that explosion thing a firework popped that was cool" I said. "Oh yeah, I guess the universe recognized a great friendship." "Totally" Madison said. Camila looked at us and frowned. I wondered why she seemed distressed. Lauren draped an arm over my neck. I put my head on her shoulder. "I love you nugget" Lauren said. "Love you too Laur" I said. Another firework popped into the air.
    Whats up guys sorry I was supposed to post this on July 4th but I fell asleep. Hope you liked this chapter, and comment what you think was going through Camila's head. As always all of you are awesome thanks for the votes and reads. Stay awesome lovelies. Till next time.
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