Chapter 6: Worry sick

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Alexis slaps Castle.

"Who did you tell?" Alexis asks, tearfully.

Castle is surprised as he rubs his cheek.

"I told nobody!" Castle said. "Now that is a little wrong slapping your father for no reason!"

Castle saw the tears in her eyes.

"You are the second person in the entire world asides to me who knows my husband's secret," Alexis said.

"Alexis, where is T-11?" Castle asks.

"They took him!" Alex shouts. "And he's gone because YOU told someone you knew in the higher up."

Alexis left tearfully.

Beckett came into the hall alongside Castle.

"They wheeled him somewhere else," Beckett said. "From what I can gather; T-11 isn't going to be back for awhile."

"Beckett, I thought you have a meeting," Castle said.

"A attack in my city is my priority to find out what happened," Beckett said. "Esposito and Ryan are on it: including the new detective Storm Franks."

Castle sighs.

"Alexis thinks I had a part in it ," Castle said. "Tell me I didn't."

"You named a character after Tyler," Beckett said. "In Nikki Time. T-12; Thomas Twelb."

"I did research," Castle said. "T-12 is a gray robot being like a statue."

"Apparently it seems someone went further and investigated," Beckett said. "Like someone say...Esposito."

Our scene transfers to later at Richard Castle's residence. Richard Castle sat his desk thinking and thinking staring down at the book 'Nikki Time' with the unique cover of time gears with Nikki Heat's shadow in between them. Castle opens the book and turns a page. He saw the dedication on the first page: 'Dedicated to my daughter Alexis and friend Tyler Eleven'. Right, that was clear pointers to someone different. Now who would name themselves 'Tyler Eleven' in real life?


Someone investigated T-11 and found the truth behind his lies.

Castle opens a drawer where inside is a deactived CPU for a T-800 built by T-11.

"This will get her attention," Castle said, closing the book.

Castle uses a bunch of appliances and activates the CPU programmed to destroy Skynet. Now he had only needed to think about making a robot where it would get on the record and say somewhere in the future Castle did just that. He can't put it into T-11 but he could put it into a Transformer Toy he bought to play with during his creative thinking time.


"Ah ha," Castle said, getting up off the chair.

Castle goes to the door then opens it wide.

There stood the Terminatrix with her gun aimed at Castle.

"I need your help," Castle said, holding his hands up in defense.

The Terminatrix lowers her arm making a puzzled reaction.

"I am sorry," Castle apologizes. "But you are going on a SLIGHT detour!"

Castle yanks in the Terminatrix shutting the door behind her.

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