Chapter 7: Bargaining

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"You will help me retrieve a Terminator Hybrid in exchange your weapons are not destroyed in my house," Castle said, after he somehow tied the Terminatrix up in a chair. "You are a very reliable threat that can be used to take care of two stones at once."

The Terminatrix frowns.

"Don't frown at me," Castle said. "Frown at who will go against you and wipe your existence. I don't really care about your existence but my daughter is upset and I want to rescue my son in law in the best I can."

The Terminatrix turns her head away pouting.

"If you help," The Terminatrix turns her head towards Castle. "I will give you this CPU!" Castle said waving the device in mid air.

Ring,ring, ring.

"Hold on a minute," Castle said, as her eyes are stuck on the CPU. "Hello, Castle here!"

"We just got a lead for whoever tipped them off," Esposito said. "A Miles Dieson."

"Miles Dyson?" Castle repeats with a concerned look on his face.

"No,Castle," Esposito said. "Die SON!"

"Ooh," Castle said with a laugh. "Sounded like I was still living in the Terminator universe."

"You want to know where he lives?" Esposito asks.

"Yes," Castle said.

"You really won't believe me," Esposito said.

"Try me," Castle said.

"He lives in Los Angelese at a house with a backyard pool and the kicker is..." Esposito said, taking a brief pause for dramatic effect. "Here is the address. You need to see it for yourself, Castle." Castle wrote down the address on a piece of paper. "Got it?"

"Got it," Castle said. "But why should I see it for myself when I can watch it in the extended version of Terminator 2: Judgement Day?"

"If you want to prevent Cyberdyne then you might want to visit him," Esposito said, in a lowered voice. "We have no jurisdiction in Los Angelese."

"Okay," Castle said. "I get it. I am getting someone to save Tyler."

"Castle, you owe me a explination," Esposito said.

"He is a Terminator Hybrid, Espo," Castle said. "He has human bone and hyper polyalloy inside his skeleton," His voice turns apologetic. "I am sorry for keeping that back but if I told you then I would have put the balance of humanity's fate in your hands and I didn't want to do that. I also made a promise to Tyler."

"See ya, buddy," Esposito said.

"I'll see you, later," Castle said. "Hopefully."

Castle hangs up before Esposito can say another word. Castle slips the CPU into his pocket then looks back up towards the Terminatrix. Her eyes are daggered right at his pockets as though every moment clings on it. He puts on his jacket, writes a letter up and puts it on his desk. Castle leaves his phone on the table. He also gets a suitcase out of the room full of belongings for a two day mission.

Castle's father is in the CIA.

Castle's mother is a actress.

Castle's wife is a Senator.

Castle's son in law is a Terminator Hybrid.

Castle is going on a mission to stop Judgement day taking cash with him.

"Bye,Terminatrix," Castle said, with a short wave. "I'll get a head start."

Castle closes the door.

It will only take the Terminatrix an hour to release her binds.

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