Chapter thirty-three

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"No" was all I managed to spit out I felt as if the world around me was spinning that I was getting drowned in a dark plain sewerage pushing past him I roamed in circles around the living room probably going to lose my sanity at any moment now.

"No what....what no...what do you mean no Mia" I ignored him getting lost in my own thoughts damn this is making my stomach turn this is getting worse by the damn second now I can't breath properly my lungs oh I'm dying.

"Hey....listen...take it look pale....Mia" I stormed in the bathroom leaving him there thinking of how to run away from the mess that I've brought upon myself why God why me why, why, I asked continuously as tears rolled down my face.

[Continuous knocking]

"Mia....please don't hide from can't anyway....wouldn't be smart if you escape from....the...bathroom...hey...uh...listen...let me...sing a song...okay...shou-should I...start" aftar that there was complete silence filled between us even if we weren't next to each other.

"Falling...down..I pick you up...there's a way...a way to trust...If you fin-find a way to love....then stay above...becz... you're so flowing right...that I can't sleep at night...if you know the truth...I'm not telling you...I'm ju-just trying to let you know" damn was that him singing or was it just was I somewhere did I just hear him sing so perfectly like he's wow that was something I thought to myself I decided to continue even if my voice is a little bad okay I try in singing come on I'm no professional "maybe I'm stuck....stuck I know...why do I keep possibilities...keep shrinking....oh you don't understand what you done....put me through a lot of lies...I won' can' sow the man...the man....I used to fell I missed it died alive till the end...he was supposed to be gone...his still here in this world" I said the last sentence nonchalantly without singing, I think I made my point come across as I sat on the side of the bathtub awaiting his response.

"What" he asked questionably I shook my head I guess I didn't make my point across I faced palmed myself sitting there in peace and quite. "Your dad" I nodded not like he was seeing me "hello" I shook my head deciding not to answer.

"I'm not escaping I want peace and that too much to ask for" there was silence for a few minutes before he responded "do you want some hot coco"

"Fine" I murmured low in frustration reluctantly forcing myself up to open the door

[Time lapse]




He chuckled lightly devilishly eyeing me pinching the bridge of his nose 'let me correct you' he slides his hands into the side pockets of his pants I stared blankly at him 'it's Cruz' he smirked walking towards me 'you're coming with me angle'

'Never' I shouted throwing whatever was near me as I ran down to the door as quickly as possible 'I thought you're wise get the fuck back here' I pulled on the handle and it was locked God dammit 'just give up' I heard him speak nonchalantly there was an old only frame on the wall I know I shouldn't do this I'm sorry to do this I took the painting as if was in cave ages  fighting and charged slamming the painting on his face till it dropped through him unconscious then I ran upstairs to the balcony save what's left of me to save.


"Oh hi lovely weather you know....come sit" I was afraid to take the offer I locked the door and reluctantly took the seat next to him. '' I blankly stared at the dark sky surrounded by the twinkling stars above it really was cold I couldn't go inside though I'd rather die here.

"How's things downstairs" I tried to process what he said wait a minute this was planned too I got up furiously toke the chair as a weapon raising it to my chest angrily 'start talking Mario' I tired to scare him by pushing it a little towards him he took a step backwards and held his hands in defence "woooh....woow....easy caterpillar" he chuckled as I kept threatening him with the chair "don't call me snail" I snarled at him "okie....uh..I'm being a gentleman..okay?'re a win...just don't kill me with a chair.......I'm still young' I eyed him then dropped the chair in front of him I stormed to the door then I remembered I just left blondie there dammit where to run! I walked backwards and hit something hard "please don't make this hard for me" his breathing fanned my cold neck with warmth I looked at the ground then twirled to face him 'fuck you both you made this hard for me' I slapped his arm away then before I stepped to unlock the door it smashed open I covered my face in case I got shot by a gun took few seconds to realise I was carried on a shoulder I looked at the moving floor and sighed before I went bonkers and smashed the back of the man who was carrying me.

"Take it easy"

"Mario don't tell me what to do"

"Listen man I've known her longer than you appreciate the fact I had connections"

"You kept this from me"

"'s not like that" I raised my eyebrows in question 'bro'?

They looked at me I stared at them back, they don't look like brothers, unless well that couldn't be. "What" I questioned both of them I sow a look of pity on Mario's face.

"She hits like a bitch"

"That's because you can't take it like a man"

"Have you seen the tantrums she throws"

"Yes girls do...with boys"

"Fuck this....go do what you want"

"We need to do it when it's time"

"Nows time"

I sow Mario shake his head in agreement then I barged in the conversation "you know I haven't gone deaf" They both looked at me ignoring me totally, I see how it is I got up "you not putting your shoes on a clean couch good riddance do not use edu toilette" then I came to look at Mario who looked at me with shocked eyes "don't just stand there go make me coco" then I walked towards my room closing my door I got out again because well that room was lonely so I stormed to studio putting the tv on.

Blondie kept starting at me like a damn hawk 'bro do you have cologne with you' Mario gave him the cologne Blondie still looking at me I sow from my side view focusing on the tv and him the damn multi-tasker I am. Blondie had no mercy on the cologne he sprayed it like a woman's hair spray God damn this man needs to die he smirked devilishly when I started to cough from the strong scent of Mario's Ralf Lauren clouding the pure air I quickly jogged towards the outdoor area sliding the glass door open I sighed in relief then started to breath finally real air the wind was chilly though it was better than staying in a scented filled room of Ralf Lauren I shook my head in disbelief the nerve of that man.

"What the fuck"




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