Chapter 5: Tumble

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The last T-11 remembers is acting as a shield to Alexis. The next he is on the grass underneath a panicking Alexis. The sky is clouded by smoke. The smoke is coming from the apartment. Right, he stopped cooking the eggs. But why? The signature of a missal flying towards the house had alerted T-11 so after Alexis got off the phone T-11 unexpected took away from the house into the backyard and acted as a shield.

"'Tyler!" Alexis shouted coming over to his side, at least attempting to.

T-11 felt being moved onto a gurney.

Systems: damaged.

"Alexis," T-11 whispered.

His perspective dives into darkness.

Internal repairs: are being done.

His eyes later open finding himself in a gray room. Wifi wasn't hospital or public but merely military personal as the networks were concerned. Military?, T-11 thought turning his head over to a transparent window where there are some what seems to be generals and men in white suits staring back at him. Someone told them where to fire. There is only one person T-11 can assume had told: Richard Castle.

Richard Castle promised a Terminator and broke it.

"Richard..." T-11 manages to mutter. His hands curl up into a ball.

How dare he.

T-11 tore through his binds getting himself up. Sirens ran about the building. He notices his arms lack skin, and his legs do not have flesh, blood, and skin. T-11 can see his gray metal side along the white spots indicating there is bone. His human toes are not even there! But his thighs and knees still remain even his upper torso, hands,shoulders and arms. His waist still remains as does his private area. The windows is blocked by a steel case with a strange symbol in the middle.

T-11 tore through the wall thanks to his Terminator half's powerful model hydraulic servomechanisms merged into his bone. His toes skid on the slippery floor when coming to a dead end. Then suddenly there are floating machines shaped rounded with a dark blue underside shaped to a circle and at the edges are smaller circles. Out of these smaller circles eject smoke.

Chloroform, T-11 thought registering the chemical being used. T-11 staggers back plugging his nose. However the chloroform had done the trick and he fell with a thud landing on his side returning to the dark world he had awaken from. For a Terminator Hybrid he is not going to have pleasent dreams. He will have nightmares in what may happen to this world. All because of a broken promise.

"Castle..." T-11 mutters, weakly.

T-11's eyes close with his hand on the floor.

"We still got a lot of testing to do on this machine," Came a older voice along with boots clamping to the ground and cigarette dust bunnies land covered in heat. The man responsible for bringing in T-11 is Mike Renolds. "And copying his build as well."

Mike looks down upon T-11 as two other men came over to his side then pick up T-11 by the shoulders.

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